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the merry adventures of robin hood(罗宾汉奇遇记)-第44章

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Then; still holding the horse by the bridle rein; he put his fingers
to his lips and blew a shrill whistle; whereupon fourscore yeomen came
leaping over the stile and ran to where the Knight and Robin stood。
〃These;〃 said Robin; looking upon them proudly; 〃are some of my merry men。
They share and share alike with me all joys and troubles; gains and losses。
Sir Knight; I prythee tell me what money thou hast about thee。〃

For a time the Knight said not a word; but a slow red arose into his cheeks;
at last he looked Robin in the face and said; 〃I know not why I should
be ashamed; for it should be no shame to me; but; friend; I tell thee
the truth; when I say that in my purse are ten shillings; and that that is
every groat that Sir Richard of the Lea hath in all the wide world。〃

When Sir Richard ended a silence fell; until at last Robin said;
〃And dost thou pledge me thy knightly word that this is all thou
hast with thee?〃

〃Yea;〃 answered Sir Richard; 〃I do pledge thee my most solemn word;
as a true knight; that it is all the money I have in the world。
Nay; here is my purse; ye may find for yourselves the truth of what I say。〃
And he held his purse out to Robin。

〃Put up thy purse; Sir Richard;〃 quoth Robin。  〃Far be it from me
to doubt the word of so gentle a knight。  The proud I strive to
bring low; but those that walk in sorrow I would aid if I could。
Come; Sir Richard; cheer up thy heart and go with us into the greenwood。
Even I may perchance aid thee; for thou surely knowest how the good
Athelstane was saved by the little blind mole that digged a trench
over which he that sought the king's life stumbled。〃

〃Truly; friend;〃 said Sir Richard; 〃methinks thou meanest kindness
in thine own way; nevertheless my troubles are such that it is
not likely that thou canst cure them。  But I will go with thee
this day into Sherwood。〃  Hereupon he turned his horse's head;
and they all wended their way to the woodlands; Robin walking
on one side of the Knight and Will Scarlet on the other;
while the rest of the band trudged behind。

After they had traveled thus for a time Robin Hood spake。
〃Sir Knight;〃 said he; 〃I would not trouble thee with idle questions;
but dost thou find it in thy heart to tell me thy sorrows?〃

〃Truly; Robin;〃 quoth the Knight; 〃I see no reason why I should not do so。
Thus it is:  My castle and my lands are in pawn for a debt that I owe。
Three days hence the money must be paid or else all mine estate is
lost forever; for then it falls into the hands of the Priory of Emmet;
and what they swallow they never give forth again。〃

Quoth Robin; 〃I understand not why those of thy kind live in such
a manner that all their wealth passeth from them like snow beneath
the springtide sun。〃

〃Thou wrongest me; Robin;〃 said the Knight; 〃for listen:
I have a son but twenty winters old; nevertheless he has
won his spurs as knight。  Last year; on a certain evil day;
the jousts were held at Chester; and thither my son went;
as did I and my lady wife。  I wot it was a proud time for us;
for he unhorsed each knight that he tilted against。
At last he ran a course with a certain great knight;
Sir Walter of Lancaster; yet; though my son was so youthful;
he kept his seat; albeit both spears were shivered to the heft;
but it happened that a splinter of my boy's lance ran through
the visor of Sir Walter's helmet and pierced through his eye
into his brain; so that he died ere his esquire could unlace
his helm。  Now; Robin; Sir Walter had great friends at court;
therefore his kinsmen stirred up things against my son so that;
to save him from prison; I had to pay a ransom of six hundred
pounds in gold。  All might have gone well even yet; only that;
by ins and outs and crookedness of laws; I was shorn like
a sheep that is clipped to the quick。  So it came that I
had to pawn my lands to the Priory of Emmet for more money;
and a hard bargain they drove with me in my hour of need。
Yet I would have thee understand I grieve so for my lands
only because of my dear lady wife。〃

〃But where is thy son now?〃 asked Robin; who had listened closely
to all the Knight had said。

〃In Palestine;〃 said Sir Richard; 〃battling like a brave
Christian soldier for the cross and the holy sepulcher。
Truly; England was an ill place for him because of Sir Walter's
death and the hate of the Lancastrian's kinsmen。〃

〃Truly;〃 said Robin; much moved; 〃thine is a hard lot。
But tell me; what is owing to Emmet for thine estates?〃

〃Only four hundred pounds;〃 said Sir Richard。

At this; Robin smote his thigh in anger。  〃O the bloodsuckers!〃
cried he。  〃A noble estate to be forfeit for four hundred pounds!
But what will befall thee if thou dost lose thy lands; Sir Richard?〃

〃It is not mine own lot that doth trouble me in that case;〃
said the Knight; 〃but my dear lady's; for should I lose my land
she will have to betake herself to some kinsman and there abide
in charity; which; methinks; would break her proud heart。
As for me; I will over the salt sea; and so to Palestine to join
my son in fight for the holy sepulcher。〃

Then up spake Will Scarlet。  〃But hast thou no friend that will help thee
in thy dire need?〃

〃Never a man;〃 said Sir Richard。  〃While I was rich enow at home;
and had friends; they blew great boasts of how they loved me。
But when the oak falls in the forest the swine run from beneath it
lest they should be smitten down also。  So my friends have left me;
for not only am I poor but I have great enemies。〃

Then Robin said; 〃Thou sayst thou hast no friends; Sir Richard。  I make
no boast; but many have found Robin Hood a friend in their troubles。
Cheer up; Sir Knight; I may help thee yet。〃

The Knight shook his head with a faint smile; but for all that;
Robin's words made him more blithe of heart; for in truth hope;
be it never so faint; bringeth a gleam into darkness; like a little
rushlight that costeth but a groat。

The day was well…nigh gone when they came near to the greenwood tree。
Even at a distance they saw by the number of men that Little John had come
back with some guest; but when they came near enough; whom should they find
but the Lord Bishop of Hereford!  The good Bishop was in a fine stew; I wot。
Up and down he walked beneath the tree like a fox caught in a hencoop。
Behind him were three Black Friars standing close together
in a frightened group; like three black sheep in a tempest。
Hitched to the branches of the trees close at hand were six horses;
one of them a barb with gay trappings upon which the Bishop was wont
to ride; and the others laden with packs of divers shapes and kinds;
one of which made Robin's eyes glisten; for it was a box not overlarge;
but heavily bound with bands and ribs of iron。

When the Bishop saw Robin and those with him come into the open he made
as though he would have run toward the yeoman; but the fellow that guarded
the Bishop and the three friars thrust his quarterstaff in front;
so that his lordship was fain to stand back; though with frowning brow
and angry speech。

〃Stay; my Lord Bishop;〃 cried jolly Robin in a loud voice;
when he saw what had passed; 〃I will come to thee with all speed;
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