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the merry adventures of robin hood(罗宾汉奇遇记)-第48章

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Then up spake the Prior and called upon one of the brethren
that sat below the salt; and bade him look out of the window
and see who was below; albeit he knew right well it could
be none but Sir Richard。

So the brother arose and went and looked; and he said; 〃I see below a score
of stout men…at…arms and a knight just dismounting from his horse。
He is dressed in long robes of gray which; methinks; are of poor seeming;
but the horse he rideth upon hath the richest coursing that ever I saw。
The Knight dismounts and they come this way; and are even now below
in the great hall。〃

〃Lo; see ye there now;〃 quoth Prior Vincent。  〃Here ye have
a knight with so lean a purse as scarce to buy him a crust
of bread to munch; yet he keeps a band of retainers and puts rich
trappings upon his horse's hide; while his own back goeth bare。
Is it not well that such men should be brought low?〃

〃But art thou sure;〃 said the little doctor tremulously;
〃that this knight will do us no harm?  Such as he are fierce
when crossed; and he hath a band of naughty men at his heels。
Mayhap thou hadst better give an extension of his debt。〃
Thus he spake; for he was afraid Sir Richard might do him a harm。

〃Thou needst not fear;〃 said the Prior; looking down at the little man
beside him。  〃This knight is gentle and would as soon think of harming
an old woman as thee。〃

As the Prior finished; a door at the lower end of the refectory swung open;
and in came Sir Richard; with folded hands and head bowed upon his breast。
Thus humbly he walked slowly up the hall; while his men…at…arms stood about
the door。  When he had come to where the Prior sat; he knelt upon one knee。
〃Save and keep thee; Sir Prior;〃 said he; 〃I am come to keep my day。〃

Then the first word that the Prior said to him was 〃Hast thou
brought my money?〃

〃Alas!  I have not so much as one penny upon my body;〃 said the Knight;
whereat the Prior's eyes sparkled。

〃Now; thou art a shrewd debtor; I wot;〃 said he。
Then; 〃Sir Sheriff; I drink to thee。〃

But still the Knight kneeled upon the hard stones; so the Prior turned
to him again。  〃What wouldst thou have?〃 quoth he sharply。

At these words; a slow red mounted into the Knight's cheeks;
but still he knelt。  〃I would crave thy mercy;〃 said he。
〃As thou hopest for Heaven's mercy; show mercy to me。
Strip me not of my lands and so reduce a true knight to poverty。〃

〃Thy day is broken and thy lands forfeit;〃 said the man of law;
plucking up his spirits at the Knight's humble speech。

Quoth Sir Richard; 〃Thou man of law; wilt thou not befriend me
in mine hour of need?〃

〃Nay;〃 said the other; 〃I hold with this holy Prior; who hath
paid me my fees in hard gold; so that I am bounder to him。〃

〃Wilt thou not be my friend; Sir Sheriff?〃 said Sir Richard。

〃Nay; 'fore Heaven;〃 quoth the Sheriff of Nottingham;
〃this is no business of mine; yet I will do what I may;〃
and he nudged the Prior beneath the cloth with his knee。
〃Wilt thou not ease him of some of his debts; Sir Prior?〃

At this the Prior smiled grimly。  〃Pay me three hundred pounds; Sir Richard;〃
said he; 〃and I will give thee quittance of thy debt。〃

〃Thou knowest; Sir Prior; that it is as easy for me to pay four hundred
pounds as three hundred;〃 said Sir Richard。  〃But wilt thou not give me
another twelvemonth to pay my debt?〃

〃Not another day;〃 said the Prior sternly。

〃And is this all thou wilt do for me?〃 asked the Knight。

〃Now; out upon thee; false knight!〃 cried the Prior; bursting forth in anger。
〃Either pay thy debt as I have said; or release thy land and get thee gone
from out my hall。〃

Then Sir Richard arose to his feet。  〃Thou false; lying priest!〃
said he in so stern a voice that the man of law shrunk affrighted;
〃I am no false knight; as thou knowest full well; but have even
held my place in the press and the tourney。  Hast thou so little
courtesy that thou wouldst see a true knight kneel for all this time;
or see him come into thy hall and never offer him meat or drink?〃

Then quoth the man of law in a trembling voice; 〃This is surely an ill way
to talk of matters appertaining to business; let us be mild in speech。
What wilt thou pay this knight; Sir Prior; to give thee release of his land?〃

〃I would have given him two hundred pounds;〃 quoth the Prior;
〃but since he hath spoken so vilely to my teeth; not one groat
over one hundred pounds will he get。〃

〃Hadst thou offered me a thousand pounds; false prior;〃
said the Knight; 〃thou wouldst not have got an inch of my land。〃
Then turning to where his men…at…arms stood near the door; he called;
〃Come hither;〃 and beckoned with his finger; whereupon the tallest
of them all came forward and handed him a long leathern bag。
Sir Richard took the bag and shot from it upon the table a glittering
stream of golden money。  〃Bear in mind; Sir Prior;〃 said he;
〃that thou hast promised me quittance for three hundred pounds。
Not one farthing above that shalt thou get。〃  So saying; he counted
out three hundred pounds and pushed it toward the Prior。

But now the Prior's hands dropped at his sides and the Prior's
head hung upon his shoulder; for not only had he lost all hopes
of the land; but he had forgiven the Knight one hundred pounds
of his debt and had needlessly paid the man of law fourscore angels。
To him he turned; and quoth he; 〃Give me back my money that thou hast。〃

〃Nay;〃 cried the other shrilly; 〃it is but my fee that thou
didst pay me; and thou gettest it not back again。〃
And he hugged his gown about him。

〃Now; Sir Prior;〃 quoth Sir Richard; 〃I have held my day
and paid all the dues demanded of me; so; as there is no
more betwixt us; I leave this vile place straightway。〃
So saying; he turned upon his heel and strode away。

All this time the Sheriff had been staring with wide…open eyes and mouth
agape at the tall man…at…arms; who stood as though carved out of stone。
At last he gasped out; 〃Reynold Greenleaf!〃

At this; the tall man…at…arms; who was no other than Little John; turned;
grinning; to the Sheriff。  〃I give thee good den; fair gossip;〃 quoth he。
〃I would say; sweet Sheriff; that I have heard all thy pretty talk this day;
and it shall be duly told unto Robin Hood。  So; farewell for the nonce;
till we meet again in Sherwood Forest。〃  Then he; also; turned and followed
Sir Richard down the hall; leaving the Sheriff; all pale and amazed;
shrunk together upon his chair。

A merry feast it was to which Sir Richard came; but a sorry lot he left behind
him; and little hunger had they for the princely food spread before them。
Only the learned doctor was happy; for he had his fee。

Now a twelvemonth and a day passed since Prior Vincent of Emmet sat
at feast; and once more the mellow fall of another year had come。
But the year had brought great change; I wot; to the lands
of Sir Richard of the Lea; for; where before shaggy wild grasses
grew upon the meadow lands; now all stretch away in golden stubble;
betokening that a rich and plentiful crop had been gathered therefrom。
A year had made a great change in the castle; also; for; where were
empty moats and the crumbling of neglect; all was now orderly
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