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the merry adventures of robin hood(罗宾汉奇遇记)-第49章

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empty moats and the crumbling of neglect; all was now orderly
and well kept。

Bright shone the sun on battlement and tower; and in the blue air
overhead a Hock of clattering jackdaws flew around the gilded
weather vane and spire。  Then; in the brightness of the morning;
the drawbridge fell across the moat with a rattle and clank
of chains; the gate of the castle swung slowly open;
and a goodly array of steel…clad men…at…arms; with a knight
all clothed in chain mail; as white as frost on brier and thorn
of a winter morning; came flashing out from the castle courtyard。
In his hand the Knight held a great spear; from the point of which
fluttered a blood…red pennant as broad as the palm of one's hand。
So this troop came forth from the castle; and in the midst
of them walked three pack horses laden with parcels of divers
shapes and kinds。

Thus rode forth good Sir Richard of the Lea to pay
his debt to Robin Hood this bright and merry morn。
Along the highway they wended their way; with measured
tramp of feet and rattle and jingle of sword and harness。
Onward they marched till they came nigh to Denby; where;
from the top of a hill; they saw; over beyond the town;
many gay flags and streamers floating in the bright air。
Then Sir Richard turned to the man…at…arms nearest to him。
〃What is toward yonder at Denby today?〃 quoth he。

〃Please Your Worship;〃 answered the man…at…arms; 〃a merry fair is held
there today; and a great wrestling match; to which many folk have come;
for a prize hath been offered of a pipe of red wine; a fair golden ring;
and a pair of gloves; all of which go to the best wrestler。〃

〃Now; by my faith;〃 quoth Sir Richard; who loved good manly sports
right well; 〃this will be a goodly thing to see。  Methinks we have
to stay a little while on our journey; and see this merry sport。〃
So he turned his horse's head aside toward Denby and the fair;
and thither he and his men made their way。

There they found a great hubbub of merriment。  Flags and streamers
were floating; tumblers were tumbling on the green; bagpipes were playing;
and lads and lasses were dancing to the music。  But the crowd were
gathered most of all around a ring where the wrestling was going forward;
and thither Sir Richard and his men turned their steps。

Now when the judges of the wrestling saw Sir Richard coming and knew
who he was; the chief of them came down from the bench where he and
the others sat; and went to the Knight and took him by the hand;
beseeching him to come and sit with them and judge the sport。
So Sir Richard got down from his horse and went with the others
to the bench raised beside the ring。

Now there had been great doings that morning; for a certain yeoman
named Egbert; who came from Stoke over in Staffordshire; had thrown
with ease all those that came against him; but a man of Denby;
well known through all the countryside as William of the Scar;
had been biding his time with the Stoke man; so; when Egbert
had thrown everyone else; stout William leaped into the ring。
Then a tough bout followed; and at last he threw Egbert heavily;
whereat there was a great shouting and shaking of hands;
for all the Denby men were proud of their wrestler。

When Sir Richard came; he found stout William; puffed up
by the shouts of his friends; walking up and down the ring;
daring anyone to come and try a throw with him。  〃Come one; come all!〃
quoth he。  〃Here stand I; William of the Scar; against any man。
If there is none in Derbyshire to come against me; come all who will;
from Nottingham; Stafford; or York; and if I do not make them one
and all root the ground with their noses like swine in the forests;
call me no more brave William the wrestler。〃

At this all laughed; but above all the laughter a loud
voice was heard to cry out; 〃Sin' thou talkest so big;
here cometh one from Nottinghamshire to try a fall
with thee; fellow〃; and straightway a tall youth with a tough
quarterstaff in his hand came pushing his way through the crowd
and at last leaped lightly over the rope into the ring。
He was not as heavy as stout William; but he was taller and
broader in the shoulders; and all his joints were well knit。
Sir Richard looked upon him keenly; then; turning to one
of the judges; he said; 〃Knowest thou who this youth is?
Methinks I have seen him before。〃

〃Nay;〃 said the judge; 〃he is a stranger to me。〃

Meantime; without a word; the young man; laying aside his quarterstaff;
began to take off his jerkin and body clothing until he presently stood
with naked arms and body; and a comely sight he was when so bared to the view;
for his muscles were cut round and smooth and sharp like swift…running water。

And now each man spat upon his hands and; clapping them
upon his knees; squatted down; watching the other keenly;
so as to take the vantage of him in the grip。
Then like a flash they leaped together; and a great shout
went up; for William had gotten the better hold of the two。
For a short time they strained and struggled and writhed;
and then stout William gave his most cunning trip and throw;
but the stranger met it with greater skill than his;
and so the trip came to nought。  Then; of a sudden;
with a twist and a wrench; the stranger loosed himself;
and he of the scar found himself locked in a pair of arms
that fairly made his ribs crack。  So; with heavy; hot breathing;
they stood for a while straining; their bodies all glistening
with sweat; and great drops of sweat trickling down their faces。
But the stranger's hug was so close that at last stout
William's muscles softened under his grip; and he gave a sob。
Then the youth put forth all his strength and gave a sudden trip
with his heel and a cast over his right hip; and down stout
William went; with a sickening thud; and lay as though he would
never move hand nor foot again。

But now no shout went up for the stranger; but an angry murmur
was heard among the crowd; so easily had he won the match。
Then one of the judges; a kinsman to William of the Scar;
rose with trembling lip and baleful look。  Quoth he;
〃If thou hath slain that man it will go ill with thee;
let me tell thee; fellow。〃  But the stranger answered boldly;
〃He took his chance with me as I took mine with him。
No law can touch me to harm me; even if I slew him; so that it
was fairly done in the wrestling ring。〃

〃That we shall see;〃 said the judge; scowling upon the youth;
while once more an angry murmur ran around the crowd; for; as I
have said; the men of Denby were proud of stout William of the Scar。

Then up spoke Sir Richard gently。  〃Nay;〃 said he; 〃the youth is right;
if the other dieth; he dieth in the wrestling ring; where he took his chance;
and was cast fairly enow。〃

But in the meantime three men had come forward and lifted
stout William from the ground and found that he was not dead;
though badly shaken by his heavy fall。  Then the chief
judge rose and said; 〃Young man; the prize is duly thine。
Here is the red…gold ring; and here the gloves; and yonder
stands the pipe of wine to do with whatsoever thou dost list。〃

At this; the youth; who had donned his clothes and taken up his staff again;
bowed withou
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