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the merry adventures of robin hood(罗宾汉奇遇记)-第9章

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Sheriff knew; he often came even within the walls of Nottingham。

〃Now;〃 thought the Sheriff; 〃could I but persuade Robin nigh
to Nottingham Town so that I could find him; I warrant I would lay
hands upon him so stoutly that he would never get away again。〃
Then of a sudden it came to him like a flash that were he to
proclaim a great shooting match and offer some grand prize;
Robin Hood might be overpersuaded by his spirit to come to the butts;
and it was this thought which caused him to cry 〃Aha!〃 and smite
his palm upon his thigh。

So; as soon as he had returned safely to Nottingham; he sent
messengers north and south; and east and west; to proclaim
through town; hamlet; and countryside; this grand shooting match;
and everyone was bidden that could draw a longbow; and the prize
was to be an arrow of pure beaten gold。

When Robin Hood first heard the news of this he was in Lincoln Town;
and hastening back to Sherwood Forest he soon called all his merry
men about him and spoke to them thus:

〃Now hearken; my merry men all; to the news that I have brought from
Lincoln Town today。  Our friend the Sheriff of Nottingham hath proclaimed
a shooting match; and hath sent messengers to tell of it through
all the countryside; and the prize is to be a bright golden arrow。
Now I fain would have one of us win it; both because of the fairness
of the prize and because our sweet friend the Sheriff hath offered it。
So we will take our bows and shafts and go there to shoot; for I know
right well that merriment will be a…going。 What say ye; lads?〃

Then young David of Doncaster spoke up and said; 〃Now listen; I pray thee;
good master; unto what I say。  I have come straight from our friend Eadom o'
the Blue Boar; and there I heard the full news of this same match。
But; master; I know from him; and he got it from the Sheriff's man Ralph o'
the Scar; that this same knavish Sheriff hath but laid a trap for thee
in this shooting match and wishes nothing so much as to see thee there。
So go not; good master; for I know right well he doth seek to beguile thee;
but stay within the greenwood lest we all meet dole and woe。〃

〃Now;〃 quoth Robin; 〃thou art a wise lad and keepest thine ears
open and thy mouth shut; as becometh a wise and crafty woodsman。
But shall we let it be said that the Sheriff of Nottingham
did cow bold Robin Hood and sevenscore as fair archers as are
in all merry England?  Nay; good David; what thou tellest me
maketh me to desire the prize even more than I else should do。
But what sayeth our good gossip Swanthold?  Is it not ‘A hasty man
burneth his mouth; and the fool that keepeth his eyes shut falleth
into the pit'? Thus he says; truly; therefore we must meet guile
with guile。  Now some of you clothe yourselves as curtal friars;
and some as rustic peasants; and some as tinkers; or as beggars;
but see that each man taketh a good bow or broadsword; in case
need should arise。  As for myself; I will shoot for this same
golden arrow; and should I win it; we will hang it to the branches
of our good greenwood tree for the joy of all the band。
How like you the plan; my merry men all?〃

Then 〃Good; good!〃 cried all the band right heartily。

A fair sight was Nottingham Town on the day of the shooting match。
All along upon the green meadow beneath the town wall stretched
a row of benches; one above the other; which were for knight
and lady; squire and dame; and rich burghers and their wives;
for none but those of rank and quality were to sit there。
At the end of the range; near the target; was a raised seat bedecked
with ribbons and scarfs and garlands of flowers; for the Sheriff
of Nottingham and his dame。  The range was twoscore paces broad。
At one end stood the target; at the other a tent of striped canvas;
from the pole of which fluttered many…colored flags and streamers。
In this booth were casks of ale; free to be broached by any
of the archers who might wish to quench their thirst。

Across the range from where the seats for the better folk
were raised was a railing to keep the poorer people from
crowding in front of the target。  Already; while it was early;
the benches were beginning to fill with people of quality; who kept
constantly arriving in little carts or upon palfreys that curveted
gaily to the merry tinkle of silver bells at bridle reins。
With these came also the poorer folk; who sat or lay upon the green
grass near the railing that kept them from off the range。
In the great tent the archers were gathering by twos and threes;
some talking loudly of the fair shots each man had made
in his day; some looking well to their bows; drawing a string
betwixt the fingers to see that there was no fray upon it;
or inspecting arrows; shutting one eye and peering down a shaft
to see that it was not warped; but straight and true; for neither
bow nor shaft should fail at such a time and for such a prize。
And never was such a company of yeomen as were gathered
at Nottingham Town that day; for the very best archers
of merry England had come to this shooting match。
There was Gill o' the Red Cap; the Sheriff's own head archer;
and Diccon Cruikshank of Lincoln Town; and Adam o' the Dell;
a man of Tamworth; of threescore years and more; yet hale
and lusty still; who in his time had shot in the famous match
at Woodstock; and had there beaten that renowned archer; Clym o'
the Clough。  And many more famous men of the longbow were there;
whose names have been handed down to us in goodly ballads
of the olden time。

But now all the benches were filled with guests; lord and lady;
burgher and dame; when at last the Sheriff himself came with his lady;
he riding with stately mien upon his milk…white horse and she
upon her brown filly。  Upon his head he wore a purple velvet cap;
and purple velvet was his robe; all trimmed about with rich ermine;
his jerkin and hose were of sea…green silk; and his shoes
of black velvet; the pointed toes fastened to his garters
with golden chains。  A golden chain hung about his neck;
and at his collar was a great carbuncle set in red gold。
His lady was dressed in blue velvet; all trimmed with swan's down。
So they made a gallant sight as they rode along side by side;
and all the people shouted from where they crowded across
the space from the gentlefolk; so the Sheriff and his lady came
to their place; where men…at…arms; with hauberk and spear;
stood about; waiting for them。

Then when the Sheriff and his dame had sat down; he bade his herald wind
upon his silver horn; who thereupon sounded three blasts that came echoing
cheerily back from the gray walls of Nottingham。  Then the archers stepped
forth to their places; while all the folks shouted with a mighty voice;
each man calling upon his favorite yeoman。  〃Red Cap!〃 cried some;
〃Cruikshank!〃 cried others; 〃Hey for William o' Leslie!〃 shouted others
yet again; while ladies waved silken scarfs to urge each yeoman to
do his best。

Then the herald stood forth and loudly proclaimed the rules
of the game as follows:

〃Shoot each man from yon mark; which is sevenscore yards and ten from
the target。  One arrow shooteth each man first; and from all the archers
shall t
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