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the man of the forest-第58章

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well in the end; and so she had been careful of her rather
precarious position between these two young firebrands。

Bo reined in the mustang at the porch steps。  She wore a
buckskin riding…suit which she had made herself; and its
soft gray with the touches of red beads was mightily
becoming to her。  Then she had grown considerably during the
winter and now looked too flashing and pretty to resemble a
boy; yet singularly healthy and strong and lithe。  Red spots
shone in her cheeks and her eyes held that ever…dangerous

〃Nell; did you give me away to that cowboy?〃 she demanded。

〃Give you away!〃 exclaimed Helen; blankly。

〃Yes。  You know I told you  awhile back  that I was
wildly in love with him。  Did you give me away  tell on me?

She might have been furious; but she certainly was not

〃Why; Bo!  How could you?  No。  I did not;〃 replied Helen。

〃Never gave him a hint?〃

〃Not even a hint。  You have my word for that。  Why?  What's

〃He makes me sick。〃

Bo would not say any more; owing to the near approach of the

〃Mawnin'; Miss Nell;〃 he drawled。  〃I was just tellin' this
here Miss Bo…Peep Rayner 〃

〃Don't call me that!〃 broke in Bo; with fire in her voice。

〃Wal; I was just tellin' her thet she wasn't goin' off on
any more of them long rides。  Honest now; Miss Nell; it ain't
safe; an' 〃

〃You're not my boss;〃 retorted Bo。

〃Indeed; sister; I agree with him。  You won't obey me。〃

〃Reckon some one's got to be your boss;〃 drawled Carmichael。
〃Shore I ain't hankerin' for the job。  You could ride to
Kingdom Come or off among the Apaches  or over here a
ways〃  at this he grinned knowingly  〃or anywheres; for
all I cared。  But I'm workin' for Miss Nell; an' she's boss。
An' if she says you're not to take them rides  you won't。
Savvy that; miss?〃

It was a treat for Helen to see Bo look at the cowboy。

〃Mis…ter Carmichael; may I ask how you are going to prevent
me from riding where I like?〃

〃Wal; if you're goin' worse locoed this way I'll keep you
off'n a hoss if I have to rope you an' tie you up。  By golly;
I will!〃

His dry humor was gone and manifestly he meant what he said。

〃Wal;〃 she drawled it very softly and sweetly; but
venomously; 〃if  you  ever  touch  me again!〃

At this he flushed; then made a quick; passionate gesture
with his hand; expressive of heat and shame。

〃You an' me will never get along;〃 he said; with a dignity
full of pathos。  〃I seen thet a month back when you changed
sudden…like to me。  But nothin' I say to you has any
reckonin' of mine。  I'm talkin' for your sister。  It's for her
sake。  An' your own。 。 。 。  I never told her an' I never told
you thet I've seen Riggs sneakin' after you twice on them
desert rides。  Wal; I tell you now。〃

The intelligence apparently had not the slightest effect on
Bo。  But Helen was astonished and alarmed。

〃Riggs!  Oh; Bo; I've seen him myself  riding around。  He
does not mean well。  You must be careful。〃

〃If I ketch him again;〃 went on Carmichael; with his mouth
lining hard; 〃I'm goin' after him。〃

He gave her a cool; intent; piercing look; then he dropped
his head and turned away; to stride back toward the corrals。

Helen could make little of the manner in which her sister
watched the cowboy pass out of sight。

〃A month back  when I changed sudden…like;〃 mused Bo。  〃I
wonder what he meant by that。 。 。 。  Nell; did I change 
right after the talk you had with me  about him?〃

〃Indeed you did; Bo;〃 replied Helen。  〃But it was for the
better。  Only he can't see it。  How proud and sensitive he is!
You wouldn't guess it at first。  Bo; your reserve has wounded
him more than your flirting。  He thinks it's indifference。〃

〃Maybe that 'll be good for him;〃 declared Bo。  〃Does he
expect me to fall on his neck?  He's that thick…headed!  Why;
he's the locoed one; not me。〃

〃I'd like to ask you; Bo; if you've seen how he has
changed?〃 queried Helen; earnestly。  〃He's older。  He's
worried。  Either his heart is breaking for you or else he
fears trouble for us。  I fear it's both。  How he watches you!
Bo; he knows all you do  where you go。  That about Riggs
sickens me。〃

〃If Riggs follows me and tries any of his four…flush
desperado games he'll have his hands full;〃 said Bo; grimly。
〃And that without my cowboy protector!  But I just wish Riggs
would do something。  Then we'll see what Las Vegas Tom
Carmichael cares。  Then we'll see!〃

Bo bit out the last words passionately and jealously; then
she lifted her bridle to the spirited mustang;

〃Nell; don't you fear for me;〃 she said。  〃I can take care of

Helen watched her ride away; all but willing to confess that
there might be truth in what Bo said。  Then Helen went about
her work; which consisted of routine duties as well as an
earnest study to familiarize herself with continually new
and complex conditions of ranch life。  Every day brought new
problems。  She made notes of all that she observed; and all
that was told her; which habit she had found; after a few
weeks of trial; was going to be exceedingly valuable to her。
She did not intend always to be dependent upon the knowledge
of hired men; however faithful some of them might be。

This morning on her rounds she had expected developments; of
some kind; owing to the presence of Roy Beeman and two of
his brothers; who had arrived yesterday。  And she was to
discover that Jeff Mulvey; accompanied by six of his
co…workers and associates; had deserted her without a word
or even sending for their pay。  Carmichael had predicted
this。  Helen had half doubted。  It was a relief now to be
confronted with facts; however disturbing。  She had fortified
herself to withstand a great deal more trouble than had
happened。  At the gateway of the main corral; a huge
inclosure fenced high with peeled logs; she met Roy Beeman;
lasso in hand; the same tall; lean; limping figure she
remembered so well。  Sight of him gave her an inexplicable
thrill  a flashing memory of an unforgettable night ride。
Roy was to have charge of the horses on the ranch; of which
there were several hundred; not counting many lost on range
and mountain; or the unbranded colts。

Roy took off his sombrero and greeted her。  This Mormon had a
courtesy for women that spoke well for him。  Helen wished she
had more employees like him。

〃It's jest as Las Vegas told us it 'd be;〃 he said;
regretfully。  〃Mulvey an' his pards lit out this mornin'。  I'm
sorry; Miss Helen。  Reckon thet's all because I come over。〃

〃I heard the news;〃 replied Helen。  〃You needn't be sorry;
Roy; for I'm not。  I'm glad。  I want to know whom I can

〃Las Vegas says we're shore in for it now。〃

〃Roy; what do you think?〃

〃I reckon so。  Still; Las Vegas is powerful cross these days
an' always lookin' on the dark side。  With us boys; now; it's
sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof。  But; Miss
Helen; if Beasley forces the deal there will be serious
trouble。  I've seen thet happen。  Four or five years ago
Beasley rode some greasers off their farms an' no one ever
knowed if he had a just claim。〃

〃Beasley has no claim on my property。  My uncle sole
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