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the man of the forest-第96章

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stone that an avalanche of a million years past had flung
from the rampart above to serve as camp…table and bench for
lovers in the wilderness; the sweet scent of spruce mingled
with the fragrance of wood…smoke blown in their faces。  How
white the stars; and calm and true!  How they blazed their
single task!  A coyote yelped off on the south slope; dark
now as midnight。  A bit of weathered rock rolled and tapped
from shelf to shelf。  And the wind moaned。  Helen felt all the
sadness and mystery and nobility of this lonely fastness;
and full on her heart rested the supreme consciousness that
all would some day be well with the troubled world beyond。

〃Nell; I'll homestead this park;〃 said Dale。  〃Then it'll
always be ours。〃

〃Homestead!  What's that?〃 murmured Helen; dreamily。  The word
sounded sweet。

〃The government will give land to men who locate an' build;〃
replied Dale。  〃We'll run up a log cabin。〃

〃And come here often。 。 。 。  Paradise Park!〃 whispered Helen。

Dale's first kisses were on her lips then; hard and cool and
clean; like the life of the man; singularly exalting to her;
completing her woman's strange and unutterable joy of the
hour; and rendering her mute。

Bo's melodious laugh; and her voice with its old mockery of
torment; drifted softly on the night breeze。  And the
cowboy's 〃Aw; Bo;〃 drawling his reproach and longing; was
all that the tranquil; waiting silence needed。

Paradise Park was living again one of its romances。  Love was
no stranger to that lonely fastness。  Helen heard in the
whisper of the wind through the pine the old…earth story;
beautiful; ever new; and yet eternal。  She thrilled to her
depths。  The spar…pointed spruces stood up black and clear
against the noble stars。  All that vast solitude breathed and
waited; charged full with its secret; ready to reveal itself
to her tremulous soul。

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