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the merry adventures of robin hood(罗宾汉奇遇记)-第78章

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he saw the faces of Robin Hood and Little John and Will Scarlet
and Will Stutely and Allan a Dale and others of the band。

〃How now;〃 said the King hastily; 〃art thou ill; Sheriff; that thou
growest so white?〃

〃Nay; Your Majesty;〃 said the Sheriff; 〃it was nought but a sudden pain
that will soon pass by。〃  Thus he spake; for he was ashamed that the King
should know that Robin Hood feared him so little that he thus dared to come
within the very gates of Nottingham Town。

Thus rode the King into Nottingham Town on that bright afternoon
in the early fall season; and none rejoiced more than Robin Hood
and his merry men to see him come so royally unto his own。

Eventide had come; the great feast in the Guild Hall
at Nottingham Town was done; and the wine passed freely。
A thousand waxen lights gleamed along the board; at which sat
lord and noble and knight and squire in goodly array。
At the head of the table; upon a throne all hung with cloth of gold;
sat King Richard with the Sheriff of Nottingham beside him。

Quoth the King to the Sheriff; laughing as he spoke; 〃I have heard
much spoken concerning the doings of certain fellows hereabouts;
one Robin Hood and his band; who are outlaws and abide
in Sherwood Forest。  Canst thou not tell me somewhat of them;
Sir Sheriff?  For I hear that thou hast had dealings with them
more than once。〃

At these words the Sheriff of Nottingham looked down gloomily;
and the Bishop of Hereford; who was present; gnawed his nether lip。
Quoth the Sheriff; 〃I can tell Your Majesty but little concerning
the doings of those naughty fellows; saving that they are the boldest
lawbreakers in all the land。〃

Then up spake young Sir Henry of the Lea; a great favorite with the King;
under whom he had fought in Palestine。  〃May it please Your Majesty;〃
said he; 〃when I was away in Palestine I heard ofttimes from my father;
and in most cases I heard of this very fellow; Robin Hood。  If Your Majesty
would like I will tell you a certain adventure of this outlaw。〃

Then the King laughingly bade him tell his tale; whereupon he told
how Robin Hood had aided Sir Richard of the Lea with money that he had
borrowed from the Bishop of Hereford。  Again and again the King and those
present roared with laughter; while the poor Bishop waxed cherry red
in the face with vexation; for the matter was a sore thing with him。
When Sir Henry of the Lea was done; others of those present; seeing how
the King enjoyed this merry tale; told other tales concerning Robin
and his merry men。

〃By the hilt of my sword;〃 said stout King Richard; 〃this is as bold
and merry a knave as ever I heard tell of。  Marry; I must take this
matter in hand and do what thou couldst not do; Sheriff; to wit;
clear the forest of him and his band。〃

That night the King sat in the place that was set apart for his
lodging while in Nottingham Town。  With him were young Sir Henry
of the Lea and two other knights and three barons of Nottinghamshire;
but the King's mind still dwelled upon Robin Hood。  〃Now;〃 quoth he;
〃I would freely give a hundred pounds to meet this roguish fellow;
Robin Hood; and to see somewhat of his doings in Sherwood Forest。〃

Then up spake Sir Hubert of gingham; laughing:  〃If Your Majesty
hath such a desire upon you it is not so hard to satisfy。
If Your Majesty is willing to lose one hundred pounds;
I will engage to cause you not only to meet this fellow;
but to feast with him in Sherwood。〃

〃Marry; Sir Hubert;〃 quoth the King; 〃this pleaseth me well。
But how wilt thou cause me to meet Robin Hood?〃

〃Why; thus;〃 said Sir Hubert; 〃let Your Majesty and us here present
put on the robes of seven of the Order of Black Friars; and let
Your Majesty hang a purse of one hundred pounds beneath your gown;
then let us undertake to ride from here to Mansfield Town tomorrow;
and; without I am much mistaken; we will both meet with Robin Hood
and dine with him before the day be passed。〃

〃I like thy plan; Sir Hubert;〃 quoth the King merrily; 〃and tomorrow we
will try it and see whether there be virtue in it。〃

So it happened that when early the next morning the Sheriff came
to where his liege lord was abiding; to pay his duty to him;
the King told him what they had talked of the night before;
and what merry adventure they were set upon undertaking that morning。
But when the Sheriff heard this he smote his forehead with his fist。
〃Alas!〃 said he; 〃what evil counsel is this that hath been given thee!
O my gracious lord and King; you know not what you do!
This villain that you thus go to seek hath no reverence either
for king or king's laws。〃

〃But did I not hear aright when I was told that this Robin Hood hath shed no
blood since he was outlawed; saving only that of that vile Guy of Gisbourne;
for whose death all honest men should thank him?〃

〃Yea; Your Majesty;〃 said the Sheriff; 〃you have heard aright。  Nevertheless〃

〃Then;〃 quoth the King; breaking in on the Sheriffs speech;
〃what have I to fear in meeting him; having done him no harm?
Truly; there is no danger in this。  But mayhap thou wilt go
with us; Sir Sheriff。〃

〃Nay;〃 quoth the Sheriff hastily; 〃Heaven forbid!〃

But now seven habits such as Black Friars wear were brought;
and the King and those about him having clad themselves therein;
and His Majesty having hung a purse with a hundred golden
pounds in it beneath his robes; they all went forth and mounted
the mules that had been brought to the door for them。
Then the King bade the Sheriff be silent as to their doings;
and so they set forth upon their way。  Onward they traveled;
laughing and jesting; until they passed through the open country;
between bare harvest fields whence the harvest had been gathered home;
through scattered glades that began to thicken as they went farther
along; till they came within the heavy shade of the forest itself。
They traveled in the forest for several miles without meeting
anyone such as they sought; until they had come to that part
of the road that lay nearest to Newstead Abbey。

〃By the holy Saint Martin;〃 quoth the King; 〃I would that I
had a better head for remembering things of great need。
Here have we come away and brought never so much as a drop
of anything to drink with us。  Now I would give half a hundred
pounds for somewhat to quench my thirst withal。〃

No sooner had the King so spoken; than out from the covert
at the roadside stepped a tall fellow with yellow beard and
hair and a pair of merry blue eyes。  〃Truly; holy brother;〃
said he; laying his hand upon the King's bridle rein; 〃it were an
unchristian thing to not give fitting answer to so fair a bargain。
We keep an inn hereabouts; and for fifty pounds we will not
only give thee a good draught of wine; but will give thee
as noble a feast as ever thou didst tickle thy gullet withal。〃
So saying; he put his fingers to his lips and blew a shrill whistle。
Then straightway the bushes and branches on either side of
the road swayed and crackled; and threescore broad…shouldered
yeomen in Lincoln green burst out of the covert。

〃How now; fellow;〃 quoth the King; 〃who art thou; thou naughty rogue?
Hast thou no regard for such holy me
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