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the man of the forest-第31章

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get you safe into Al's hands。  But I'm goin' to be pretty
sure about what I'm doin'。 。 。 。  So  there's plenty to eat
an' it's a pretty place。〃

〃Pretty!  Why; it's grand!〃 exclaimed Bo。  〃I've called it
Paradise Park。〃

〃Paradise Park;〃 he repeated; weighing the words。  〃You've
named it an' also the creek。  Paradise Creek!  I've been here
twelve years with no fit name for my home till you said

〃Oh; that pleases me!〃 returned Bo; with shining eyes。

〃Eat now;〃 said Dale。  〃An' I reckon you'll like that

There was a clean tarpaulin upon which were spread steaming;
fragrant pans  roast turkey; hot biscuits and gravy;
mashed potatoes as white as if prepared at home; stewed
dried apples; and butter and coffee。  This bounteous repast
surprised and delighted the girls; when they had once tasted
the roast wild turkey; then Milt Dale had occasion to blush
at their encomiums。

〃I hope  Uncle Al  doesn't come for a month;〃 declared
Bo; as she tried to get her breath。  There was a brown spot
on her nose and one on each cheek; suspiciously close to her

Dale laughed。  It was pleasant to hear him; for his laugh
seemed unused and deep; as if it came from tranquil depths。

〃Won't you eat with us?〃 asked Helen。

〃Reckon I will;〃 he said。  〃it'll save time; an' hot grub
tastes better。〃

Quite an interval of silence ensued; which presently was
broken by Dale。

〃Here comes Tom。〃

Helen observed with a thrill that the cougar was
magnificent; seen erect on all…fours; approaching with slow;
sinuous grace。  His color was tawny; with spots of whitish
gray。  He had bow…legs; big and round and furry; and a huge
head with great tawny eyes。  No matter how tame he was said
to be; he looked wild。  Like a dog he walked right up; and it
so happened that he was directly behind Bo; within reach of
her when she turned。

〃Oh; Lord!〃 cried Bo; and up went both of her hands; in one
of which was a huge piece of turkey。  Tom took it; not
viciously; but nevertheless with a snap that made Helen
jump。  As if by magic the turkey vanished。  And Tom took a
closer step toward Bo。  Her expression of fright changed to

〃He stole my turkey!〃

〃Tom; come here;〃 ordered Dale; sharply。  The cougar glided
round rather sheepishly。  〃Now lie down an' behave。〃

Tom crouched on all…fours; his head resting on his paws;
with his beautiful tawny eyes; light and piercing; fixed
upon the hunter。

〃Don't grab;〃 said Dale; holding out a piece of turkey。
Whereupon Tom took it less voraciously。

As it happened; the little bear cub saw this transaction;
and he plainly indicated his opinion of the preference shown
to Tom。

〃Oh; the dear!〃 exclaimed Bo。  〃He means it's not fair。 。 。 。
Come; Bud  come on。〃

But Bud would not approach the group until called by Dale。
Then he scrambled to them with every manifestation of
delight。  Bo almost forgot her own needs in feeding him and
getting acquainted with him。  Tom plainly showed his jealousy
of Bud; and Bud likewise showed his fear of the great cat。

Helen could not believe the evidence of her eyes  that she
was in the woods calmly and hungrily partaking of sweet;
wild…flavored meat  that a full…grown mountain lion lay on
one side of her and a baby brown bear sat on the other 
that a strange hunter; a man of the forest; there in his
lonely and isolated fastness; appealed to the romance in her
and interested her as no one else she had ever met。

When the wonderful meal was at last finished Bo enticed the
bear cub around to the camp of the girls; and there soon
became great comrades with him。  Helen; watching Bo play; was
inclined to envy her。  No matter where Bo was placed; she
always got something out of it。  She adapted herself。  She;
who could have a good time with almost any one or anything;
would find the hours sweet and fleeting in this beautiful
park of wild wonders。

But merely objective actions  merely physical movements;
had never yet contented Helen。  She could run and climb and
ride and play with hearty and healthy abandon; but those
things would not suffice long for her; and her mind needed
food。  Helen was a thinker。  One reason she had desired to
make her home in the West was that by taking up a life of
the open; of action; she might think and dream and brood
less。  And here she was in the wild West; after the three
most strenuously active days of her career; and still the
same old giant revolved her mind and turned it upon herself
and upon all she saw。

〃What can I do?〃 she asked Bo; almost helplessly。

〃Why; rest; you silly!〃 retorted Bo。  〃You walk like an old;
crippled woman with only one leg。〃

Helen hoped the comparison was undeserved; but the advice
was sound。  The blankets spread out on the grass looked
inviting and they felt comfortably warm in the sunshine。  The
breeze was slow; languorous; fragrant; and it brought the
low hum of the murmuring waterfall; like a melody of bees。
Helen made a pillow and lay down to rest。  The green
pine…needles; so thin and fine in their crisscross network;
showed clearly against the blue sky。  She looked in vain for
birds。  Then her gaze went。  wonderingly to the lofty fringed
rim of the great amphitheater; and as she studied it she
began to grasp its remoteness; how far away it was in the
rarefied atmosphere。  A black eagle; sweeping along; looked
of tiny size; and yet he was far under the heights above。
How pleasant she fancied it to be up there!  And drowsy fancy
lulled her to sleep。

Helen slept all afternoon; and upon awakening; toward
sunset; found Bo curled beside her。  Dale had thoughtfully
covered them with a blanket; also he had built a camp…fire。
The air was growing keen and cold。

Later; when they had put their coats on and made comfortable
seats beside the fire; Dale came over; apparently to visit

〃I reckon you can't sleep all the time;〃 he said。  〃An' bein'
city girls; you'll get lonesome。〃

〃Lonesome!〃 echoed Helen。  The idea of her being lonesome
here had not occurred to her。

〃I've thought that all out;〃 went on Dale; as he sat down;
Indian fashion; before the blaze。  〃It's natural you'd find
time drag up here; bein' used to lots of people an'
goin's…on; an' work; an' all girls like。〃

〃I'd never be lonesome here;〃 replied Helen; with her direct

Dale did not betray surprise; but he showed that his mistake
was something to ponder over。

〃Excuse me;〃 he said; presently; as his gray eyes held hers。
〃That's how I had it。  As I remember girls  an' it doesn't
seem long since I left home  most of them would die of
lonesomeness up here。〃 Then he addressed himself to Bo。  〃How
about you?  You see; I figured you'd be the one that liked
it; an' your sister the one who wouldn't。〃

〃I won't get lonesome very soon;〃 replied Bo。

〃I'm glad。  It worried me some  not ever havin' girls as
company before。  An' in a day or so; when you're rested; I'll
help you pass the time。〃

Bo's eyes were full of flashing interest; and Helen asked
him; 〃How?〃

It was a sincere expression of her curiosity and not
doubtful or ironic challenge of an educated woman to a man
of the forest。  Bu
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