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the merry adventures of robin hood(罗宾汉奇遇记)-第68章

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But they found that their birds had flown again; and that the King
had been balked a second time。

〃Methought that they were naughty fellows;〃 said the host; when he heard
whom the men…at…arms sought。  〃But I heard that blue…clad knave say that
they would go straight forward to Saint Albans; so; an ye hurry forward;
ye may; perchance; catch them on the highroad betwixt here and there。〃
For this news the leader of the band thanked mine host right heartily; and;
calling his men together; mounted and set forth again; galloping forward
to Saint Albans upon a wild goose chase。

After Little John and Will Scarlet and Allan a Dale had left
the highway near garnet; they traveled toward the eastward;
without stopping; as long as their legs could carry them; until they
came to Chelmsford; in Essex。  Thence they turned northward;
and came through Cambridge and Lincolnshire; to the good town
of Gainsborough。  Then; striking to the westward and the south;
they came at last to the northern borders of Sherwood Forest;
without in all that time having met so much as a single band
of the King's men。  Eight days they journeyed thus ere they reached
the woodlands in safety; but when they got to the greenwood glade;
they found that Robin had not yet returned。

For Robin was not as lucky in getting back as his men had been;
as you shall presently hear。

After having left the great northern road; he turned his face
to the westward; and so came past Aylesbury; to fair Woodstock;
in Oxfordshire。  Thence he turned his footsteps northward;
traveling for a great distance by way of Warwick Town;
till he came to Dudley; in Staffordshire。  Seven days it took
him to journey thus far; and then he thought he had gotten
far enough to the north; so; turning toward the eastward;
shunning the main roads; and choosing byways and grassy lanes;
he went; by way of Litchfield and Ashby de la Zouch; toward Sherwood;
until he came to a place called Stanton。  And now Robin's
heart began to laugh aloud; for he thought that his danger
had gone by; and that his nostrils would soon snuff the spicy
air of the woodlands once again。  But there is many a slip
betwixt the cup and the lip; and this Robin was to find。
For thus it was:

When the King's men found themselves foiled at Saint Albans;
and that Robin and his men were not to be found high nor low;
they knew not what to do。  Presently another band of horsemen came;
and another; until all the moonlit streets were full of armed men。
Betwixt midnight and dawn another band came to the town;
and with them came the Bishop of Hereford。  When he heard
that Robin Hood had once more slipped out of the trap; he stayed
not a minute; but; gathering his bands together; he pushed forward
to the northward with speed; leaving orders for all the troops
that came to Saint Albans to follow after him without tarrying。
On the evening of the fourth day he reached Nottingham Town;
and there straightway divided his men into bands of six or seven;
and sent them all through the countryside; blocking every highway
and byway to the eastward and the southward and the westward
of Sherwood。  The Sheriff of Nottingham called forth all his
men likewise; and joined with the Bishop; for he saw that this
was the best chance that had ever befallen of paying back
his score in full to Robin Hood。  Will Scarlet and Little John
and Allan a Dale had just missed the King's men to the eastward;
for the very next day after they had passed the line and entered
Sherwood the roads through which they had traveled were blocked;
so that; had they tarried in their journeying; they would surely
have fallen into the Bishop's hands。

But of all this Robin knew not a whit; so he whistled merrily
as he trudged along the road beyond Stanton; with his heart as free
from care as the yolk of an egg is from cobwebs。  At last he came
to where a little stream spread across the road in a shallow sheet;
tinkling and sparkling as it fretted over its bed of golden gravel。
Here Robin stopped; being athirst; and; kneeling down;
he made a cup of the palms of his hands; and began to drink。
On either side of the road; for a long distance; stood tangled
thickets of bushes and young trees; and it pleased Robin's heart
to hear the little birds singing therein; for it made him think
of Sherwood; and it seemed as though it had been a lifetime
since he had breathed the air of the woodlands。  But of a sudden;
as he thus stooped; drinking; something hissed past his ear;
and struck with a splash into the gravel and water beside him。
Quick as a wink Robin sprang to his feet; and; at one bound;
crossed the stream and the roadside; and plunged headlong into
the thicket; without looking around; for he knew right well that
that which had hissed so venomously beside his ear was a gray
goose shaft; and that to tarry so much as a moment meant death。
Even as he leaped into the thicket six more arrows rattled
among the branches after him; one of which pierced his doublet;
and would have struck deeply into his side but for the tough
coat of steel that he wore。  Then up the road came riding some
of the King's men at headlong speed。  They leaped from their horses
and plunged straightway into the thicket after Robin。  But Robin
knew the ground better than they did; so crawling here;
stooping there; and; anon; running across some little open;
he soon left them far behind; coming out; at last; upon another
road about eight hundred paces distant from the one he had left。
Here he stood for a moment; listening to the distant shouts of
the seven men as they beat up and down in the thickets like hounds
that had lost the scent of the quarry。  Then; buckling his belt
more tightly around his waist; he ran fleetly down the road toward
the eastward and Sherwood。

But Robin had not gone more than three furlongs in that direction
when he came suddenly to the brow of a hill; and saw beneath
him another band of the King's men seated in the shade along
the roadside in the valley beneath。  Then he paused not
a moment; but; seeing that they had not caught sight of him;
he turned and ran back whence he had come; knowing that it was
better to run the chance of escaping those fellows that were yet
in the thickets than to rush into the arms of those in the valley。
So back he ran with all speed; and had gotten safely past
the thickets; when the seven men came forth into the open road。
They raised a great shout when they saw him; such as the hunter gives
when the deer breaks cover; but Robin was then a quarter of a mile
and more away from them; coursing over the ground like a greyhound。
He never slackened his pace; but ran along; mile after mile;
till he had come

nigh to Mackworth; over beyond the Derwent River; nigh to
Derby Town。  Here; seeing that he was out of present danger;
he slackened in his running; and at last sat him down beneath a hedge
where the grass was the longest and the shade the coolest; there to
rest and catch his wind。  〃By my soul; Robin;〃 quoth he to himself;
〃that was the narrowest miss that e'er thou hadst in all thy life。
I do say most solemnly that the feather of that wicked shaft
tickled mine
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