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a death in the desert-第5章

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Adriance; and his shoulders were broad and heavy; while those of

his brother were slender and rather girlish。  His face was of the

same oval mold; but it was gray and darkened about the mouth by

continual shaving。  His eyes were of the same inconstant April

color; but they were reflective and rather dull; while Adriance's

were always points of highlight; and always meaning another thing

than the thing they meant yesterday。  But it was hard to see why

this earnest man should so continually suggest that lyric;

youthful face that was as gay as his was grave。  For Adriance;

though he was ten years the elder; and though his hair was

streaked with silver; had the face of a boy of twenty; so mobile

that it told his thoughts before he could put them into words。

A contralto; famous for the extravagance of her vocal

methods and of her affections; had once said to him that the

shepherd boys who sang in the Vale of Tempe must certainly have

looked like young Hilgarde; and the comparison had been

appropriated by a hundred shyer women who preferred to quote。

As Everett sat smoking on the veranda of the InterOcean

House that night; he was a victim to random recollections。  His

infatuation for Katharine Gaylord; visionary as it was; had been

the most serious of his boyish love affairs; and had long

disturbed his bachelor dreams。  He was painfully timid in

everything relating to the emotions; and his hurt had withdrawn

him from the society of women。  The fact that it was all so done

and dead and far behind him; and that the woman had lived her

life out since then; gave him an oppressive sense of age and

loss。  He bethought himself of something he had read about

〃sitting by the hearth and remembering the faces of women without

desire;〃 and felt himself an octogenarian。

He remembered how bitter and morose he had grown during his

stay at his brother's studio when Katharine Gaylord was working

there; and how he had wounded Adriance on the night of his last

concert in New York。  He had sat there in the box while his

brother and Katharine were called back again and again after the

last number; watching the roses go up over the footlights until

they were stacked half as high as the piano; brooding; in his

sullen boy's heart; upon the pride those two felt in each other's

workspurring each other to their best and beautifully

contending in song。  The footlights had seemed a hard; glittering

line drawn sharply between their life and his; a circle of flame

set about those splendid children of genius。  He walked back to

his hotel alone and sat in his window staring out on Madison

Square until long after midnight; resolving to beat no more at

doors that he could never enter and realizing more keenly than

ever before how far this glorious world of beautiful creations

lay from the paths of men like himself。  He told himself that he

had in common with this woman only the baser uses of life。

Everett's week in Cheyenne stretched to three; and he saw no

prospect of release except through the thing he dreaded。  The

bright; windy days of the Wyoming autumn passed swiftly。  Letters

and telegrams came urging him to hasten his trip to the coast;

but he resolutely postponed his business engagements。  The

mornings he spent on one of Charley Gaylord's ponies; or fishing

in the mountains; and in the evenings he sat in his room writing

letters or reading。  In the afternoon he was usually at his post

of duty。  Destiny; he reflected; seems to have very positive

notions about the sort of parts we are fitted to play。  The scene

changes and the compensation varies; but in the end we usually

find that we have played the same class of business from first to

last。  Everett had been a stopgap all his life。  He remembered

going through a looking glass labyrinth when he was a boy and

trying gallery after gallery; only at every turn to bump his nose

against his own facewhich; indeed; was not his own; but his

brother's。  No matter what his mission; east or west; by land or

sea; he was sure to find himself employed in his brother's

business; one of the tributary lives which helped to swell the

shining current of Adriance Hilgarde's。  It was not the first

time that his duty had been to comfort; as best he could; one of

the broken things his brother's imperious speed had cast aside

and forgotten。  He made no attempt to analyze the situation or to

state it in exact terms; but he felt Katharine Gaylord's need for

him; and he accepted it as a commission from his brother to help

this woman to die。  Day by day he felt her demands on him grow

more imperious; her need for him grow more acute and positive;

and day by day he felt that in his peculiar relation to her his

own individuality played a smaller and smaller part。  His power

to minister to her comfort; he saw; lay solely in his link with

his brother's life。  He understood all that his physical

resemblance meant to her。  He knew that she sat by him always

watching for some common trick of gesture; some familiar play of

expression; some illusion of light and shadow; in which he should

seem wholly Adriance。  He knew that she lived upon this and that

her disease fed upon it; that it sent shudders of remembrance

through her and that in the exhaustion which followed this

turmoil of her dying senses; she slept deep and sweet and

dreamed of youth and art and days in a certain old Florentine

garden; and not of bitterness and death。

The question which most perplexed him was; 〃How much shall I

know?  How much does she wish me to know?〃  A few days after his

first meeting with Katharine Gaylord; he had cabled his brother

to write her。  He had merely said that she was mortally ill; he

could depend on Adriance to say the right thingthat was a part

of his gift。  Adriance always said not only the right thing; but

the opportune; graceful; exquisite thing。  His phrases took the

color of the moment and the then…present condition; so that they

never savored of perfunctory compliment or frequent usage。  He

always caught the lyric essence of the moment; the poetic

suggestion of every situation。  Moreover; he usually did the

right thing; the opportune; graceful; exquisite thingexcept;

when he did very cruel thingsbent upon making people happy

when their existence touched his; just as he insisted that his

material environment should be beautiful; lavishing upon those

near him all the warmth and radiance of his rich nature; all the

homage of the poet and troubadour; and; when they were no longer

near; forgettingf
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