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the man of the forest-第72章

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and he hurried to your camp。  He was afraid  the cur!〃

Riggs heard her reply; for he turned a malignant glance upon

〃Anson; I fetched her because I know Nell Rayner will give
up anythin' on earth for her;〃 he said; in loud voice。

Anson pondered this statement with an air of considering its
apparent sincerity。

〃Don't you believe him;〃 declared Bo Rayner; bluntly。  〃He's
a liar。  He's double…crossing Beasley and all of you。〃

Riggs raised a shaking hand to clench it at her。  〃Keep still
or it 'll be the worse for you。〃

〃Riggs; shut up yourself;〃 put in Anson; as he leisurely
rose。  〃Mebbe it 'ain't occurred to you thet she might have
some talk interestin' to me。  An' I'm runnin' this hyar camp。
。 。 。  Now; kid; talk up an' say what you like。〃

〃I said he was double…crossing you all;〃 replied the girl;
instantly。  〃Why; I'm surprised you'd be caught in his
company!  My uncle Al and my sweetheart Carmichael and my
friend Dale  they've all told me what Western men are;
even down to outlaws; robbers; cutthroat rascals like you。
And I know the West well enough now to be sure that
four…flush doesn't belong here and can't last here。  He went
to Dodge City once and when he came back he made a bluff at
being a bad man。  He was a swaggering; bragging; drinking
gun…fighter。  He talked of the men he'd shot; of the fights
he'd had。  He dressed like some of those gun…throwing
gamblers。 。 。 。  He was in love with my sister Nell。  She
hated him。  He followed us out West and he has hung on our
actions like a sneaking Indian。  Why; Nell and I couldn't
even walk to the store in the village。  He rode after me out
on the range  chased me。 。 。 。  For that Carmichael called
Riggs's bluff down in Turner's saloon。  Dared him to draw!
Cussed him every name on the range!  Slapped and beat and
kicked him!  Drove him out of Pine!  。 。 。  And now; whatever
he has said to Beasley or you; it's a dead sure bet he's
playing his own game。  That's to get hold of Nell; and if not
her  then me!  。 。 。  Oh; I'm out of breath  and I'm out
of names to call him。  If I talked forever  I'd never be 
able to  do him justice。  But lend me  a gun  a

Jim Wilson's quiet form vibrated with a start。  Anson with
his admiring smile pulled his gun and; taking a couple of
steps forward; held it out butt first。  She stretched eagerly
for it and he jerked it away。

〃Hold on there!〃 yelled Riggs; in alarm。

〃Damme; Jim; if she didn't mean bizness!〃 exclaimed the

〃Wal; now  see heah; Miss。  Would you bore him  if you
hed a gun?〃 inquired Wilson; with curious interest。  There
was more of respect in his demeanor than admiration。

〃No。  I don't want his cowardly blood on my hands;〃 replied
the girl。  〃But I'd make him dance  I'd make him run。〃

〃Shore you can handle a gun?〃

She nodded her answer while her eyes flashed hate and her
resolute lips twitched。

Then Wilson made a singularly swift motion and his gun was
pitched butt first to within a foot of her hand。  She
snatched it up; cocked it; aimed it; all before Anson could
move。  But he yelled:

〃Drop thet gun; you little devil!〃

Riggs turned ghastly as the big blue gun lined on him。  He
also yelled; but that yell was different from Anson's。

〃Run or dance!〃 cried the girl。

The big gun boomed and leaped almost out of her hand。  She
took both hands; and called derisively as she fired again。
The second bullet hit at Riggs's feet; scattering the dust
and fragments of stone all over him。  He bounded here 
there  then darted for the rocks。  A third time the heavy
gun spoke and this bullet must have ticked Riggs; for he let
out a hoarse bawl and leaped sheer for the protection of a

〃Plug him!  Shoot off a leg!〃 yelled Snake Anson; whooping
and stamping; as Riggs got out of sight。

Jim Wilson watched the whole performance with the same
quietness that had characterized his manner toward the girl。
Then; as Riggs disappeared; Wilson stepped forward and took
the gun from the girl's trembling hands。  She was whiter than
ever; but still resolute and defiant。  Wilson took a glance
over in the direction Riggs had hidden and then proceeded to
reload the gun。  Snake Anson's roar of laughter ceased rather

〃Hyar; Jim; she might have held up the whole gang with thet
gun;〃 he protested。

〃I reckon she 'ain't nothin' ag'in' us;〃 replied Wilson。

〃A…huh!  You know a lot about wimmen now; don't you?  But thet
did my heart good。  Jim; what 'n earth would you have did if
thet 'd been you instead of Riggs?〃

The query seemed important and amazing。  Wilson pondered。

〃Shore I'd stood there  stock…still  an' never moved an

〃An' let her shoot!〃 ejaculated Anson; nodding his long
head。  〃Me; too!〃

So these rough outlaws; inured to all the violence and
baseness of their dishonest calling; rose to the challenging
courage of a slip of a girl。  She had the one thing they
respected  nerve。

Just then a halloo; from the promontory brought Anson up
with a start。  Muttering to himself; he strode out toward the
jagged rocks that hid the outlook。  Moze shuffled his burly
form after Anson。

〃Miss; it shore was grand  thet performance of Mister
Gunman Riggs;〃 remarked Jim Wilson; attentively studying the

〃Much obliged to you for lending me your gun;〃 she replied。
〃I  I hope I hit him  a little。〃

〃Wal; if you didn't sting him; then Jim Wilson knows nothin'
about lead。〃

〃Jim Wilson?  Are you the man  the outlaw my uncle Al

〃Reckon I am; miss。  Fer I knowed Al shore enough。  What 'd he
say aboot me?〃

〃I remember once he was telling me about Snake Anson's gang。
He mentioned you。  Said you were a real gun…fighter。  And what
a shame it was you had to be an outlaw。〃

〃Wal!  An' so old Al spoke thet nice of me。 。 。 。  It's
tolerable likely I'll remember。  An' now; miss; can I do
anythin' for you?〃

Swift as a flash she looked at him。

〃What do you mean?〃

〃Wal; shore I don't mean much; I'm sorry to say。  Nothin' to
make you look like thet。 。 。 。  I hev to be an outlaw; shore
as you're born。  But  mebbe there's a difference in

She understood him and paid him the compliment not to voice
her sudden upflashing hope that he might be one to betray
his leader。

〃Please take this rope off my feet。  Let me walk a little。
Let me have a  a little privacy。  That fool watched every
move I made。  I promise not to run away。  And; oh!  I'm

〃Shore you've got sense。〃 He freed her feet and helped her
get up。  〃There'll be some fresh water any minit now; if
you'll wait。〃

Then he turned his back and walked over to where Riggs sat
nursing a bullet…burn on his leg。

〃Say; Riggs; I'm takin' the responsibility of loosin' the
girl for a little spell。  She can't get away。  An' there ain't
any sense in bein' mean。〃

Riggs made no reply; and went on rolling down his trousers
leg; lapped a fold over at the bottom and pulled on his
boot。  Then he strode out toward the promontory。  Half…way
there he encountered Anson tramping back。

〃Beasley's comin' one way an' Shady's comin' another。  We'll
be off this hot point of rock by noon;〃 s
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