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those extraordinary twins-第7章

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conclusion; a fitting end; his feelings had been hurt; a slight had been
put upon him。  He would have been glad to forego dinner and betake
himself to rest and sleep; but he held his peace and said no word; for he
knew his brother; Luigi; was fresh; unweary; full of life; spirit;
energy; he would have scoffed at the idea of wasting valuable time on a
bed or a sofa; and would have refused permission。



Rowena was dining out; Joe and Harry were belated at play; there were but
three chairs and four persons that noon at the home dinner…table
the twins; the widow; and her chum; Aunt Betsy Hale。  The widow soon
perceived that Angelo's spirits were as low as Luigi's were high; and
also that he had a jaded look。  Her motherly solicitude was aroused; and
she tried to get him interested in the talk and win him to a happier
frame of mind; but the cloud of sadness remained on his countenance。
Luigi lent his help; too。  He used a form and a phrase which he was
always accustomed to employ in these circumstances。  He gave his brother
an affectionate slap on the shoulder and said; encouragingly:

〃Cheer up; the worst is yet to come!〃

But this did no good。  It never did。  If anything; it made the matter
worse; as a rule; because it irritated Angelo。  This made it a favorite
with Luigi。  By and by the widow said:

〃Angelo; you are tired; you've overdone yourself; you go right to bed
after dinner; and get a good nap and a rest; then you'll be all right。〃

〃Indeed; I would give anything if I could do that; madam。〃

〃And what's to hender; I'd like to know?  Land; the room's yours to do
what you please with!  The idea that you can't do what you like with your

〃But; you see; there's one prime essentialan essential of the very
first importance which isn't my own。〃

〃What is that?〃

〃My body。〃

The old ladies looked puzzled; and Aunt Betsy Hale said:

〃Why bless your heart; how is that?〃

〃It's my brother's。〃

〃Your brother's!  I don't quite understand。  I supposed it belonged to
both of you。〃

〃So it does。  But not to both at the same time。〃

〃That is mighty curious; I don't see how it can be。  I shouldn't think it
could be managed that way。〃

〃Oh; it's a good enough arrangement; and goes very well; in fact; it
wouldn't do to have it otherwise。  I find that the teetotalers and the
anti…teetotalers hire the use of the same hall for their meetings。  Both
parties don't use it at the same time; do they?〃

〃You bet they don't!〃 said both old ladies in a breath。

〃And; moreover;〃 said Aunt Betsy; 〃the Freethinkers and the Baptist Bible
class use the same room over the Market house; but you can take my word
for it they don't mush up together and use it at the same time。'

〃Very well;〃 said Angelo; 〃you understand it now。  And it stands to
reason that the arrangement couldn't be improved。  I'll prove it to you。
If our legs tried to obey two wills; how could we ever get anywhere?
I would start one way; Luigi would start another; at the same moment
the result would be a standstill; wouldn't it?〃

〃As sure as you are born!  Now ain't that wonderful!  A body would never
have thought of it。〃

〃We should always be arguing and fussing and disputing over the merest
trifles。  We should lose worlds of time; for we couldn't go down…stairs
or up; couldn't go to bed; couldn't rise; couldn't wash; couldn't dress;
couldn't stand up; couldn't sit down; couldn't even cross our legs;
without calling a meeting first and explaining the case and passing
resolutions; and getting consent。  It wouldn't ever donow would it?〃

〃Do?  Why; it would wear a person out in a week!  Did you ever hear
anything like it; Patsy Cooper?〃

〃Oh; you'll find there's more than one thing about them that ain't
commonplace;〃 said the widow; with the complacent air of a person with a
property right in a novelty that is under admiring scrutiny。

〃Well; now; how ever do you manage it?  I don't mind saying I'm suffering
to know。〃

〃He who made us;〃 said Angelo reverently; 〃and with us this difficulty;
also provided a way out of it。  By a mysterious law of our being; each of
us has utter and indisputable command of our body a week at a time; turn
and turn about。〃

〃Well; I never!  Now ain't that beautiful!〃

〃Yes; it is beautiful and infinitely wise and just。  The week ends every
Saturday at midnight to the minute; to the second; to the last shade of
a fraction of a second; infallibly; unerringly; and in that instant the
one brother's power over the body vanishes and the other brother takes
possession; asleep or awake。〃

〃How marvelous are His ways; and past finding out!〃

Luigi said: 〃So exactly to the instant does the change come; that during
our stay in many of the great cities of the world; the public clocks were
regulated by it; and as hundreds of thousands of private clocks and
watches were set and corrected in accordance with the public clocks; we
really furnished the standard time for the entire city。〃

〃Don't tell me that He don't do miracles any more!  Blowing down the
walls of Jericho with rams' horns wa'n't as difficult; in my opinion。〃

〃And that is not all;〃 said Angelo。  〃A thing that is even more
marvelous; perhaps; is the fact that the change takes note of longitude
and fits itself to the meridian we are on。  Luigi is in command this
week。  Now; if on Saturday night at a moment before midnight we could fly
in an instant to a point fifteen degrees west of here; he would hold
possession of the power another hour; for the change observes local time
and no other。〃

Betsy Hale was deeply impressed; and said with solemnity:

〃Patsy Cooper; for detail it lays over the Passage of the Red Sea。〃

〃Now; I shouldn't go as far as that;〃 said Aunt Patsy; 〃but if you've a
mind to say Sodom and Gomorrah; I am with you; Betsy Hale。〃

〃I am agreeable; then; though I do think I was right; and I believe
Parson Maltby would say the same。  Well; now; there's another thing。
Suppose one of you wants to borrow the legs a minute from the one that's
got them; could he let him?〃

〃Yes; but we hardly ever do that。  There were disagreeable results;
several times; and so we very seldom ask or grant the privilege;
nowadays; and we never even think of such a thing unless the case is
extremely urgent。  Besides; a week's possession at a time seems so little
that we can't bear to spare a minute of it。  People who have the use of
their legs all the time never think of what a blessing it is; of course。
It never occurs to them; it's just their natural ordinary condition;
and so it does not excite them at all。  But when I wake up; on Sunday
morning; and it's my week and I feel the power all through me; oh; such a
wave of exultation and thanksgiving goes surging over me; and I want to
shout 'I can walk!  I can walk!'  Madam; do you ever; at your uprising;
want to shout 'I can walk!  I can walk!'?〃

〃No; you poor unfortunate cretur'; but I'll never get out of my bed again
without doing it!  Laws; to think I've had this unspeakable blessing all
my long life and never had the grace to thank the good Lord that gave it
to me!〃

Tears s
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