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the sorrows of young werther-第30章

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 shall hear from his booth; he shall fear; but love my voice!  For sweet shall my voice be for my friends: pleasant were her friends  to Colma。

〃Such was thy song; Minona; softly blushing daughter of Torman。 Our tears descended for Colma; and our souls were sad!  Ullin came with his harp; he gave the song of Alpin。  The voice of Alpin was pleasant; the soul of Ryno was a beam of fire!  But they had rested in the narrow house: their voice had ceased in Selma!  Ullin had returned one day from the chase before the heroes fell。  He heard their strife on the hill: their song was soft; but sad!  They mourned the fall of Morar; first of mortal men!  His soul was like the soul of Fingal: his sword like the sword of Oscar。  But he fell; and his father mourned: his sister's eyes were full of tears。 Minona's eyes were full of tears; the sister of car…borne Morar。 She retired from the song of Ullin; like the moon in the west; when she foresees the shower; and hides her fair head in a cloud。 I touched the harp with Ullin: the song of morning rose!

〃Ryno。  The wind and the rain are past; calm is the noon of day。 The clouds are divided in heaven。  Over the green hills flies the inconstant sun。  Red through the stony vale comes down the stream of the hill。  Sweet are thy murmurs; O stream! but more sweet is the voice I hear。  It is the voice of Alpin; the son of song; mourning for the dead!  Bent is his head of age: red his tearful eye。  Alpin; thou son of song; why alone on the silent hill? why complainest thou; as a blast in the wood as a wave on the lonely shore?

〃Alpin。  My tears; O Ryno! are for the dead my voice for those that have passed away。  Tall thou art on the hill; fair among the sons of the vale。  But thou shalt fall like Morar: the mourner shall sit on thy tomb。  The hills shall know thee no more: thy bow shall lie in thy hall unstrung!

〃Thou wert swift; O Morar! as a roe on the desert: terrible as a meteor of fire。  Thy wrath was as the storm。  Thy sword in battle as lightning in the field。  Thy voice was as a stream after rain; like thunder on distant hills。  Many fell by thy arm: they were consumed in the flames of thy wrath。  But when thou didst return from war; how peaceful was thy brow。  Thy face was like the sun after rain: like the moon in the silence of night: calm as the breast of the lake when the loud wind is laid。

〃Narrow is thy dwelling now! dark the place of thine abode!  With three steps I compass thy grave; O thou who wast so great before! Four stones; with their heads of moss; are the only memorial of thee。  A tree with scarce a leaf; long grass which whistles in the wind; mark to the hunter's eye the grave of the mighty Morar。 Morar! thou art low indeed。  Thou hast no mother to mourn thee; no maid with her tears of love。  Dead is she that brought thee forth。  Fallen is the daughter of Morglan。

〃Who on his staff is this?  Who is this whose head is white with age; whose eyes are red with tears; who quakes at every step?  It is thy father; O Morar! the father of no son but thee。  He heard of thy fame in war; he heard of foes dispersed。  He heard of Morar's renown; why did he not hear of his wound?  Weep; thou father of Morar!  Weep; but thy son heareth thee not。  Deep is the sleep of the dead; low their pillow of dust。  No more shall he hear thy voice; no more awake at thy call。  When shall it be morn in the grave; to bid the slumberer awake?  Farewell; thou bravest of men! thou conqueror in the field!  but the field shall see thee no more; nor the dark wood be lightened with the splendour of thy steel。 Thou has left no son。  The song shall preserve thy name。  Future times shall hear of thee they shall hear of the fallen Morar!

〃The grief of all arose; but most the bursting sigh of Armin。  He remembers the death of his son; who fell in the days of his youth。 Carmor was near the hero; the chief of the echoing Galmal。  Why burst the sigh of Armin? he said。  Is there a cause to mourn?  The song comes with its music to melt and please the soul。  It is like soft mist that; rising from a lake; pours on the silent vale; the green flowers are filled with dew; but the sun returns in his strength; and the mist is gone。  Why art thou sad; O Armin; chief of sea…surrounded Gorma?

〃Sad I am! nor small is my cause of woe!  Carmor; thou hast lost no son; thou hast lost no daughter of beauty。  Colgar the valiant lives; and Annira; fairest maid。  The boughs of thy house ascend; O Carmor! but Armin is the last of his race。  Dark is thy bed; O Daura! deep thy sleep in the tomb!  When shalt thou wake with thy songs? with all thy voice of music?

〃Arise; winds of autumn; arise: blow along the heath。  Streams of the mountains; roar; roar; tempests in the groves of my oaks!  Walk through broken clouds; O moon! show thy pale face at intervals; bring to my mind the night when all my children fell; when Arindal the mighty fell  when Daura the lovely failed。  Daura; my daughter; thou wert fair; fair as the moon on Fura; white as the driven snow; sweet as the breathing gale。  Arindal; thy bow was strong; thy spear was swift on the field; thy look was like mist on the wave; thy shield a red cloud in a storm!  Armar; renowned in war; came and sought Daura's love。  He was not long refused: fair was the hope of their friends。

〃Erath; son of Odgal; repined: his brother had been slain by Armar。 He came disguised like a son of the sea: fair was his cliff on the wave; white his locks of age; calm his serious brow。  Fairest of women; he said; lovely daughter of Armin! a rock not distant in the sea bears a tree on its side; red shines the fruit afar。  There Armar waits for Daura。  I come to carry his love! she went she called on Armar。  Nought answered; but the son of the rock。  Armar; my love; my love! why tormentest thou me with fear?  Hear; son of Arnart; hear! it is Daura who calleth thee。  Erath; the traitor; fled laughing to the land。  She lifted up her voice she called for her brother and her father。  Arindal!  Armin! none to relieve you; Daura。

〃Her voice came over the sea。  Arindal; my son; descended from the hill; rough in the spoils of the chase。  His arrows rattled by his side; his bow was in his hand; five dark…gray dogs attended his steps。  He saw fierce Erath on the shore; he seized and bound him to an oak。  Thick wind the thongs of the hide around his limbs; he loads the winds with his groans。  Arindal ascends the deep in his boat to bring Daura to land。  Armar came in his wrath; and let fly the gray…feathered shaft。  It sung; it sunk in thy heart; O Arindal; my son! for Erath the traitor thou diest。  The oar is stopped at once: he panted on the rock; and expired。  What is thy grief; O Daura; when round thy feet is poured thy brother's blood。 The boat is broken in twain。  Armar plunges into the sea to rescue his Daura; or die。  Sudden a blast from a hill came over the waves; he sank; and he rose no more。

〃Alone; on the sea…beat rock; my daughter was heard to complain; frequent and loud were her cries。  What could her father do?  All night I stood on the shore: I saw her by the faint beam of the moon。 All night I heard her cries。  Loud was the wind; the rain beat hard on the hill。  Before morning appeared
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