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a death in the desert-第4章

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of coughing; and Everett; embarrassed by her discomfort; plunged

into gossip about the professional people he had met in town

during the summer and the musical outlook for the winter。  He was

diagraming with his pencil; on the back of an old envelope he

found in his pocket; some new mechanical device to be

used at the Metropolitan in the production of the Rheingold;

when he became conscious that she was looking at him intently; and

that he was talking to the four walls。

Katharine was lying back among the pillows; watching him

through half…closed eyes; as a painter looks at a picture。  He

finished his explanation vaguely enough and put the envelope back

in his pocket。  As he did so she said; quietly: 〃How wonderfully

like Adriance you are!〃 and he felt as though a crisis of some

sort had been met and tided over。

He laughed; looking up at her with a touch of pride in his

eyes that made them seem quite boyish。  〃Yes; isn't it absurd?

It's almost as awkward as looking like Napoleonbut; after all;

there are some advantages。  It has made some of his friends like

me; and I hope it will make you。〃

Katharine smiled and gave him a quick; meaning glance from

under her lashes。  〃Oh; it did that long ago。  What a haughty;

reserved youth you were then; and how you used to stare at people

and then blush and look cross if they paid you back in your own

coin。  Do you remember that night when you took me home from a

rehearsal and scarcely spoke a word to me?〃

〃It was the silence of admiration;〃 protested Everett; 〃very

crude and boyish; but very sincere and not a little painful。 

Perhaps you suspected something of the sort?  I remember you saw

fit to be very grown…up and worldly。

〃I believe I suspected a pose; the one that college boys

usually affect with singers'an earthen vessel in love with a

star;' you know。  But it rather surprised me in you; for you must

have seen a good deal of your brother's pupils。  Or had you an

omnivorous capacity; and elasticity that always met the


〃Don't ask a man to confess the follies of his youth;〃 said

Everett; smiling a little sadly; 〃I am sensitive about some of

them even now。  But I was not so sophisticated as you imagined。 

I saw my brother's pupils come and go; but that was about all。 

Sometimes I was called on to play accompaniments; or to fill out

a vacancy at a rehearsal; or to order a carriage for an

infuriated soprano who had thrown up her part。  But they never

spent any time on me; unless it was to notice the resemblance you

speak of。〃

〃Yes〃; observed Katharine; thoughtfully; 〃I noticed it then;

too; but it has grown as you have grown older。  That is rather

strange; when you have lived such different lives。  It's not

merely an ordinary family likeness of feature; you know; but a

sort of interchangeable individuality; the suggestion of the

other man's personality in your face like an air transposed to

another key。  But I'm not attempting to define it; it's beyond

me; something altogether unusual and a triflewell; uncanny;〃

she finished; laughing。

〃I remember;〃 Everett said seriously; twirling the pencil

between his fingers and looking; as he sat with his head thrown

back; out under the red window blind which was raised just a

little; and as it swung back and forth in the wind revealed the

glaring panorama of the deserta blinding stretch of yellow;

flat as the sea in dead calm; splotched here and there with deep

purple shadows; and; beyond; the ragged…blue outline of the

mountains and the peaks of snow; white as the white clouds〃I

remember; when I was a little fellow I used to be very sensitive

about it。 I don't think it exactly displeased me; or that I would

have had it otherwise if I could; but it seemed to me like a

birthmark; or something not to be lightly spoken of。  People were

naturally always fonder of Ad than of me; and I used to feel the

chill of reflected light pretty often。  It came into even my

relations with my mother。  Ad went abroad to study when he was

absurdly young; you know; and mother was all broken up over it。 

She did her whole duty by each of us; but it was sort of

generally understood among us that she'd have made burnt

offerings of us all for Ad any day。  I was a little fellow then;

and when she sat alone on the porch in the summer dusk she used

sometimes to call me to her and turn my face up in the light that

streamed out through the shutters and kiss me; and then I always

knew she was thinking of Adriance。〃

〃Poor little chap;〃 said Katharine; and her tone was a

trifle huskier than usual。  〃How fond people have always been of

Adriance!  Now tell me the latest news of him。  I haven't heard;

except through the press; for a year or more。  He was in Algeria

then; in the valley of the Chelif; riding horseback night and day

in an Arabian costume; and in his usual enthusiastic fashion he

had quite made up his mind to adopt the Mohammedan faith

and become as nearly an Arab as possible。  How many countries and

faiths has be adopted; I wonder?  Probably he was playing Arab to

himself all the time。  I remember he was a sixteenth…century duke

in Florence once for weeks together。〃

〃Oh; that's Adriance;〃 chuckled Everett。  〃He is himself

barely long enough to write checks and be measured for his

clothes。  I didn't hear from him while he was an Arab; I missed


〃He was writing an Algerian suite for the piano then; it

must be in the publisher's hands by this time。  I have been too

ill to answer his letter; and have lost touch with him。〃

Everett drew a letter from his pocket。  〃This came about a

month ago。  It's chiefly about his new opera; which is to be

brought out in London next winter。  Read it at your leisure。〃

〃I think I shall keep it as a hostage; so that I may be sure

you will come again。  Now I want you to play for me。  Whatever

you like; but if there is anything new in the world; in mercy let

me hear it。  For nine months I have heard nothing but 'The

Baggage Coach Ahead' and 'She Is My Baby's Mother。'〃

He sat down at the piano; and Katharine sat near him;

absorbed in his remarkable physical likeness to his brother and

trying to discover in just what it consisted。  She told herself

that it was very much as though a sculptor's finished work had

been rudely copied in wood。  He was of a larger build than

Adriance; and his shoulders were broad and heavy; while those of

his brother were slender and rather girlish
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