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come to avenge the murder of our sire。 But now that he is no more; I

look next to thee; not to flinch from aiding me thy sister to slay our

father's murderer; Aegisthus:… I must have no secret from thee more。

    How long art thou to wait inactive? What hope is left standing; to

which thine eyes can turn? Thou hast to complain that thou art

robbed of thy father's heritage; thou hast to mourn that thus far

thy life is fading without nuptial song or wedded love。 Nay; and do

not hope that such joys will ever be thine; Aegisthus is not so

ill…advised as ever to permit that children should spring from thee or

me for his own sure destruction。 But if thou wilt follow my

counsels; first thou wilt win praise of piety from our dead sire

below; and from our brother too; next; thou shalt be called free

henceforth; as thou wert born; and shalt find worthy bridals; for

noble natures draw the gaze of all。

    Then seest thou not what fair fame thou wilt win for thyself and

for me; by hearkening to my word? What citizen or stranger; when he

sees us; will not greet us with praises such as these?… 'Behold

these two sisters; my friends; who saved their father's house; who;

when their foes were firmly planted of yore; took their lives in their

hands and stood forth as avengers of blood! Worthy of love are these

twain; worthy of reverence from all; at festivals; and wherever the

folk are assembled; let these be honoured of all men for their

prowess。' Thus will every one speak of us; so that in life and in

death our glory shall not fail。

    Come; dear sister; hearken! Work with thy sire; share the burden

of thy brother; win rest from woes for me and for thyself;… mindful of

this; that an ignoble life brings shame upon the noble。


    In such case as this; forethought is helpful for those who speak

and those who hear。


    Yea; and before she spake; my friends; were she blest with a sound

mind; she would have remembered caution; as she doth not remember it。

    Now whither canst thou have turned thine eyes; that thou art

arming thyself with such rashness; and calling me to aid thee? Seest

thou not; thou art a woman; not a man; and no match for thine

adversaries in strength? And their fortune prospers day by day;

while ours is ebbing and coming to nought。 Who; then; plotting to

vanquish a foe so strong; shall escape without suffering deadly

scathe? See that we change not our evil plight to worse; if any one

hears these words。 It brings us no relief or benefit; if; after

winning fair fame; we die an ignominious death; for mere death is

not the bitterest; but rather when one who wants to die cannot

obtain even that boon。

    Nay; I beseech thee; before we are utterly destroyed; and leave

our house desolate; restrain thy rage! I will take care that thy words

remain secret and harmless; and learn thou the prudence; at last

though late; of yielding; when so helpless; to thy rulers。


    Hearken; there is no better gain for mortals to win than foresight

and a prudent mind。


    Thou hast said nothing unlooked…for; I well knew that thou wouldst

reject what I proffered。 Well! I must do this deed with mine own hand;

and alone; for assuredly I will not leave it void。


    Alas! Would thou hadst been so purposed on the day of our father's

death! What mightst thou not have wrought?


    My nature was the same then; but my mind less ripe。


    Strive to keep such a mind through all thy life。


    These counsels mean that thou wilt not share my deed。


    No; for the venture is likely to bring disaster。


    I admire thy prudence; thy cowardice I hate。


    I will listen not less calmly when thou praise me。


    Never fear to suffer that from me。


    Time enough in the future to decide that。


    Begone; there is no power to help in thee。


    Not so; but in thee; no mind to learn。


    Go; declare all this to thy mother!


    But; again; I do not hate thee with such a hate。


    Yet know at least to what dishonour thou bringest me。


    Dishonour; no! I am only thinking of thy good。


    Am I bound; then; to follow thy rule of right?


    When thou art wise; then thou shalt be our guide。


    Sad; that one who speaks so well should speak amiss!


    Thou hast well described the fault to which thou cleavest。


    How? Dost thou not think that I speak with justice?


    But sometimes justice itself is fraught with harm。


    I care not to live by such a law。


    Well; if thou must do this; thou wilt praise me yet。


    And do it I will; no whit dismayed by thee。


    Is this so indeed? Wilt thou not change thy counsels?


    No; for nothing is more hateful than bad counsel。


    Thou seemest to agree with nothing that I urge。


    My resolve is not new; but long since fixed。


    Then I will go; thou canst not be brought to approve my words; nor

to commend thy conduct。


    Nay; go within; never will I follow thee; however much thou

mayst desire it; it were great folly even to attempt an idle quest。


    Nay; if thou art wise in thine own eyes; be such wisdom thine;

by and by; when thou standest in evil plight; thou wilt praise my


                                  (CHRYSOTHEMIS goes into the palace。)

  CHORUS  (singing)

                                                             strophe 1

    When we see the birds of the air; with sure instinct; careful to

nourish those who give them life and nurture; why do not we pay

these debts in like measure? Nay; by the lightning…flash of Zeus; by

Themis throned in heaven; it is not long till sin brings sorrow。

    Voice that comest to the dead beneath the earth; send a piteous

cry; I pray thee; to the son of Atreus in that world; a joyless

message of dishonour;

                                                         antistrophe 1

    tell him that the fortunes of his house are now distempered;

while; among his children; strife of sister with sister hath broken

the harmony of loving days。 Electra; forsaken; braves the storm alone;

she bewails alway; hapless one; her father's fate; like the

nightingale unwearied in lament; she recks not of death; but is

ready to leave the sunlight; could she but quell the two Furies of her

house。 Who shall match such noble child of noble sire?

                                                             strophe 2

    No generous soul deigns; by a base life; to cloud a fair repute;

and leave a name inglorious; as thou; too; O my daughter; 
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