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the merry adventures of robin hood(罗宾汉奇遇记)-第58章

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over their noses holding sweet food; the plowman sat under
the hedge and the plowboy also; and they; too; were munching;
each one holding a great piece of bread in one fist and a great
piece of cheese in the other。

So Robin; with all the empty road to himself; strode along whistling merrily;
his bags and pouches bobbing and dangling at his thighs。  At last he came
to where a little grass…grown path left the road and; passing through a stile
and down a hill; led into a little dell and on across a rill in the valley
and up the hill on the other side; till it reached a windmill that stood
on the cap of the rise where the wind bent the trees in swaying motion。
Robin looked at the spot and liked it; and; for no reason but that his fancy
led him; he took the little path and walked down the grassy sunny slope
of the open meadow; and so came to the little dingle and; ere he knew it;
upon four lusty fellows that sat with legs outstretched around a goodly
feast spread upon the ground。

Four merry beggars were they; and each had slung about
his neck a little board that rested upon his breast。
One board had written upon it; 〃I am blind;〃 another; 〃I am deaf;〃
another; 〃I am dumb;〃 and the fourth; 〃Pity the lame one。〃
But although all these troubles written upon the boards seemed
so grievous; the four stout fellows sat around feasting
as merrily as though Cain's wife had never opened the pottle
that held misfortunes and let them forth like a cloud of flies
to pester us。

The deaf man was the first to hear Robin; for he said; 〃Hark; brothers; I hear
someone coming。〃  And the blind man was the first to see him; for he said;
〃He is an honest man; brothers; and one of like craft to ourselves。〃
Then the dumb man called to him in a great voice and said; 〃Welcome; brother;
come and sit while there is still some of the feast left and a little
Malmsey in the pottle。〃  At this; the lame man; who had taken off his
wooden leg and unstrapped his own leg; and was sitting with it stretched
out upon the grass so as to rest it; made room for Robin among them。
〃We are glad to see thee; brother;〃 said he; holding out the flask of Malmsey。

〃Marry;〃 quoth Robin; laughing; and weighing the flask in his hands
ere he drank; 〃methinks it is no more than seemly of you all to be
glad to see me; seeing that I bring sight to the blind; speech to
the dumb; hearing to the deaf; and such a lusty leg to a lame man。
I drink to your happiness; brothers; as I may not drink to your health;
seeing ye are already hale; wind and limb。〃

At this all grinned; and the Blind beggar; who was the chief man among them;
and was the broadest shouldered and most lusty rascal of all; smote Robin
upon the shoulder; swearing he was a right merry wag。

〃Whence comest thou; lad?〃 asked the Dumb man。

〃Why;〃 quoth Robin; 〃I came this morning from sleeping overnight in Sherwood。〃

〃Is it even so?〃 said the Deaf man。  〃I would not for all the money we four
are carrying to Lincoln Town sleep one night in Sherwood。  If Robin Hood
caught one of our trade in his woodlands he would; methinks; clip his ears。〃

〃Methinks he would; too;〃 quoth Robin; laughing。  〃But what money
is this that ye speak of?〃

Then up spake the Lame man。  〃Our king; Peter of York;〃 said he;
〃hath sent us to Lincoln with those moneys that〃

〃Stay; brother Hodge;〃 quoth the Blind man; breaking into the talk;
〃I would not doubt our brother here; but bear in mind we know him not。
What art thou; brother?  Upright…man; Jurkman; Clapper…dudgeon; Dommerer;
or Abraham…man?〃

At these words Robin looked from one man to the other with mouth agape。
〃Truly;〃 quoth he; 〃I trust I am an upright man; at least; I strive to be;
but I know not what thou meanest by such jargon; brother。  It were much
more seemly; methinks; if yon Dumb man; who hath a sweet voice; would give
us a song。〃

At these words a silence fell on all; and after a while the Blind
man spoke again。  Quoth he; 〃Thou dost surely jest when thou
sayest that thou dost not understand such words。  Answer me this:
Hast thou ever fibbed a chouse quarrons in the Rome pad for the loure
in his bung?〃'4'

'4' I。E。; in old beggar's cant; 〃beaten a man or gallant upon the highway
for the money in his purse。〃  Dakkar's ENGLISH VILLAINIES。

〃Now out upon it;〃 quoth Robin Hood testily; 〃an ye make sport of me
by pattering such gibberish; it will be ill for you all; I tell you。
I have the best part of a mind to crack the heads of all four of you;
and would do so; too; but for the sweet Malmsey ye have given me。
Brother; pass the pottle lest it grow cold。〃

But all the four beggars leaped to their feet when Robin had
done speaking; and the Blind man snatched up a heavy knotted cudgel
that lay beside him on the grass; as did the others likewise。
Then Robin; seeing that things were like to go ill with him;
albeit he knew not what all the coil was about; leaped to his
feet also and; catching up his trusty staff; clapped his back
against the tree and stood upon his guard against them。
〃How; now!〃 cried he; twirling his staff betwixt his fingers;
〃would you four stout fellows set upon one man?
Stand back; ye rascals; or I will score your pates till they
have as many marks upon them as a pothouse door!  Are ye mad?
I have done you no harm。〃

〃Thou liest!〃 quoth the one who pretended to be blind and who;
being the lustiest villain; was the leader of the others;
〃thou liest!  For thou hast come among us as a vile spy。
But thine ears have heard too much for thy body's good; and thou
goest not forth from this place unless thou goest feet foremost;
for this day thou shalt die!  Come; brothers; all together!
Down with him!〃  Then; whirling up his cudgel; he rushed
upon Robin as an angry bull rushes upon a red rag。
But Robin was ready for any happening。  〃Crick!  Crack!〃 he struck
two blows as quick as a wink; and down went the Blind man;
rolling over and over upon the grass。

At this the others bore back and stood at a little distance
scowling upon Robin。  〃Come on; ye scum!〃 cried he merrily。
〃Here be cakes and ale for all。  Now; who will be next served?〃

To this speech the beggars answered never a word; but they looked at
Robin as great Blunderbore looked upon stout Jack the slayer of giants;
as though they would fain eat him; body and bones; nevertheless; they did
not care to come nigher to him and his terrible staff。  Then; seeing them
so hesitate; Robin of a sudden leaped upon them; striking even as he leaped。
Down went the Dumb man; and away flew his cudgel from his hand as he fell。
At this the others ducked to avoid another blow; then; taking to
their heels; scampered; the one one way and the other the other;
as though they had the west wind's boots upon their feet。  Robin looked
after them; laughing; and thought that never had he seen so fleet a runner
as the Lame man; but neither of the beggars stopped nor turned around;
for each felt in his mind the wind of Robin's cudgel about his ears。

Then Robin turned to the two stout knaves lying upon the ground。
Quoth he; 〃These fellows spake somewhat about certain moneys
they were taking to Lincoln; methinks I may find it up
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