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the sorrows of young werther-第9章

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e a condemned criminal; with the bitter feeling that your whole fortune could not save her; and the agonising thought wrings you; that all your efforts are powerless to impart even a moment's strength to the departing soul; or quicken her with a transitory consolation。〃

At these words the remembrance of a similar scene at which I had been once present fell with full force upon my heart。 I buried my face in my handkerchief; and hastened from the room; and was only recalled to my recollection by Charlotte's voice; who reminded me that it was time to return home。  With what tenderness she chid me on the way for the too eager interest I took in everything! She declared it would do me injury; and that I ought to spare myself。  Yes; my angel!  I will do so for your sake。


She is still with her dying friend; and is still the same bright; beautiful creature whose presence softens pain; and sheds happiness around whichever way she turns。  She went out yesterday with her little sisters: I knew it; and went to meet them; and we walked together。  In about an hour and a half we returned to the town。 We stopped at the spring I am so fond of; and which is now a thousand times dearer to me than ever。  Charlotte seated herself upon the low wall; and we gathered about her。  I looked around; and recalled the time when my heart was unoccupied and free。 〃Dear fountain!〃 I said; 〃since that time I have no more come to enjoy cool repose by thy fresh stream: I have passed thee with careless steps; and scarcely bestowed a glance upon thee。〃  I looked down; and observed Charlotte's little sister; Jane; coming up the steps with a glass of water。  I turned toward Charlotte; and I felt her influence over me。  Jane at the moment approached with the glass。  Her sister; Marianne; wished to take it from her。 〃No!〃 cried the child; with the sweetest expression of face; 〃Charlotte must drink first。〃

The affection and simplicity with which this was uttered so charmed me; that I sought to express my feelings by catching up the child and kissing her heartily。  She was frightened; and began to cry。 〃You should not do that;〃 said Charlotte: I felt perplexed。  〃Come; Jane;〃 she continued; taking her hand; and leading her down the steps again; 〃it is no matter: wash yourself quickly in the fresh water。〃  I stood and watched them; and when I saw the little dear rubbing her cheeks with her wet hands; in full belief that all the impurities contracted from my ugly beard would be washed off by the miraculous water; and how; though Charlotte said it would do; she continued still to wash with all her might; as though she thought too much were better than too little; I assure you; Wilhelm; I never attended a baptism with greater reverence; and; when Charlotte came up from the well; I could have prostrated myself as before the prophet of an Eastern nation。

In the evening I would not resist telling the story to a person who; I thought; possessed some natural feeling; because he was a man of understanding。  But what a mistake I made。  He maintained it was very wrong of Charlotte; that we should not deceive children; that such things occasioned countless mistakes and superstitions; from which we were bound to protect the young。  It occurred to me then; that this very man had been baptised only a week before; so I said nothing further; but maintained the justice of my own convictions。  We should deal with children as God deals with us; we are happiest under the influence of innocent delusions。


What a child is man that he should be so solicitous about a look! What a child is man!  We had been to Walheim: the ladies went in a carriage; but during our walk I thought I saw in Charlotte's dark eyes  I am a fool  but forgive me! you should see them;  those eyes。  However; to be brief (for my own eyes are weighed down with sleep); you must know; when the ladies stepped into their carriage again; young W。 Seldstadt; Andran; and I were standing about the door。  They are a merry set of fellows; and they were all laughing and joking together。  I watched Charlotte's eyes。 They wandered from one to the other; but they did not light on me; on me; who stood there motionless; and who saw nothing but her! My heart bade her a thousand times adieu; but she noticed me not。 The carriage drove off; and my eyes filled with tears。  I looked after her: suddenly I saw Charlotte's bonnet leaning out of the window; and she turned to look back; was it at me?  My dear friend; I know not; and in this uncertainty I find consolation。  Perhaps she turned to look at me。  Perhaps!  Good…night  what a child I am!    JULY lO。

You should see how foolish I look in company when her name is mentioned; particularly when I am asked plainly how I like her。 How I like her!  I detest the phrase。  What sort of creature must he be who merely liked Charlotte; whose whole heart and senses were not entirely absorbed by her。  Like her!  Some one asked me lately how I liked Ossian。

JULY 11。

Madame M is very ill。  I pray for her recovery; because Charlotte shares my sufferings。  I see her occasionally at my friend's house; and to…day she has told me the strangest circumstance。  Old M is a covetous; miserly fellow; who has long worried and annoyed the poor lady sadly; but she has borne her afflictions patiently。 A few days ago; when the physician informed us that her recovery was hopeless; she sent for her husband (Charlotte was present); and addressed him thus: 〃I have something to confess; which; after my decease; may occasion trouble and confusion。  I have hitherto conducted your household as frugally and economically as possible; but you must pardon me for having defrauded you for thirty years。 At the commencement of our married life; you allowed a small sum for the wants of the kitchen; and the other household expenses。 When our establishment increased and our property grew larger; I could not persuade you to increase the weekly allowance in proportion: in short; you know; that; when our wants were greatest; you required me to supply everything with seven florins a week。  I took the money from you without an observation; but made up the weekly deficiency from the money…chest; as nobody would suspect your wife of robbing the household bank。  But I have wasted nothing; and should have been content to meet my eternal Judge without this confession; if she; upon whom the management of your establishment will devolve after my decease; would be free from embarrassment upon your insisting that the allowance made to me; your former wife; was sufficient。〃

I talked with Charlotte of the inconceivable manner in which men allow themselves to be blinded; how any one could avoid suspecting some deception; when seven florins only were allowed to defray expenses twice as great。  But I have myself known people who believed; without any visible astonishment; that their house possessed the prophet's never…failing cruse of oil。

JULY 13。

No; I am not deceived。  In her dark eyes I read a genuine interest in me and in my fortunes。  Yes; I feel it; and I may believe my own heart which tells me  dare I say it?  dare I pronounce the divine words?  that she loves me!

That she loves me!  How the idea exalts
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