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of a happy friendship! No more wiles and stratagems! Aid us; oh! aid

us; maiden huntress!


    All is for the best; and now; Laconians; take your wives away home

with you; and you; Athenians; yours。 May husband live happily with

wife; and wife with husband。 Dance; dance; to celebrate our bliss; and

let us be heedful to avoid like mistakes for the future。


    Appear; appear; dancers; and the Graces with you! Let us invoke;

one and all; Artemis; and her heavenly brother; gracious Apollo;

patron of the dance; and Dionysus; whose eye darts flame; as he

steps forward surrounded by the Maenad maids; and Zeus; who wields the

flashing lightning; and his august; thrice…blessed spouse; the Queen

of Heaven! These let us invoke; and all the other gods; calling all

the inhabitants of the skies to witness the noble Peace now

concluded under the fond auspices of Aphrodite。 Io Paean! Io Paean!

dance; leap; as in honour of a victory won。 Euoi! Euoi!  Euai! Euai!


    And you; our Laconian guests; sing us a new and inspiring strain!

  LACONIAN  (singing)

    Leave once more; oh! leave once more the noble height of Taygetus;

oh! Muse of Lacedaemon; and join us in singing the praises of Apollo

of Amyclae; and Athene of the Brazen House; and the gallant twin

sons of Tyndareus; who practise arms on the banks of the Eurotas

river。 Haste; haste hither with nimble…footed pace; let us sing

Sparta; the city that delights in choruses divinely sweet and graceful

dances; when our maidens bound lightly by the river side; like

frolicsome fillies; beating the ground with rapid steps and shaking

their long locks in the wind; as Bacchantes wave their wands in the

wild revels of the Wine…god。 At their head; oh! chaste and beauteous

goddess; daughter of Leto; Artemis; do thou lead the song and dance。

With a fillet binding thy waving tresses; appear in thy loveliness;

leap like a fawn; strike thy divine hands together to animate the

dance; and aid us to renown the valiant goddess of battles; great

Athene of the Brazen House!

                                    (All depart; singing and dancing。)

                           THE END

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