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the sorrows of young werther-第20章

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ith the same view in which they have been represented by others。

He values my understanding and talents more highly than my heart; but I am proud of the latter only。  It is the sole source of everything of our strength; happiness; and misery。  All the knowledge I possess every one else can acquire; but my heart is exclusively my own。

MAY 25。

I have had a plan in my head of which I did not intend to speak to you until it was accomplished: now that it has failed; I may as well mention it。  I wished to enter the army; and had long been desirous of taking the step。  This; indeed; was the chief reason for my coming here with the prince; as he is a general in the service。  I communicated my design to him during one of our walks together。  He disapproved of it; and it would have been actual madness not to have listened to his reasons。

JUNE 11。   Say what you will; I can remain here no longer。  Why should I remain?  Time hangs heavy upon my hands。  The prince is as gracious to me as any one could be; and yet I am not at my ease。  There is; indeed; nothing in common between us。  He is a man of understanding; but quite of the ordinary kind。  His conversation affords me no more amusement than I should derive from the perusal of a well…written book。  I shall remain here a week Ionger; and then start again on my travels。  My drawings are the best things I have done since I came here。  The prince has a taste for the arts; and would improve if his mind were not fettered by cold rules and mere technical ideas。  I often lose patience; when; with a glowing imagination;  I am giving expression to art and nature; he interferes with learned suggestions; and uses at random the technical phraseology of artists。

JULY 16。

Once more I am a wanderer; a pilgrim; through the world。  But what else are you!

JULY 18。

Whither am I going?  I will tell you in confidence。 I am obliged to continue a fortnight longer here; and then I think it would be better for me to visit the mines in 。  But I am only deluding myself thus。  The fact is; I wish to be near Charlotte again; that is all。  I smile at the suggestions of my heart; and obey its dictates。

JULY 29。

No; no! it is yet well all is well!  I her husband!  O God; who gave me being; if thou hadst destined this happiness for me; my whole life would have been one continual thanksgiving!  But I will not murmur  forgive these tears; forgive these fruitless wishes。 She  my wife!  Oh; the very thought of folding that dearest of Heaven's creatures in my arms!  Dear Wilhelm; my whole frame feels convulsed when I see Albert put his arms around her slender waist!

And shall I avow it?  Why should I not; Wilhelm?  She would have been happier with me than with him。  Albert is not the man to satisfy the wishes of such a heart。  He wants a certain sensibility; he wants  in short; their hearts do not beat in unison。  How often; my dear friend; im reading a passage from some interesting book; when my heart and Charlotte's seemed to meet; and in a hundred other instances when our sentiments were unfolded by the story of some fictitious character; have I felt that we were made for each other!  But; dear Wilhelm; he loves her with his whole soul; and what does not such a love deserve?

I have been interrupted by an insufferable visit。  I have dried my tears; and composed my thoughts。  Adieu; my best friend!


I am not alone unfortunate。  All men are disappointed in their hopes; and deceived in their expectations。  I have paid a visit to my good old woman under the lime…trees。  The eldest boy ran out to meet me: his exclamation of joy brought out his mother; but she had a very melancholy look。  Her first word was; 〃Alas! dear sir; my little John is dead。〃  He was the youngest of her children。  I was silent。  〃And my husband has returned from Switzerland without any money; and; if some kind people had not assisted him; he must have begged his way home。  He was taken ill with fever on his journey。〃  I could answer nothing; but made the little one a present。  She invited me to take some fruit: I complied; and left the place with a sorrowful heart。


My sensations are constantly changing。  Sometimes a happy prospect opens before me; but alas! it is only for a moment; and then; when I am lost in reverie; I cannot help saying to myself; 〃If Albert were to die?  Yes; she would become  and I should be〃  and so I pursue a chimera; till it leads me to the edge of a precipice at which I shudder。

When I pass through the same gate; and walk along the same road which first conducted me to Charlotte; my heart sinks within me at the change that has since taken place。  All; all; is altered! No sentiment; no pulsation of my heart; is the same。  My sensations are such as would occur to some departed prince whose spirit should return to visit the superb palace which he had built in happy times; adorned with costly magnificence; and left to a beloved son; but whose glory he should find departed; and its halls deserted and in ruins。


I sometimes cannot understand how she can love another; how she dares love another; when I love nothing in this world so completely; so devotedly; as I love her; when I know only her; and have no other possession。


It is even so!  As nature puts on her autumn tints it becomes autumn with me and around me。  My leaves are sere and yellow; and the neighbouring trees are divested of their foliage。  Do you remember my writing to you about a peasant boy shortly after my arrival here?  I have just made inquiries about him in Walheim。 They say he has been dismissed from his service; and is now avoided by every one。  I met him yesterday on the road; going to a neighbouring village。  I spoke to him; and he told me his story。 It interested me exceedingly; as you will easily understand when I repeat it to you。  But why should I trouble you?  Why should I not reserve all my sorrow for myself?  Why should I continue to give you occasion to pity and blame me?  But no matter: this also is part of my destiny。

At first the peasant lad answered my inquiries with a sort of subdued melancholy; which seemed to me the mark of a timid disposition; but; as we grew to understand each other; he spoke with less reserve; and openly confessed his faults; and lamented his misfortune。  I wish; my dear friend; I could give proper expression to his language。  He told me with a sort of pleasurable recollection; that; after my departure; his passion for his mistress increased daily; until at last he neither knew what he did nor what he said; nor what was to become of him。  He could neither eat nor drink nor sleep: he felt a sense of suffocation; he disobeyed all orders; and forgot all commands involuntarily; he seemed as if pursued by an evil spirit; till one day; knowing that his mistress had gone to an upper chamber; he had followed; or; rather; been drawn after her。  As she proved deaf to his entreaties; he had recourse to violence。  He knows not what happened; but he called God to witness that his intentions to her were honourable; and that he desired nothing more sincerely than that they should marry; and pass their lives together。  When he had come to th
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