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those extraordinary twins-第3章

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thinking it was to accommodate me。  I thought it was very good of them;
whereas a person situated as that young man is〃

〃Ma; you oughtn't to begin by getting up a prejudice against him。
I'm sure he is good…hearted and means well。  Both of his faces show it。〃

〃I'm not so certain about that。  The one on the leftI mean the one on
it's lefthasn't near as good a face; in my opinion; as its brother。〃

〃That's Luigi。〃

〃Yes; Luigi; anyway it's the dark…skinned one; the one that was west of
his brother when they stood in the door。  Up to all kinds of mischief and
disobedience when he was a boy; I'll be bound。  I lay his mother had
trouble to lay her hand on him when she wanted him。  But the one on the
right is as good as gold; I can see that。〃

〃That's Angelo。〃

〃Yes; Angelo; I reckon; though I can't tell t'other from which by their
names; yet awhile。  But it's the right…hand onethe blond one。  He has
such kind blue eyes; and curly copper hair and fresh complexion〃

〃And such a noble face!oh; it is a noble face; ma; just royal; you may
say!  And beautiful deary me; how beautiful!  But both are that; the dark
one's as beautiful asa picture。  There's no such wonderful faces and
handsome heads in this town none that even begin。  And such hands;
especially Angelo'sso shapely and〃

〃Stuff; how could you tell which they belonged to?they had gloves on。〃

〃Why; didn't I see them take off their hats?〃

〃That don't signify。  They might have taken off each other's hats。
Nobody could tell。  There was just a wormy squirming of arms in the air
seemed to be a couple of dozen of them; all writhing at once; and it
just made me dizzy to see them go。〃

〃Why; ma; I hadn't any difficulty。  There's two arms on each shoulder〃

〃There; now。  One arm on each shoulder belongs to each of the creatures;
don't it?  For a person to have two arms on one shoulder wouldn't do him
any good; would it?  Of course not。  Each has an arm on each shoulder。
Now then; you tell me which of them belongs to which; if you can。  They
don't know; themselvesthey just work whichever arm comes handy。  Of
course they do; especially if they are in a hurry and can't stop to think
which belongs to which。〃

The mother seemed to have the rights of the argument; so the daughter
abandoned the struggle。  Presently the widow rose with a yawn and said:

〃Poor thing; I hope it won't catch cold; it was powerful wet; just
drenched; you may say。  I hope it has left its boots outside; so they can
be dried。〃

Then she gave a little start; and looked perplexed。

〃Now I remember I heard one of them ask Joe to call him at half after
sevenI think it was the one on the leftno; it was the one to the east
of the other onebut I didn't hear the other one say any thing。  I
wonder if he wants to be called too。  Do you reckon it's too late to

〃Why; ma; it's not necessary。  Calling one is calling both。  If one gets
up; the other's got to。〃

〃Sho; of course; I never thought of that。  Well; come along; maybe we can
get some sleep; but I don't know; I'm so shook up with what we've been

The stranger had made an impression on the boys; too。  They had a word of
talk as they were getting to bed。  Henry; the gentle; the humane; said:

〃I feel ever so sorry for it; don't you; Joe?〃

But Joe was a boy of this world; active; enterprising; and had a
theatrical side to him:

〃Sorry?  Why; how you talk!  It can't stir a step without attracting
attention。  It's just grand!〃

Henry said;; reproachfully:

〃Instead of pitying it; Joe; you talk as if〃

〃Talk as if what?  I know one thing mighty certain: if you can fix me so
I can eat for two and only have to stub toes for one; I ain't going to
fool away no such chance just for sentiment。〃

The twins were wet and tired; and they proceeded to undress without…any
preliminary remarks。  The abundance of sleeve made the partnership coat
hard to get off; for it was like skinning a tarantula; but it came at
last; after much tugging and perspiring。  The mutual vest followed。  Then
the brothers stood up before the glass; and each took off his own cravat
and collar。  The collars were of the standing kind; and came high up
under the ears; like the sides of a wheelbarrow; as required by the
fashion of the day。  The cravats were as broad as a bank…bill; with
fringed ends which stood far out to right and left like the wings of a
dragon…fly; and this also was strictly in accordance with the fashion of
the time。  Each cravat; as to color; was in perfect taste; so far as its
owner's complexion was concerneda delicate pink; in the case of the
blond brother; a violent scarlet in the case of the brunettebut as a
combination they broke all the laws of taste known to civilization。
Nothing more fiendish and irreconcilable than those shrieking and
blaspheming colors could have been contrived; The wet boots gave no end
of troubleto Luigi。  When they were off at last; Angelo said; with

〃I wish you wouldn't wear such tight boots; they hurt my feet。〃

Luigi answered with indifference:

〃My friend; when I am in command of our body; I choose my apparel
according to my own convenience; as I have remarked more than several
times already。  When you are in command; I beg you will do as you

Angelo was hurt; and the tears came into his eyes。  There was gentle
reproach in his voice; but; not anger; when he replied:

〃Luigi; I often consult your wishes; but you never consult mine。  When I
am in command I treat you as a guest; I try to make you feel at home;
when you are in command you treat me as an intruder; you make me feel
unwelcome。  It embarrasses me cruelly in company; for I can; see that
people notice it and comment on it。〃

〃Oh; damn the people;〃 responded the brother languidly; and with the air
of one who is tired of the subject。

A slight shudder shook the frame of Angelo; but he said nothing and the
conversation ceased。  Each buttoned his own share of the nightshirt in
silence; then Luigi; with Paine's Age of Reason in his hand; sat down in
one chair and put his feet in another and lit his pipe; while Angelo took
his Whole Duty of Man; and both began to read。  Angelo presently began to
cough; his coughing increased and became mixed with gaspings for breath;
and he was finally obliged to make an appeal to his brother's humanity:

〃Luigi; if you would only smoke a little milder tobacco; I am sure I
could learn not to mind it in time; but this is so strong; and the pipe
is so rank that〃

〃Angelo; I wouldn't be such a baby!  I have learned to smoke in a week;
and the trouble is already over with me; if you would try; you could
learn too; and then you would stop spoiling my comfort with your
everlasting complaints。〃

〃Ah; brother; that is a strong wordeverlasting and isn't quite fair。
I only complain when I suffocate; you know I don't complain when we are
in the open air。〃

〃Well; anyway; you could learn to smoke yourself。〃

〃But my principles; Luigi; you forget my principles。  You would not have
me do a thing which I regard as a sin?〃

〃Oh; bosh!〃

The conversation ceased again; for Angelo was sick and discouraged and
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