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     〃I'm glad;〃 she said simply。 

     They stood looking at each other; palms pressed to palms in meeting 

hands;   supremely   happy   in   this   miracle   of   love   that   had   befallen   them。 

They     were    alonefor   Nora    and   Jim   had   gone    into  temporary     eclipse 

behind a hill and seemed in no hurry to emergealone in the sunshine with 

this   wonder   that   flowed   from   one   to   another   by   shining   eyes;   by   finger 

touch; and then by meeting lips。 He held her close; knew the sweet delight 

of   contact   with   the   supple;   surrendered   figure;   then   released   her   as   she 

drew away in maidenly reserve。 

     〃When shall we be married; Helen? Is the early part of next week too 

late?〃 he asked。 

     Still blushing; she straightened her hat。 〃That's ridiculous; sir。 I haven't 

got used to the thought of you yet。〃 

     〃Plenty   of   time   for   that   afterward。   Then   we'll   say   next   week   if   that 

suits y'u。〃 

     〃But it doesn't。 Don't you know that it is the lady's privilege to name 


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the day? Besides; I want time to change my mind if I should decide to。〃 

     〃That's what I'm afraid of;〃 he laughed joyfully。 〃So I have to insist on 

an early marriage。〃 

     〃Insist?〃 she demurred。 

     〃I've   been   told   on   the   best   of   authority   that   I'm   very   obstinate;〃   he 

gayly answered。 

     〃I have a mind of my own myself。 If I ever marry you be sure I shall 

name the day; sir。〃 

     〃Will y'u marry me the day Nora does Jim?〃 

     〃We'll   see。〃 The   eyes   slanted   at   him  under   the   curved   lashes;   teased 

him delightfully。 〃Did Nora tell you she was going to marry Jim?〃 

     Bannister looked mildly hurt。 〃My common sense has been telling it to 

me a month。〃 

     〃How long has your common sense been telling you about us?〃 

     〃I didn't use it when I fell in love with y'u;〃 he boldly laughed。 

     〃Of all things to say!〃 


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