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a death in the desert-第2章

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square…shouldered and solidly built。  His thick; closely cut hair

was beginning to show gray about the ears; and his bronzed face was

heavily lined。  His square brown hands were locked behind him; and

he held his shoulders like a man conscious of responsibilities;

yet; as he turned to greet Everett; there was an incongruous

diffidence in his address。

〃Good morning; Mr。 Hilgarde;〃 he said; extending his hand;

〃I found your name on the hotel register。  My name is Gaylord。 

I'm afraid my sister startled you at the station last night; Mr。

Hilgarde; and I've come around to apologize。〃

〃Ah!  The young lady in the phaeton?  I'm sure I didn't know

whether I had anything to do with her alarm or not。  If I did; it

is I who owe the apology。〃

The man colored a little under the dark brown of his face。

〃Oh; it's nothing you could help; sir; I fully understand

that。  You see; my sister used to be a pupil of your brother's;

and it seems you favor him; and when the switch engine threw a

light on your face it startled her。〃

Everett wheeled about in his chair。  〃Oh! Katharine Gaylord!

Is it possible!  Now it's you who have given me a turn。  Why; I

used to know her when I was a boy。  What on earth〃

〃Is she doing here?〃 said Gaylord; grimly filling out the

pause。  〃You've got at the heart of the matter。  You knew my

sister had been in bad health for a long time?〃

〃No; I had never heard a word of that。  The last I knew of

her she was singing in London。  My brother and I correspond

infrequently and seldom get beyond family matters。  I am deeply

sorry to hear this。  There are more reasons why I am concerned

than I can tell you。〃

The lines in Charley Gaylord's brow relaxed a little。

〃What I'm trying to say; Mr。 Hilgarde; is that she wants to see

you。  I hate to ask you; but she's so set on it。  We live several

miles out of town; but my rig's below; and I can take you out

anytime you can go。〃

〃I can go now; and it will give me real pleasure to do so;〃 said

Everett; quickly。  〃I'll get my hat and be with you in a moment。〃

When he came downstairs Everett found a cart at the door;

and Charley Gaylord drew a long sigh of relief as he gathered up

the reins and settled back into his own element。

〃You see; I think I'd better tell you something about my

sister before you see her; and I don't know just where to begin。 

She traveled in Europe with your brother and his wife; and sang

at a lot of his concerts; but I don't know just how much you know

about her。〃

〃Very little; except that my brother always thought her the

most gifted of his pupils; and that when I knew her she was very

young and very beautiful and turned my head sadly for a while。〃

Everett saw that Gaylord's mind was quite engrossed by his

grief。  He was wrought up to the point where his reserve and

sense of proportion had quite left him; and his trouble was the

one vital thing in the world。  〃That's the whole thing;〃 he went

on; flicking his horses with the whip。

〃She was a great woman; as you say; and she didn't come of a

great family。  She had to fight her own way from the first。  She

got to Chicago; and then to New York; and then to Europe; where

she went up like lightning; and got a taste for it all; and now

she's dying here like a rat in a hole; out of her own world; and

she can't fall back into ours。  We've grown apart; some way

miles and miles apartand I'm afraid she's fearfully unhappy。〃

〃It's a very tragic story that you are telling me; Gaylord;〃

said Everett。  They were well out into the country now; spinning

along over the dusty plains of red grass; with the ragged…blue

outline of the mountains before them。

〃Tragic!〃 cried Gaylord; starting up in his seat; 〃my God; man;

nobody will ever know how tragic。  It's a tragedy I live with and

eat with and sleep with; until I've lost my grip on everything。 

You see she had made a good bit of money; but she spent it all

going to health resorts。  It's her lungs; you know。  I've got money

enough to send her anywhere; but the doctors all say it's no use。 

She hasn't the ghost of a chance。  It's just getting through the

days now。  I had no notion she was half so bad before she came to

me。  She just wrote that she was all run down。  Now that she's

here; I think she'd be happier anywhere under the sun; but she

won't leave。  She says it's easier to let go of life here; and that

to go East would be dying twice。  There was a time when I was a

brakeman with a run out of Bird City; Iowa; and she was a little

thing I could carry on my shoulder; when I could get her everything

on earth she wanted; and she hadn't a wish my 80 a month didn't

cover; and now; when I've got a little property together; I can't

buy her a night's sleep!〃

Everett saw that; whatever Charley Gaylord's present status

in the world might be; he had brought the brakeman's heart up the

ladder with him; and the brakeman's frank avowal of sentiment。 

Presently Gaylord went on:

〃You can understand how she has outgrown her family。  We're

all a pretty common sort; railroaders from away back。  My father

was a conductor。  He died when we were kids。  Maggie; my other

sister; who lives with me; was a telegraph operator here while I

was getting my grip on things。  We had no education to speak of。 

I have to hire a stenographer because I can't spell straightthe

Almighty couldn't teach me to spell。  The things that make up

life to Kate are all Greek to me; and there's scarcely a point

where we touch any more; except in our recollections of the old

times when we were all young and happy together; and Kate sang in

a church choir in Bird City。  But I believe; Mr。 Hilgarde; that

if she can see just one person like you; who knows about the

things and people she's interested in; it will give her about the

only comfort she can have now。〃

The reins slackened in Charley Gaylord's hand as they drew

up before a showily painted house with many gables and a round

tower。  〃Here we are;〃 he said; turning to Everett; 〃and I guess

we understand each other。〃

They were met at the door by a thin; colorless woman; whom

Gaylord introduced as 〃my sister; Maggie。〃  She asked her brother

to show Mr。 Hilgarde into the music room; where Katharine wished

to see him alone。

When Everett entered the music room he gave a little start

of surprise; feeling that he had stepped from the glaring Wyoming

sunlight into some 
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