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the man of the forest-第73章

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〃Beasley's comin' one way an' Shady's comin' another。  We'll
be off this hot point of rock by noon;〃 said the outlaw

Riggs went on to the promontory to look for himself。

〃Where's the girl?〃 demanded Anson; in surprise; when he got
back to the camp。

〃Wal; she's walkin' 'round between heah an' Pine;〃 drawled

〃Jim; you let her loose?〃

〃Shore I did。  She's been hawg…tied all the time。  An' she
said she'd not run off。  I'd take thet girl's word even to a

〃A…huh。  So would I; for all of thet。  But; Jim; somethin's
workin' in you。  Ain't you sort of rememberin' a time when
you was young  an' mebbe knowed pretty kids like this

〃Wal; if I am it 'll shore turn out bad fer somebody。〃

Anson gave him a surprised stare and suddenly lost the
bantering tone。

〃A…huh!  So thet's how it's workin';〃 he replied; and flung
himself down in the shade。

Young Burt made his appearance then; wiping his sallow face。
His deep…set; hungry eyes; upon which his comrades set such
store; roved around the camp。

〃Whar's the gurl?〃 he queried。

〃Jim let her go out fer a stroll;〃 replied Anson。

〃I seen Jim was gittin' softy over her。  Haw!  Haw!  Haw!〃

But Snake Anson did not crack a smile。  The atmosphere
appeared not to be congenial for jokes; a fact Burt rather
suddenly divined。  Riggs and Moze returned from the
promontory; the latter reporting that Shady Jones was riding
up close。  Then the girl walked slowly into sight and
approached to find a seat within ten yards of the group。
They waited in silence until the expected horseman rode up
with water…bottles slung on both sides of his saddle。  His
advent was welcome。  All the men were thirsty。  Wilson took
water to the girl before drinking himself。

〃Thet's an all…fired hot ride fer water;〃 declared the
outlaw Shady; who somehow fitted his name in color and
impression。  〃An'; boss; if it's the same to you I won't take
it ag'in。〃

〃Cheer up; Shady。  We'll be rustlin' back in the mountains
before sundown;〃 said Anson。

〃Hang me if that ain't the cheerfulest news I've hed in some
days。  Hey; Moze?〃

The black…faced Moze nodded his shaggy head。

〃I'm sick an' sore of this deal;〃 broke out Burt; evidently
encouraged by his elders。  〃Ever since last fall we've been
hangin' 'round  till jest lately freezin' in camps  no
money  no drink  no grub wuth havin'。  All on promises!〃

Not improbably this young and reckless member of the gang
had struck the note of discord。  Wilson seemed most detached
from any sentiment prevailing there。  Some strong thoughts
were revolving in his brain。

〃Burt; you ain't insinuatin' thet I made promises?〃 inquired
Anson; ominously。

〃No; boss; I ain't。  You allus said we might hit it rich。  But
them promises was made to you。  An' it 'd be jest like thet
greaser to go back on his word now we got the gurl。〃

〃Son; it happens we got the wrong one。  Our long…haired pard
hyar  Mister Riggs  him with the big gun  he waltzes
up with this sassy kid instead of the woman Beasley wanted。〃

Burt snorted his disgust while Shady Jones; roundly
swearing; pelted the smoldering camp…fire with stones。  Then
they all lapsed into surly silence。  The object of their
growing scorn; Riggs; sat a little way apart; facing none of
them; but maintaining as bold a front as apparently he could

Presently a horse shot up his ears; the first indication of
scent or sound imperceptible to the men。  But with this cue
they all; except Wilson; sat up attentively。  Soon the crack
of iron…shod hoofs on stone broke the silence。  Riggs
nervously rose to his feet。  And the others; still excepting
Wilson; one by one followed suit。  In another moment a rangy
bay horse trotted out of the cedars; up to the camp; and his
rider jumped off nimbly for so heavy a man。

〃Howdy; Beasley?〃 was Anson's greeting。

〃Hello; Snake; old man!〃 replied Beasley; as his bold;
snapping black eyes swept the group。  He was dusty and hot;
and wet with sweat; yet evidently too excited to feel
discomfort。  〃I seen your smoke signal first off an' jumped
my hoss quick。  But I rode north of Pine before I headed
'round this way。  Did you corral the girl or did Riggs?  Say!
 you look queer!  。 。 。  What's wrong here?  You haven't
signaled me for nothin'?

Snake Anson beckoned to Bo。

〃Come out of the shade。  Let him look you over。〃

The girl walked out from under the spreading cedar that had
hidden her from sight。

Beasley stared aghast  his jaw dropped。

〃Thet's the kid sister of the woman I wanted!〃 he

〃So we've jest been told。〃

Astonishment still held Beasley。

〃Told?〃 he echoed。  Suddenly his big body leaped with a
start。  〃Who got her?  ; Who fetched her?〃

〃Why; Mister Gunman Riggs hyar;〃 replied Anson; with a
subtle scorn。

〃Riggs; you got the wrong girl;〃 shouted Beasley。  〃You made
thet mistake once before。  What're you up to?〃

〃I chased her an' when I got her; seein' it wasn't Nell
Rayner  why  I kept her; anyhow;〃 replied Riggs。  〃An'
I've got a word for your ear alone。〃

〃Man; you're crazy  queerin' my deal thet way!〃 roared
Beasley。  〃You heard my plans。 。 。 。  Riggs; this
girl…stealin' can't be done twice。  Was you drinkin' or
locoed or what?〃

〃Beasley; he was giving you the double…cross;〃 cut in Bo
Rayner's cool voice。

The rancher stared speechlessly at her; then at Anson; then
at Wilson; and last at Riggs; when his brown visage shaded
dark with rush of purple blood。  With one lunge he knocked
Riggs flat; then stood over him with a convulsive hand at
his gun。

〃You white…livered card…sharp!  I've a notion to bore you。 。
。 。  They told me you had a deal of your own; an' now I
believe it。〃

〃Yes  I had;〃 replied Riggs; cautiously getting up。  He was
ghastly。  〃But I wasn't double…crossin' you。  Your deal was to
get the girl away from home so you could take possession of
her property。  An' I wanted her。〃

〃What for did you fetch the sister; then?〃 demanded Beasley;
his big jaw bulging。

〃Because I've a plan to 〃

〃Plan hell!  You've spoiled my plan an' I've seen about
enough of you。〃 Beasley breathed hard; his lowering gaze
boded an uncertain will toward the man who had crossed him;
his hand still hung low and clutching。

〃Beasley; tell them to get my horse。  I want to go home;〃
said Bo Rayner。

Slowly Beasley turned。  Her words enjoined a silence。  What to
do with her now appeared a problem。

〃I had nothin' to do with fetchin' you here an' I'll have
nothin' to do with sendin' you back or whatever's done with
you;〃 declared Beasley。

Then the girl's face flashed white again and her eyes
changed to fire。

〃You're as big a liar as Riggs;〃 she cried; passionately。
〃And you're a thief; a bully who picks on defenseless girls。
Oh; we know your game!  Milt Dale heard your plot with this
outlaw Anson to steal my sister。  You ought to be hanged 
you half…breed greaser!〃

〃I'll cut out your tongue!〃 hissed Beasley。

〃Yes; I'll bet you would if you had me alone。  But these
outlaws  these sheep…thieves  these tools you hire are
better than you and Riggs。 。 。 。  What do you suppose
Carmichael will do 
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