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the man of the forest-第76章

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basilisk eyes upon the fire。  At length he arose; and without
another word to his comrade he walked wearily to where lay
the dark; quiet forms of the sleepers。

Jim Wilson remained beside the flickering fire。  He was
reading something in the red embers; perhaps the past。
Shadows were on his face; not all from the fading flames or
the towering spruces。  Ever and anon he raised his head to
listen; not apparently that he expected any unusual sound;
but as if involuntarily。  Indeed; as Anson had said; there
was something nameless in the air。  The black forest breathed
heavily; in fitful moans of wind。  It had its secrets。  The
glances Wilson threw on all sides betrayed that any hunted
man did not love the dark night; though it hid him。  Wilson
seemed fascinated by the life inclosed there by the black
circle of spruce。  He might have been reflecting on the
strange reaction happening to every man in that group; since
a girl had been brought among them。  Nothing was clear;
however; the forest kept its secret; as did the melancholy
wind; the outlaws were sleeping like tired beasts; with
their dark secrets locked in their hearts。

After a while Wilson put some sticks on the red embers; then
pulled the end of a log over them。  A blaze sputtered up;
changing the dark circle and showing the sleepers with their
set; shadowed faces upturned。  Wilson gazed on all of them; a
sardonic smile on his lips; and then his look fixed upon the
sleeper apart from the others  Riggs。  It might have been
the false light of flame and shadow that created Wilson's
expression of dark and terrible hate。  Or it might have been
the truth; expressed in that lonely; unguarded hour; from
the depths of a man born in the South  a man who by his
inheritance of race had reverence for all womanhood  by
whose strange; wild; outlawed bloody life of a gun…fighter
he must hate with the deadliest hate this type that aped and
mocked his fame。

It was a long gaze Wilson rested upon Riggs  as strange
and secretive as the forest wind moaning down the great
aisles  and when that dark gaze was withdrawn Wilson
stalked away to make his bed with the stride of one ill whom
spirit had liberated force。

He laid his saddle in front of the spruce shelter where the
girl had entered; and his tarpaulin and blankets likewise
and then wearily stretched his long length to rest。

The camp…fire blazed up; showing the exquisite green。  and
brown…flecked festooning of the spruce branches; symmetrical
and perfect; yet so irregular; and then it burned out and
died down; leaving all in the dim gray starlight。  The horses
were not moving around; the moan of night wind had grown
fainter; the low hum of insects; was dying away; even the
tinkle of the brook had diminished。  And that growth toward
absolute silence continued; yet absolute silence was never
attained。  Life abided in the forest; only it had changed its
form for the dark hours。

Anson's gang did not bestir themselves at the usual early
sunrise hour common to all woodsmen; hunters; or outlaws; to
whom the break of day was welcome。  These companions  Anson
and Riggs included  might have hated to see the dawn come。
It meant only another meager meal; then the weary packing
and the long; long ride to nowhere in particular; and
another meager meal  all toiled for without even the
necessities of satisfactory living; and assuredly without
the thrilling hopes that made their life significant; and
certainly with a growing sense of approaching calamity。

The outlaw leader rose surly and cross…grained。  He had to
boot Burt to drive him out for the horses。  Riggs followed
him。  Shady Jones did nothing except grumble。  Wilson; by
common consent; always made the sour…dough bread; and he was
slow about it this morning。  Anson and Moze did the rest of
the work; without alacrity。  The girl did not appear。

〃Is she dead?〃 growled Anson。

〃No; she ain't;〃 replied Wilson; looking up。  〃She's
sleepin'。  Let her sleep。  She'd shore be a sight better off
if she was daid。〃

〃A…huh!  So would all of this hyar outfit;〃 was Anson's

〃Wal; Sna…ake; I shore reckon we'll all be thet there soon;〃
drawled Wilson; in his familiar cool and irritating tone
that said so much more than the content of the words。

Anson did not address the Texas member of his party again。

Burt rode bareback into camp; driving half the number of the
horses; Riggs followed shortly with several more。  But three
were missed; one of them being Anson's favorite。  He would
not have budged without that horse。  During breakfast he
growled about his lazy men; and after the meal tried to urge
them off。  Riggs went unwillingly。  Burt refused to go at all。

〃Nix。  I footed them hills all I'm a…goin' to;〃 he said。  〃An'
from now on I rustle my own hoss。〃

The leader glared his reception of this opposition。  Perhaps
his sense of fairness actuated him once more; for he ordered
Shady and Moze out to do their share。

〃Jim; you're the best tracker in this outfit。  Suppose you
go;〃 suggested Anson。  〃You allus used to be the first one

〃Times has changed; Snake;〃 was the imperturbable reply。

〃Wal; won't you go?〃 demanded the leader; impatiently。

〃I shore won't。〃

Wilson did not look or intimate in any way that he would not
leave the girl in camp with one or any or all of Anson's
gang; but the truth was as significant as if he had shouted
it。  The slow…thinking Moze gave Wilson a sinister look。

〃Boss; ain't it funny how a pretty wench ?〃 began Shady
Jones; sarcastically。

〃Shut up; you fool!〃 broke in Anson。  〃Come on; I'll help
rustle them hosses。〃

After they had gone Burt took his rifle and strolled off
into the forest。  Then the girl appeared。  Her hair was down;
her face pale; with dark shadows。  She asked for water to
wash her face。  Wilson pointed to the brook; and as she
walked slowly toward it he took a comb and a clean scarf
from his pack and carried them to her。

Upon her return to the camp…fire she looked very different
with her hair arranged and the red stains in her cheeks。

〃Miss; air you hungry?〃 asked Wilson。

〃Yes; I am;〃 she replied。

He helped her to portions of bread; venison and gravy; and a
cup of coffee。  Evidently she relished the meat; but she had
to force down the rest。

〃Where are they all?〃 she asked。

〃Rustlin' the hosses。〃

Probably she divined that he did not want to talk; for the
fleeting glance she gave him attested to a thought that his
voice or demeanor had changed。  Presently she sought a seat
under the aspen…tree; out of the sun; and the smoke
continually blowing in her face; and there she stayed; a
forlorn little figure; for all the resolute lips and defiant

The Texan paced to and fro beside the camp…fire with bent
head; and hands locked behind him。  But for the swinging gun
he would have resembled a lanky farmer; coatless and
hatless; with his brown vest open; his trousers stuck in the
top of the high boots。

And neither he nor the girl changed their positions
relatively for a long time。  At length; however; after
peering into the woods; and listening; he remarked to the
girl that he would be 
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