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    Then I will speak。 Thou sayest that thou hast slain my father。

What word could bring thee deeper shame than that; whether the deed

was just or not? But I must tell thee that thy deed was not just;

no; thou wert drawn on to it by the wooing of the base man who is

now thy spouse。

    Ask the huntress Artemis what sin she punished when she stayed the

frequent winds at Aulis; or I will tell thee; for we may not learn

from her。 My father… so I have heard… was once disporting himself in

the grove of the goddess; when his footfall startled a dappled and

antlered stag; he shot it; and chanced to utter a certain boast

concerning its slaughter。 Wroth thereat; the daughter of Leto detained

the Greeks; that; in quittance for the wild creature's life; my father

should yield up the life of his own child。 Thus it befell that she was

sacrificed; since the fleet had no other release; homeward or to Troy;

and for that cause; under sore constraint and with sore reluctance; at

last he slew her… not for the sake of Menelaus。

    But grant… for I will take thine own plea… grant that the motive

of his deed was to benefit his brother;… was that a reason for his

dying by thy hand? Under what law? See that; in making such a law

for men; thou make not trouble and remorse for thyself; for; if we are

to take blood for blood; thou wouldst be the first to die; didst

thou meet with thy desert。

    But look if thy pretext is not false。 For tell me; if thou wilt;

wherefore thou art now doing the most shameless deeds of all;…

dwelling as wife with that blood…guilty one; who first helped thee

to slay my sire; and bearing children to him; while thou hast cast out

the earlier…born; the stainless offspring of a stainless marriage。 How

can I praise these things? Or wilt thou say that this; too; is thy

vengeance for thy daughter? Nay; shameful plea; if so thou plead; 'tis

not well to wed an enemy for a daughter's sake。

    But indeed I may not even counsel thee;… who shriekest that I

revile my mother; and truly I think that to me thou art less a

mother than mistress; so wretched is the life that I live; ever

beset with miseries by thee and by thy partner。 And that other; who

scarce escaped thy hand; the hapless Orestes; is wearing out his

ill…starred days in exile。 Often hast thou charged me with rearing him

to punish thy crime; and I would have done so; if I could; thou

mayst be sure:…for that matter; denounce me to all; as disloyal; if

thou wilt; or petulant; or impudent; for if I am accomplished in

such ways; methinks I am no unworthy child of thee。


    I see that she breathes forth anger; but whether justice be with

her; for this she seems to care no longer。


    And what manner of care do I need to use against her; who hath

thus insulted a mother; and this at her ripe age? Thinkest thou not

that she would go forward to any deed; without shame?


    Now be assured that I do feel shame for this; though thou

believe it not; I know that my behaviour is unseemly; and becomes me

ill。 But then the enmity on thy part; and thy treatment; compel me

in mine own despite to do thus; for base deeds are taught by base。


    Thou brazen one! Truly I and my sayings and my deeds give thee too

much matter for words。


    The words are thine; not mine; for thine is the action; and the

acts find the utterance。


    Now by our lady Artemis; thou shalt not fail to pay for this

boldness; so soon as Aegisthus returns。


    Lo; thou art transported by anger; after granting me free

speech; aid hast no patience to listen。


    Now wilt thou not hush thy clamour; or even suffer me to

sacrifice; when I have permitted thee to speak unchecked?


    I hinder not;… begin thy rites; I pray thee; and blame not my

voice; for I shall say no more。


    Raise then; my handmaid; the offerings of many fruits; that I

may uplift my prayers to this our king; for deliverance from my

present fears。 Lend now a gracious ear; O Phoebus our defender; to

my words; though they be dark; for I speak not among friends; nor is

it meet to unfold my whole thought to the light; while she stands near

me; lest with her malice and her garrulous cry she spread some rash

rumour throughout the town: but hear me thus; since on this wise I

must speak。

    That vision which I saw last night in doubtful dreams… if it

hath come for my good; grant; Lycean king; that it be fulfilled; but

if for harm; then let it recoil upon my foes。 And if any are

plotting to hurl me by treachery from the high estate which now is

mine; permit them not; rather vouch。 safe that; still living thus

unscathed; I may bear sway over the house of the Atreidae and this

realm; sharing prosperous days with the friends who share them now;

and with those of my children from whom no enmity or bitterness

pursues me。

    O Lycean Apollo; graciously hear these prayers; and grant them

to us all; even as we ask! For the rest; though I be silent; I deem

that thou; a god; must know it; all things; surely; are seen by the

sons of Zeus。

                                             (The PAEDAGOGUS enters。)


    Ladies; might a stranger crave to know if this be the palace of

the king Aegisthus?


    It is; sir; thou thyself hast guessed aright。


    And am I right in surmising that this lady is his consort? She

is of queenly aspect。


    Assuredly; thou art in the presence of the queen。


    Hail; royal lady! I bring glad tidings to thee and to Aegisthus;

from friend。


    I welcome the omen; but I would fain know from thee; first; who

may have sent thee。


    Phanoteus the Phocian; on a weighty mission。


    What is it; sir? Tell me: coming from a friend; thou wilt bring; I

know; a kindly message。


    Orestes is dead; that is the sum。


    Oh; miserable that I am! I am lost this day!


    What sayest thou; friend; what sayest thou?… listen not to her!


    I said; and say again… Orestes is dead。


    I am lost; hapless one; I am undone!


    See thou to thine own concerns。… But do thou; sir; tell me

exactly;…how did he perish?


    I was sent for that purpose; and will tell thee all。 Having gone

to the renowned festival; the pride of Greece; for the Delphian games;

when he heard the loud summons to the foot…race which was first to

be decided; he entered the lists; a brilliant form; a wonder in the

eyes of all there; and; having finished his course at the point

where it began; he went out with the glorious meed of victory。 To

speak briefly; where there is much to tell; I know not the man whose

deeds and triumphs have matched his; but 
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