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the man of the forest-第37章

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Dale's admiration。  The issue now lay between Bo and the

Pony reared; snorting; tossing his head; and pawing with
front feet。

〃Pull him down!〃 yelled Dale。

Bo did not have much weight; but she had strength; an she
hauled with all her might; finally bringing him down。

〃Now hold hard an' take up rope an' get in to him;〃 called
Dale。  〃Good!  You're sure not afraid of him。  He sees that。
Now hold him; talk to him; tell him you're goin' to ride
him。  Pet him a little。  An' when he quits shakin'; grab his
mane an' jump up an' slide a leg over him。  Then hook your
feet under him; hard as you can; an' stick on。〃

If Helen had not been so frightened for Bo she would have
been able to enjoy her other sensations。  Creeping; cold
thrills chased over her as Bo; supple and quick; slid an arm
and a leg over Pony and straightened up on him with a
defiant cry。  Pony jerked his head down; brought his feet
together in one jump; and began to bounce。  Bo got the swing
of him this time and stayed on。

〃You're ridin' him;〃 yelled Dale。  〃Now squeeze hard with
your knees。  Crack him over the head with your rope。 。 。 。
That's the way。  Hang on now an' you'll have him beat。〃

The mustang pitched all over the space adjacent to Dale and
Helen; tearing up the moss and grass。  Several times he
tossed Bo high; but she slid back to grip him again with her
legs; and he could not throw her。  Suddenly he raised his
head and bolted。  Dale answered Bo's triumphant cry。  But Pony
had not run fifty feet before he tripped and fell; throwing
Bo far over his head。  As luck would have it  good luck;
Dale afterward said  she landed in a boggy place and the
force of her momentum was such that she slid several yards;
face down; in wet moss and black ooze。

Helen uttered a scream and ran forward。  Bo was getting to
her knees when Dale reached her。  He helped her up and half
led; half carried her out of the boggy place。  Bo was not
recognizable。  From head to foot she was dripping black ooze。

〃Oh; Bo!  Are you hurt?〃 cried Helen。

Evidently Bo's mouth was full of mud。

〃Ppsutt!  Ough!  Whew!〃 she sputtered。  〃Hurt?  No!  Can't
you see what I lit in?  Dale; the sun…of…a…gun didn't throw
me。  He fell; and I went over his head。〃

〃Right。  You sure rode him。  An' he tripped an' slung you a
mile;〃 replied Dale。  〃It's lucky you lit in that bog。〃

〃Lucky!  With eyes and nose stopped up?  Oooo!  I'm full of
mud。  And my nice  new riding…suit!〃

Bo's tones indicated that she was ready to cry。  Helen;
realizing Bo had not been hurt; began to laugh。  Her sister
was the funniest…looking object that had ever come before
her eyes。

〃Nell Rayner  are you  laughing  at me?〃 demanded Bo;
in most righteous amaze and anger。

〃Me laugh…ing?  N…never; Bo; 〃replied Helen。  〃Can't you see
I'm just  just 〃

〃See?  You idiot!  my eyes are full of mud!〃 flashed Bo。  〃But
I hear you。  I'll  I'll get even。〃

Dale was laughing; too; but noiselessly; and Bo; being blind
for the moment; could not be aware of that。  By this time
they had reached camp。  Helen fell flat and laughed as she
had never laughed before。  When Helen forgot herself so far
as to roll on the ground it was indeed a laughing matter。
Dale's big frame shook as he possessed himself of a towel
and; wetting it at the spring; began to wipe the mud off
Bo's face。  But that did not serve。  Bo asked to be led to the
water; where she knelt and; with splashing; washed out her
eyes; and then her face; and then the bedraggled strands of

〃That mustang didn't break my neck; but he rooted my face in
the mud。  I'll fix him;〃 she muttered; as she got up。  〃Please
let me have the towel; now。 。 。 。  Well!  Milt Dale; you're

〃Ex…cuse me; Bo。  I  Haw!  haw!  haw!〃 Then Dale lurched off;
holding his sides。

Bo gazed after him and then back at Helen。

〃I suppose if I'd been kicked and smashed and killed you'd
laugh;〃 she said。  And then she melted。  〃Oh; my pretty
riding…suit!  What a mess!  I must be a sight。 。 。 。  Nell; I
rode that wild pony  the sun…of…a…gun!  I rode him!  That's
enough for me。  YOU try it。  Laugh all you want。  It was funny。
But if you want to square yourself with me; help me clean my

Late in the night Helen heard Dale sternly calling Pedro。
She felt some little alarm。  However; nothing happened; and
she soon went to sleep again。  At the morning meal Dale

〃Pedro an' Tom were uneasy last night。  I think there are
lions workin' over the ridge somewhere。  I heard one scream。〃

〃Scream?〃 inquired Bo; with interest。

〃Yes; an' if you ever hear a lion scream you will think it a
woman in mortal agony。  The cougar cry; as Roy calls it; is
the wildest to be heard in the woods。  A wolf howls。  He is
sad。  hungry; and wild。  But a cougar seems human an' dyin'
an' wild。  We'll saddle up an' ride over there。  Maybe Pedro
will tree a lion。  Bo; if he does will you shoot it?〃

〃Sure;〃 replied Bo; with her mouth full of biscuit。

That was how they came to take a long; slow; steep ride
under cover of dense spruce。  Helen liked the ride after they
got on the heights。  But they did not get to any point where
she could indulge in her pleasure of gazing afar over the
ranges。  Dale led up and down; and finally mostly down; until
they came out within sight of sparser wooded ridges with
parks lying below and streams shining in the sun。

More than once Pedro had to be harshly called by Dale。  The
hound scented game。

〃Here's an old kill;〃 said Dale; halting to point at some
bleached bones scattered under a spruce。  Tufts of
grayish…white hair lay strewn around。

〃What was it?〃 asked Bo。

〃Deer; of course。  Killed there an' eaten by a lion。  Sometime
last fall。  See; even the skull is split。  But I could not say
that the lion did it。〃

Helen shuddered。  She thought of the tame deer down at Dale's
camp。  How beautiful and graceful; and responsive to

They rode out of the woods into a grassy swale with rocks
and clumps of some green bushes bordering it。  Here Pedro
barked; the first time Helen had heard him。  The hair on his
neck bristled; and it required stern calls from Dale to hold
him in。  Dale dismounted。

〃Hyar; Pede; you get back;〃 he ordered。  〃I'll let you go
presently。 。 。 。  Girls; you're goin' to see somethin'。  But
stay on your horses。〃

Dale; with the hound tense and bristling beside him; strode
here and there at the edge of the swale。  Presently he halted
on a slight elevation and beckoned for the girls to ride

〃Here; see where the grass is pressed down all nice an'
round;〃 he said; pointing。  〃A lion made that。  He sneaked
there; watchin' for deer。  That was done this mornin'。  Come
on; now。  Let's see if we can trail him。〃

Dale stooped now; studying the grass; and holding Pedro。
Suddenly he straightened up with a flash in his gray eyes。

〃Here's where he jumped。〃

But Helen could not see any reason why Dale should say that。
The man of the forest took a long stride then another。

〃An' here's where that lion lit on the back of the deer。  It
was a big jump。  See the sharp hoof tracks of the deer。〃 Dale
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