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the merry adventures of robin hood(罗宾汉奇遇记)-第69章

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〃that was the narrowest miss that e'er thou hadst in all thy life。
I do say most solemnly that the feather of that wicked shaft
tickled mine ear as it whizzed past。  This same running hath
given me a most craving appetite for victuals and drink。
Now I pray Saint Dunstan that he send me speedily some meat and beer。〃

It seemed as though Saint Dunstan was like to answer his prayer;
for along the road came plodding a certain cobbler; one Quince;
of Derby; who had been to take a pair of shoes to a farmer nigh
Kirk Langly; and was now coming back home again; with a fair boiled
capon in his pouch and a stout pottle of beer by his side; which same
the farmer had given him for joy of such a stout pair of shoon。
Good Quince was an honest fellow; but his wits were somewhat of
the heavy sort; like unbaked dough; so that the only thing that was
in his mind was; 〃Three shillings sixpence ha'penny for thy shoon;
good Quincethree shillings sixpence ha'penny for thy shoon;〃
and this traveled round and round inside of his head; without another
thought getting into his noddle; as a pea rolls round and round
inside an empty quart pot。

〃Halloa; good friend;〃 quoth Robin; from beneath the hedge;
when the other had gotten nigh enough; 〃whither away so merrily
this bright day?〃

Hearing himself so called upon; the Cobbler stopped; and; seeing a
well…clad stranger in blue; he spoke to him in seemly wise。
〃Give ye good den; fair sir; and I would say that I come
from Kirk Langly; where I ha' sold my shoon and got three
shillings sixpence ha'penny for them in as sweet money as ever
thou sawest; and honestly earned too; I would ha' thee know。
But an I may be so bold; thou pretty fellow; what dost thou
there beneath the hedge?〃

〃Marry;〃 quoth merry Robin; 〃I sit beneath the hedge here to drop salt
on the tails of golden birds; but in sooth thou art the first chick
of any worth I ha' seen this blessed day。〃

At these words the Cobbler's eyes opened big and wide; and his
mouth grew round with wonder; like a knothole in a board fence。
〃slack…a…day;〃 quoth he; 〃look ye; now!  I ha' never seen those same
golden birds。  And dost thou in sooth find them in these hedges;
good fellow?  Prythee; tell me; are there many of them?
I would fain find them mine own self。〃

〃Ay; truly;〃 quoth Robin; 〃they are as thick here as fresh herring
in Cannock Chase。〃

〃Look ye; now!〃 said the Cobbler; all drowned in wonder。
〃And dost thou in sooth catch them by dropping salt on
their pretty tails?〃

〃Yea;〃 quoth Robin; 〃but this salt is of an odd kind; let me
tell thee; for it can only be gotten by boiling down a quart
of moonbeams in a wooden platter; and then one hath but a pinch。
But tell me; now; thou witty man; what hast thou gotten there
in that pouch by thy side and in that pottle?〃

At these words the Cobbler looked down at those things of which merry
Robin spoke; for the thoughts of the golden bird had driven them
from his mind; and it took him some time to scrape the memory of them
back again。  〃Why;〃 said he at last; 〃in the one is good March beer;
and in the other is a fat capon。  Truly; Quince the Cobbler will ha'
a fine feast this day an I mistake not。〃

〃But tell me; good Quince;〃 said Robin; 〃hast thou a mind to sell those things
to me?  For the hearing of them sounds sweet in mine ears。  I will give
thee these gay clothes of blue that I have upon my body and ten shillings
to boot for thy clothes and thy leather apron and thy beer and thy capon。
What sayst thou; bully boy?〃

〃Nay; thou dost jest with me;〃 said the Cobbler; 〃for my clothes are coarse
and patched; and thine are of fine stuff and very pretty。〃

〃Never a jest do I speak;〃 quoth Robin。  〃Come; strip thy jacket
off and I will show thee; for I tell thee I like thy clothes well。
Moreover; I will be kind to thee; for I will feast straightway
upon the good things thou hast with thee; and thou shalt be bidden
to the eating。〃  At these words he began slipping off his doublet;
and the Cobbler; seeing him so in earnest; began pulling off
his clothes also; for Robin Hood's garb tickled his eye。
So each put on the other fellow's clothes; and Robin gave the honest
Cobbler ten bright new shillings。  Quoth merry Robin; 〃I ha'
been a many things in my life before; but never have I been
an honest cobbler。  Come; friend; let us fall to and eat;
for something within me cackles aloud for that good fat capon。〃
So both sat down and began to feast right lustily; so that when they
were done the bones of the capon were picked as bare as charity。

Then Robin stretched his legs out with a sweet feeling of comfort within him。
Quoth he; 〃By the turn of thy voice; good Quince; I know that thou hast
a fair song or two running loose in thy head like colts in a meadow。
I prythee; turn one of them out for me。〃

〃A song or two I ha';〃 quoth the Cobbler; 〃poor things; poor things;
but such as they are thou art welcome to one of them。〃
So; moistening his throat with a swallow of beer; he sang:

 〃_Of all the joys; the best I love;
     Sing hey my frisking Nan; O;
 And that which most my soul doth move;
     It is the clinking can; O。

 〃All other bliss I'd throw away;
     Sing hey my frisking Nan; O;
 But this_〃

The stout Cobbler got no further in his song; for of a sudden
six horsemen burst upon them where they sat; and seized
roughly upon the honest craftsman; hauling him to his feet;
and nearly plucking the clothes from him as they did so。
〃Ha!〃 roared the leader of the band in a great big voice of joy;
〃have we then caught thee at last; thou blue…clad knave?
Now; blessed be the name of Saint Hubert; for we are fourscore
pounds richer this minute than we were before; for the good Bishop
of Hereford hath promised that much to the band that shall
bring thee to him。  Oho! thou cunning rascal! thou wouldst
look so innocent; forsooth!  We know thee; thou old fox。
But off thou goest with us to have thy brush clipped forthwith。〃
At these words the poor Cobbler gazed all around him
with his great blue eyes as round as those of a dead fish;
while his mouth gaped as though he had swallowed all his words
and so lost his speech。

Robin also gaped and stared in a wondering way; just as the Cobbler
would have done in his place。  〃Alack…a…daisy; me;〃 quoth he。
〃I know not whether I be sitting here or in No…man's…land! What
meaneth all this stir i' th' pot; dear good gentlemen?
Surely this is a sweet; honest fellow。〃

〃 ‘Honest fellow;' sayst thou; clown?〃 quoth one of the men 〃Why; I
tell thee that this is that same rogue that men call Robin Hood。〃

At this speech the Cobbler stared and gaped more than ever;
for there was such a threshing of thoughts going on

within his poor head that his wits were all befogged with the dust
and chaff thereof。  Moreover; as he looked at Robin Hood; and saw
the yeoman look so like what he knew himself to be; he began to doubt
and to think that mayhap he was the great outlaw in real sooth。
Said he in a slow; wondering voice; 〃Am I in very truth that fellow?
Now I had thoughtbut nay; Quince; thou art mistookyetam I?Nay; I must
indeed be Robin Hood!  Yet; truly; I had neve
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