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the man of the forest-第95章

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curling upward; and the wind singing through the branches;
while the waterfall murmured its low; soft; dreamy music;
and from the dark slope came the wild; lonely cry of a wolf;
full of the hunger for life and a mate。

〃Let us pray;〃 said Roy; as he closed the Bible; and knelt
with them。

〃There is only one God; an' Him I beseech in my humble
office for the woman an' man I have just wedded in holy
bonds。  Bless them an' watch them an' keep them through all
the comin' years。  Bless the sons of this strong man of the
woods an' make them like him; with love an' understandin' of
the source from which life comes。  Bless the daughters of
this woman an' send with them more of her love an' soul;
which must be the softenin' an' the salvation of the hard
West。  0 Lord; blaze the dim; dark trail for them through the
unknown forest of life!  0 Lord; lead the way across the
naked range of the future no mortal knows!  We ask in Thy
name!  Amen。〃

When the preacher stood up again and raised the couple from
their kneeling posture; it seemed that a grave and solemn
personage had left him。  This young man was again the
dark…faced; clear…eyed Roy; droll and dry; with the
enigmatic smile on his lips。

〃Mrs。  Dale;〃 he said; taking her hands; 〃I wish you joy。 。 。
。  An' now; after this here; my crownin' service in your
behalf  I reckon I'll claim a reward。〃

Then he kissed her。  Bo came next with her warm and loving
felicitations; and the cowboy; with characteristic action;
also made at Helen。

〃Nell; shore it's the only chance I'll ever have to kiss
you;〃 he drawled。  〃Because when this heah big Indian once
finds out what kissin' is  !〃

Las Vegas then proved how swift and hearty he could be upon
occasions。  All this left Helen red and confused and
unutterably happy。  She appreciated Dale's state。  His eyes
reflected the precious treasure which manifestly he saw; but
realization of ownership had not yet become demonstrable。

Then with gay speech and happy laugh and silent look these
five partook of the supper。  When it was finished Roy made
known his intention to leave。  They all protested and coaxed;
but to no avail。  He only laughed and went on saddling his

〃Roy; please stay;〃 implored Helen。  〃The day's almost ended。
You're tired。〃

〃Nope。  I'll never be no third party when there's only two。〃

〃But there are four of us。〃

〃Didn't I just make you an' Dale one?  。 。 。  An'; Mrs。  Dale;
you forget I've been married more 'n once。〃

Helen found herself confronted by an unanswerable side of
the argument。  Las Vegas rolled on the grass in his mirth。
Dale looked strange。

〃Roy; then that's why you're so nice;〃 said Bo; with a
little devil in her eyes。  〃Do you know I had my mind made up
if Tom hadn't come around I was going to make up to you;
Roy。 。 。 。  I sure was。  What number wife would I have been?〃

It always took Bo to turn the tables on anybody。  Roy looked
mightily embarrassed。  And the laugh was on him。  He did not
face them again until he had mounted。

〃Las Vegas; I've done my best for you  hitched you to thet
blue…eyed girl the best I know how;〃 he declared。  〃But I
shore ain't guaranteein' nothin'。  You'd better build a
corral for her。〃

〃Why; Roy; you shore don't savvy the way to break these wild
ones;〃 drawled Las Vegas。  〃Bo will be eatin' out of my hand
in about a week。〃

Bo's blue eyes expressed an eloquent doubt as to this
extraordinary claim。

〃Good…by; friends;〃 said Roy; and rode away to disappear in
the spruces。

Thereupon Bo and Las Vegas forgot Roy; and Dale and Helen;
the camp chores to be done; and everything else except
themselves。  Helen's first wifely duty was to insist that she
should and could and would help her husband with the work of
cleaning up after the sumptuous supper。  Before they had
finished a sound startled them。  It came from Roy; evidently
high on the darkening slope; and was a long; mellow pealing
halloo; that rang on the cool air; burst the dreamy silence;
and rapped across from slope to slope and cliff to cliff; to
lose its power and die away hauntingly in the distant

Dale shook his head as if he did not care to attempt a reply
to that beautiful call。  Silence once again enfolded the
park; and twilight seemed to be born of the air; drifting

〃Nell; do you miss anythin'?〃 asked Dale。

〃No。  Nothing in all the world;〃 she murmured。  〃I am happier
than I ever dared pray to be。〃

〃I don't mean people or things。  I mean my pets。〃

〃Ah!  I had forgotten。 。 。 。  Milt; where are they?〃

〃Gone back to the wild;〃 he said。  〃They had to live in my
absence。  An' I've been away long。〃

Just then the brooding silence; with its soft murmur of
falling water and faint sigh of wind in the pines; was
broken by a piercing scream; high; quivering; like that of a
woman in exquisite agony。

〃That's Tom!〃 exclaimed Dale。

〃Oh  I was so  so frightened!〃 whispered Helen。

Bo came running; with Las Vegas at her heels。

〃Milt; that was your tame cougar;〃 cried Bo; excitedly。  〃Oh;
I'll never forget him!  I'll hear those cries in my dreams!〃

〃Yes; it was Tom;〃 said Dale; thoughtfully。  〃But I never
heard him cry just like that。〃

〃Oh; call him in!〃

Dale whistled and called; but Tom did not come。  Then the
hunter stalked off in the gloom to call from different
points under the slope。  After a while be returned without
the cougar。  And at that moment; from far up the dark ravine;
drifted down the same wild cry; only changed by distance;
strange and tragic in its meaning。
〃He scented us。  He remembers。  But he'll never come back;〃
said Dale。

Helen felt stirred anew with the convictions of Dale's deep
knowledge of life and nature。  And her imagination seemed to
have wings。  How full and perfect her trust; her happiness in
the realization that her love and her future; her children;
and perhaps grandchildren; would come under the guidance of
such a man!  Only a little had she begun to comprehend the
secrets of good and ill in their relation to the laws of
nature。  Ages before men had lived on the earth there had
been the creatures of the wilderness; and the holes of the
rocks; and the nests of the trees; and rain; frost; heat;
dew; sunlight and night; storm and calm; the honey of the
wildflower and the instinct of the bee  all the beautiful
and multiple forms of life with their inscrutable design。  To
know something of them and to love them was to be close to
the kingdom of earth  perhaps to the greater kingdom of
heaven。  For whatever breathed and moved was a part of that
creation。  The coo of the dove; the lichen on the mossy rock;
the mourn of a hunting wolf; and the murmur of the
waterfall; the ever…green and growing tips of the spruces;
and the thunderbolts along the battlements of the heights 
these one and all must be actuated by the great spirit 
that incalculable thing in the universe which had produced
man and soul。

And there in the starlight; under the wide…gnarled pines;
sighing low with the wind; Helen sat with Dale on the old
stone that an avalanche of a million years past had flung
from the rampart above to serve as camp…tab
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