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the sorrows of young werther-第31章

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ight I heard her cries。  Loud was the wind; the rain beat hard on the hill。  Before morning appeared; her voice was weak; it died away like the evening breeze among the grass of the rocks。  Spent with grief; she expired; and left thee; Armin; alone。  Gone is my strength in war; fallen my pride among women。  When the storms aloft arise; when the north lifts the wave on high; I sit by the sounding shore; and look on the fatal rock。

〃Often by the setting moon I see the ghosts of my children; half viewless they walk in mournful conference together。〃

A torrent of tears which streamed from Charlotte's eyes and gave relief to her bursting heart; stopped Werther's recitation。  He threw down the book; seized her hand; and wept bitterly。  Charlotte leaned upon her hand; and buried her face in her handkerchief: the agitation of both was excessive。  They felt that their own fate was pictured in the misfortunes of Ossian's heroes; they felt this together; and their tears redoubled。  Werther supported his forehead on Charlotte's arm: she trembled; she wished to be gone; but sorrow and sympathy lay like a leaden weight upon her soul。  She recovered herself shortly; and begged Werther; with broken sobs; to leave her; implored him with the utmost earnestness to comply with her request。  He trembled; his heart was ready to burst: then; taking up the book again; he recommenced reading; in a voice broken by sobs。    〃Why dost thou waken me; O spring?  Thy voice woos me; exclaiming; I refresh thee with heavenly dews; but the time of my decay is approaching; the storm is nigh that shall whither my leaves。 Tomorrow the traveller shall come; he shall come; who beheld me in beauty: his eye shall seek me in the field around; but he shall not find me。〃

The whole force of these words fell upon the unfortunate Werther。 Full of despair; he threw himself at Charlotte's feet; seized her hands; and pressed them to his eyes and to his forehead。  An apprehension of his fatal project now struck her for the first time。  Her senses were bewildered: she held his hands; pressed them to her bosom; and; leaning toward him with emotions of the tenderest pity; her warm cheek touched his。  They lost sight of everything。  The world disappeared from their eyes。  He clasped her in his arms; strained her to his bosom; and covered her trembling lips with passionate kisses。  〃Werther!〃 she cried with a faint voice; turning herself away;  〃Werther!〃 and; with a feeble hand; she pushed him from her。  At length; with the firm voice of virtue; she exclaimed; 〃Werther!〃 He resisted not; but; tearing himself from her arms; fell on his knees before her。  Charlotte rose; and; with disordered grief; in mingled tones of love and resentment; she exclaimed; 〃It is the last time; Werther!  You shall never see me any more!〃  Then; casting one last; tender look upon her unfortunate lover; she rushed into the adjoining room; and locked the door。  Werther held out his arms; but did not dare to detain her。  He continued on the ground; with his head resting on the sofa; for half an hour; till he heard a noise which brought him to his senses。  The servant entered。  He then walked up and down the room; and; when he was again left alone; he went to Charlotte's door; and; in a low voice; said; 〃Charlotte; Charlotte! but one word more; one last adieu!〃  She returned no answer。  He stopped; and listened and entreated; but all was silent。  At length he tore himself from the place; crying; 〃Adieu; Charlotte; adieu for ever!〃

Werther ran to the gate of the town。  The guards; who knew him; let him pass in silence。  The night was dark and stormy;  it rained and snowed。  He reached his own door about eleven。  His servant; although seeing him enter the house without his hat; did not venture to say anything; and; as he undressed his master; he found that his clothes were wet。  His hat was afterward found on the point of a rock overhanging the valley; and it is inconceivable how he could have climbed to the summit on such a dark; tempestuous night without losing his life。

He retired to bed; and slept to a late hour。  The next morning his servant; upon being called to bring his coffee; found him writing。 He was adding; to Charlotte; what we here annex。

〃For the last; last time I open these eyes。  Alas! they will behold the sun no more。  It is covered by a thick; impenetrable cloud。 Yes; Nature! put on mourning: your child; your friend; your lover; draws near his end!  This thought; Charlotte; is without parallel; and yet it seems like a mysterious dream when I repeat  this is my last day!  The last!  Charlotte; no word can adequately express this thought。  The last!  To…day I stand erect in all my strength to…morrow; cold and stark; I shall lie extended upon the ground。 To die! what is death?  We do but dream in our discourse upon it。 I have seen many human beings die; but; so straitened is our feeble nature; we have no clear conception of the beginning or the end of our existence。  At this moment I am my own  or rather I am thine; thine; my adored! and the next we are parted; severed  perhaps for ever!  No; Charlotte; no!  How can I; how can you; be annihilated?  We exist。  What is annihilation?  A mere word; an unmeaning sound that fixes no impression on the mind。  Dead; Charlotte! laid in the cold earth; in the dark and narrow grave! I had a friend once who was everything to me in early youth。 She died。  I followed her hearse; I stood by her grave when the coffin was lowered; and when I heard the creaking of the cords as they were loosened and drawn up; when the first shovelful of earth was thrown in; and the coffin returned a hollow sound; which grew fainter and fainter till all was completely covered over; I threw myself on the ground; my heart was smitten; grieved; shattered; rent  but I neither knew what had happened; nor what was to happen to me。  Death! the grave!  I understand not the words。  Forgive; oh; forgive me!  Yesterday  ah; that day should have been the last of my life!  Thou angel! for the first time in my existence; I felt rapture glow within my inmost soul。  She loves; she loves me!  Still burns upon my lips the sacred fire they received from thine。  New torrents of delight overwhelm my soul。 Forgive me; oh; forgive!

〃I knew that I was dear to you; I saw it in your first entrancing look; knew it by the first pressure of your hand; but when I was absent from you; when I saw Albert at your side; my doubts and fears returned。

〃Do you remember the flowers you sent me; when; at that crowded assembly; you could neither speak nor extend your hand to me? Half the night I was on my knees before those flowers; and I regarded them as the pledges of your love; but those impressions grew fainter; and were at length effaced。

〃Everything passes away; but a whole eternity could not extinguish the living flame which was yesterday kindled by your lips; and which now burns within me。  She loves me!  These arms have encircled her waist; these lips have trembled upon hers。  She is mine!  Yes; Charlotte; you are mine for ever!

〃And what do they mean by saying Albert is your husband?  He may be so for this world; and in this world it is a sin to love you; to wish to tear you from his em
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