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the merry adventures of robin hood(罗宾汉奇遇记)-第60章

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said the Corn Engrosser; 〃I mind not thy company; but; in sooth;
I have no great fondness for beggars。〃

〃Then forward;〃 quoth Robin; 〃for the day wanes and it will be dark
ere we reach Newark。〃  So off they went; the lean horse hobbling
along as before; and Robin running beside; albeit he was so quaking
with laughter within him that he could hardly stand; yet he dared
not laugh aloud; lest the Corn Engrosser should suspect something。
So they traveled along till they reached a hill just on the outskirts
of Sherwood。  Here the lean man checked his lean horse into a walk;
for the road was steep; and he wished to save his nag's strength;
having far to go ere he reached Newark。  Then he turned in his saddle
and spake to Robin again; for the first time since they had left the cross。
〃Here is thy greatest danger; friend;〃 said he; 〃for here we are
nighest to that vile thief Robin Hood; and the place where he dwells。
Beyond this we come again to the open honest country; and so are more
safe in our journeying。〃

〃Alas!〃 quoth Robin; 〃I would that I had as little money by me as thou hast;
for this day I fear that Robin Hood will get every groat of my wealth。〃

Then the other looked at Robin and winked cunningly。  Quoth he;
〃I tell thee; friend; that I have nigh as much by me as thou hast;
but it is hidden so that never a knave in Sherwood could find it。〃

〃Thou dost surely jest;〃 quoth Robin。  〃How could one hide so much
as two hundred pounds upon his person?〃

〃Now; as thou art so honest a fellow; and; withal; so much younger than I am;
I will tell thee that which I have told to no man in all the world before;
and thus thou mayst learn never again to do such a foolish thing as to trust
to beggar's garb to guard thee against Robin Hood。  Seest thou these clogs
upon my feet?〃

〃Yea;〃 quoth Robin; laughing; 〃truly; they are large enough for any
man to see; even were his sight as foggy as that of Peter Patter;
who never could see when it was time to go to work。〃

〃Peace; friend;〃 said the Corn Engrosser; 〃for this is no matter for jesting。
The soles of these clogs are not what they seem to be; for each one is
a sweet little box; and by twisting the second nail from the toe; the upper
of the shoe and part of the sole lifts up like a lid; and in the spaces within
are fourscore and ten bright golden pounds in each shoe; all wrapped in hair;
to keep them from clinking and so telling tales of themselves。〃

When the Corn Engrosser had told this; Robin broke into a roar
of laughter and; laying his hands upon the bridle rein;
stopped the sad…looking nag。  〃Stay; good friend;〃 quoth he;
between bursts of merriment; 〃thou art the slyest old fox that e'er
I saw in all my life!In the soles of his shoon; quotha!If ever
I trust a poor…seeming man again; shave my head and paint it blue!
A corn factor; a horse jockey; an estate agent; and a jackdaw
for cunningness; say I!〃  And he laughed again till he shook
in his shoes with mirth。

All this time the Corn Engrosser had been staring at Robin;
his mouth agape with wonder。  〃Art thou mad;〃 quoth he; 〃to talk
in this way; so loud and in such a place?  Let us forward;
and save thy mirth till we are safe and sound at Newark。〃

〃Nay;〃 quoth Robin; the tears of merriment wet on his cheeks; 〃on second
thoughts I go no farther than here; for I have good friends hereabouts。
Thou mayst go forward if thou dost list; thou sweet pretty fellow; but thou
must go forward barefoot; for I am afraid that thy shoon must be left behind。
Off with them; friend; for I tell thee I have taken a great fancy to them。〃

At these words the corn factor grew pale as a linen napkin。
〃Who art thou that talkest so?〃 said he。

Then merry Robin laughed again; and quoth he; 〃Men hereabouts
call me Robin Hood; so; sweet friend; thou hadst best do my
bidding and give me thy shoes; wherefore hasten; I prythee;
or else thou wilt not get to fair Newark Town till after dark。〃

At the sound of the name of Robin Hood; the corn factor quaked with fear;
so that he had to seize his horse by the mane to save himself from
falling off its back。  Then straightway; and without more words;
he stripped off his clogs and let them fall upon the road。
Robin; still holding the bridle rein; stooped and picked them up。
Then he said; 〃Sweet friend; I am used to ask those that I
have dealings with to come and feast at Sherwood with me。
I will not ask thee; because of our pleasant journey together;
for I tell thee there be those in Sherwood that would not be
so gentle with thee as I have been。  The name of Corn Engrosser
leaves a nasty taste upon the tongue of all honest men。
Take a fool's advice of me and come no more so nigh to Sherwood;
or mayhap some day thou mayst of a sudden find a clothyard shaft
betwixt thy ribs。  So; with this; I give thee good den。〃  Hereupon he
clapped his hand to the horse's flank and off went nag and rider。
But the man's face was all bedewed with the sweat of fright;
and never again; I wot; was he found so close to Sherwood Forest
as he had been this day。

Robin stood and looked after him; and; when he was fairly gone;
turned; laughing; and entered the forest carrying the shoes
in his hand。

That night in sweet Sherwood the red fires glowed brightly in wavering
light on tree and bush; and all around sat or lay the stout fellows
of the band to hear Robin Hood and Little John tell their adventures。
All listened closely; and again and again the woods rang with
shouts of laughter。

When all was told; Friar Tuck spoke up。  〃Good master;〃 said he;
〃thou hast had a pretty time; but still I hold to my saying;
that the life of the barefoot friar is the merrier of the two。〃

〃Nay;〃 quoth Will Stutely; 〃I hold with our master; that he hath
had the pleasanter doings of the two; for he hath had two stout
bouts at quarterstaff this day。〃

So some of the band held with Robin Hood and some with
Little John。  As for me; I thinkBut I leave it with you to say
for yourselves which you hold with。

Robin Hood Shoots Before Queen Eleanor

THE HIGHROAD stretched white and dusty in the hot summer
afternoon sun; and the trees stood motionless along the roadside。
All across the meadow lands the hot air danced and quivered;
and in the limpid waters of the lowland brook; spanned by a little
stone bridge; the fish hung motionless above the yellow gravel;
and the dragonfly sat quite still; perched upon the sharp tip
of a spike of the rushes; with its wings glistening in the sun。

Along the road a youth came riding upon a fair milk…white barb;
and the folk that he passed stopped and turned and looked after him;
for never had so lovely a lad or one so gaily clad been seen in
Nottingham before。  He could not have been more than sixteen years
of age; and was as fair as any maiden。  His long yellow hair flowed
behind him as he rode along; all clad in silk and velvet; with jewels
flashing and dagger jingling against the pommel of the saddle。
Thus came the Queen's Page; young Richard Partington; from famous
London Town down into Nottinghamshire; upon Her Majesty's bidding;
to seek Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest。

The road was hot and dusty and 
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