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the merry adventures of robin hood(罗宾汉奇遇记)-第52章

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     With aplenty to eat and to drink;
 For the goodwife will keep him a seat by the fire;
     And the pretty girls smile at his wink。
          Then he lustily trolls
          As he onward strolls;
 A rollicking song for the saving of souls。
          When the wind doth blow;
          With the coming of snow;
          There's a place by the fire
          For the fatherly friar;
 And a crab in the bowl for his heart's desire_。〃

Thus Friar Tuck sang in a rich and mellow voice; rolling his head
from side to side in time with the music; and when he had done;
all clapped their hands and shouted with laughter; for the song
fitted him well。

〃In very sooth;〃 quoth Little John; 〃it is a goodly song; and; were I
not a yeoman of Sherwood Forest; I had rather be a strolling friar
than aught else in the world。〃

〃Yea; it is a goodly song;〃 said Robin Hood; 〃but methought those
two burly beggars told the merrier tales and led the merrier life。
Dost thou not remember what that great black…bearded fellow told
of his begging at the fair in York?〃

〃Yea;〃 said Little John; 〃but what told the friar of the harvest home
in Kentshire?  I hold that he led a merrier life than the other two。〃

〃Truly; for the honor of the cloth;〃 quoth Friar Tuck; 〃I hold
with my good gossip; Little John。〃

〃Now;〃 quoth Robin; 〃I hold to mine own mind。  But what sayst thou;
Little John; to a merry adventure this fair day?  Take thou
a friar's gown from our chest of strange garments; and don the same;
and I will stop the first beggar I meet and change clothes with him。
Then let us wander the country about; this sweet day; and see
what befalls each of us。〃

〃That fitteth my mind;〃 quoth Little John; 〃so let us forth; say I。〃

Thereupon Little John and Friar Tuck went to the storehouse of the band;
and there chose for the yeoman the robe of a Gray Friar。  Then they came
forth again; and a mighty roar of laughter went up; for not only had the band
never seen Little John in such guise before; but the robe was too short
for him by a good palm's…breadth。 But Little John's hands were folded
in his loose sleeves; and Little John's eyes were cast upon the ground;
and at his girdle hung a great; long string of beads。

And now Little John took up his stout staff; at the end of which hung a chubby
little leathern pottle; such as palmers carry at the tips of their staves;
but in it was something; I wot; more like good Malmsey than cold spring water;
such as godly pilgrims carry。  Then up rose Robin and took his stout staff
in his hand; likewise; and slipped ten golden angels into his pouch;
for no beggar's garb was among the stores of the band; so he was fain to run
his chance of meeting a beggar and buying his clothes of him。

So; all being made ready; the two yeomen set forth on their way;
striding lustily along all in the misty morning。  Thus they walked
down the forest path until they came to the highway; and then along
the highway till it split in twain; leading on one hand to Blyth
and on the other to Gainsborough。  Here the yeomen stopped。

Quoth jolly Robin; 〃Take thou the road to Gainsborough; and I will take
that to Blyth。  So; fare thee well; holy father; and mayst thou not ha'
cause to count thy beads in earnest ere we meet again。〃

〃Good den; good beggar that is to be;〃 quoth Little John; 〃and mayst thou
have no cause to beg for mercy ere I see thee next。〃

So each stepped sturdily upon his way until a green hill rose between them;
and the one was hid from the sight of the other。

Little John walked along; whistling; for no one was nigh upon all the road。
In the budding hedges the little birds twittered merrily; and on either
hand the green hills swept up to the sky; the great white clouds
of springtime sailing slowly over their crowns in lazy flight。
Up hill and down dale walked Little John; the fresh wind blowing in his face
and his robes fluttering behind him; and so at last he came to a crossroad
that led to Tuxford。  Here he met three pretty lasses; each bearing
a basket of eggs to market。  Quoth he; 〃Whither away; fair maids?〃
And he stood in their path; holding his staff in front of them;
to stop them。

Then they huddled together and nudged one another; and one presently
spake up and said; 〃We are going to the Tuxford market; holy friar;
to sell our eggs。〃

〃Now out upon it!〃 quoth Little John; looking upon them
with his head on one side。  〃Surely; it is a pity that such
fair lasses should be forced to carry eggs to market。
Let me tell you; an I had the shaping of things in this world;
ye should all three have been clothed in the finest silks;
and ride upon milk…white horses; with pages at your side;
and feed upon nothing but whipped cream and strawberries;
for such a life would surely befit your looks。〃

At this speech all three of the pretty maids looked down;
blushing and simpering。  One said; 〃La!〃 another; 〃Marry; a'
maketh sport of us!〃 and the third; 〃Listen; now; to the holy man!〃
But at the same time they looked at Little John from out the corners
of their eyes。

〃Now; look you;〃 said Little John; 〃I cannot see such dainty
damsels as ye are carrying baskets along a highroad。
Let me take them mine own self; and one of you; if ye will;
may carry my staff for me。〃

〃Nay;〃 said one of the lasses; 〃but thou canst not carry three baskets
all at one time。〃

〃Yea; but I can;〃 said Little John; 〃and that I will show you presently。
I thank the good Saint Wilfred that he hath given me a pretty wit。
Look ye; now。  Here I take this great basket; so; here I tie
my rosary around the handle; thus; and here I slip the rosary
over my head and sling the basket upon my back; in this wise。〃
And Little John did according to his words; the basket hanging
down behind him like a peddler's pack; then; giving his staff
to one of the maids; and taking a basket upon either arm; he turned
his face toward Tuxford Town and stepped forth merrily; a laughing
maid on either side; and one walking ahead; carrying the staff。
In this wise they journeyed along; and everyone they met stopped and looked
after them; laughing; for never had anybody seen such a merry sight
as this tall; strapping Gray Friar; with robes all too short for him;
laden with eggs; and tramping the road with three pretty lasses。
For this Little John cared not a whit; but when such folks gave
jesting words to him he answered back as merrily; speech for speech。

So they stepped along toward Tuxford; chatting and laughing;
until they came nigh to the town。  Here Little John stopped
and set down the baskets; for he did not care to go into the town
lest he should; perchance; meet some of the Sheriff's men。
〃Alas! sweet chucks;〃 quoth he; 〃here I must leave you。
I had not thought to come this way; but I am glad that I did so。
Now; ere we part; we must drink sweet friendship。〃  So saying;
he unslung the leathern pottle from the end of his staff; and;
drawing the stopper therefrom; he handed it to the lass who had carried
his staff; first wiping the mouth of the pottle upon his sleeve。
Then each lass took a fair drink of what was within; and when it
had passed all around; Little John fi
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