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the merry adventures of robin hood(罗宾汉奇遇记)-第34章

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nor was it wonder that a knight should wish to marry his own sweet love;
who was the most beautiful maiden in all the world。

To all this the yeomen listened in silence; the clatter of
many voices; jesting and laughing; sounding around them; and the red
light of the fire shining on their faces and in their eyes。
So simple were the poor boy's words; and so deep his sorrow;
that even Little John felt a certain knotty lump rise in his throat。

〃I wonder not;〃 said Robin; after a moment's silence; 〃that thy true
love loved thee; for thou hast surely a silver cross beneath thy tongue;
even like good Saint Francis; that could charm the birds of the air
by his speech。〃

〃By the breath of my body;〃 burst forth Little John; seeking to cover
his feelings with angry words; 〃I have a great part of a mind to go
straightway and cudgel the nasty life out of the body of that same vile
Sir Stephen。  Marry; come up; say Iwhat a plaguedoes an old weazen
think that tender lasses are to be bought like pullets o' a market day?
Out upon him!I but no matter; only let him look to himself。〃

Then up spoke Will Scarlet。  〃Methinks it seemeth but ill done of the lass
that she should so quickly change at others' bidding; more especially when it
cometh to the marrying of a man as old as this same Sir Stephen。  I like it
not in her; Allan。〃

〃Nay;〃 said Allan hotly; 〃thou dost wrong her。  She is as soft
and gentle as a stockdove。  I know her better than anyone
in all the world。  She may do her father's bidding; but if she
marries Sir Stephen; her heart will break and she will die。
My own sweet dear; I〃 He stopped and shook his head;
for he could say nothing further。

While the others were speaking; Robin Hood had been sunk in thought。
〃Methinks I have a plan might fit thy case; Allan;〃 said he。
〃But tell me first; thinkest thou; lad; that thy true love hath spirit
enough to marry thee were ye together in church; the banns published;
and the priest found; even were her father to say her nay?〃

〃Ay; marry would she;〃 cried Allan eagerly。

〃Then; if her father be the man that I take him to be; I will undertake
that he shall give you both his blessing as wedded man and wife;
in the place of old Sir Stephen; and upon his wedding morn。
But stay; now I bethink me; there is one thing reckoned not upon
the priest。  Truly; those of the cloth do not love me overmuch;
and when it comes to doing as I desire in such a matter; they are
as like as not to prove stiff…necked。 As to the lesser clergy;
they fear to do me a favor because of abbot or bishop。

〃Nay;〃 quoth Will Scarlet; laughing; 〃so far as that goeth; I know
of a certain friar that; couldst thou but get on the soft side of him;
would do thy business even though Pope Joan herself stood forth to ban him。
He is known as the Curtal Friar of Fountain Abbey; and dwelleth
in Fountain Dale。〃

〃But;〃 quoth Robin; 〃Fountain Abbey is a good hundred miles from here。
An we would help this lad; we have no time to go thither and back before
his true love will be married。  Nought is to be gained there; coz。〃

〃Yea;〃 quoth Will Scarlet; laughing again; 〃but this Fountain Abbey
is not so far away as the one of which thou speakest; uncle。
The Fountain Abbey of which I speak is no such rich and proud place
as the other; but a simple little cell; yet; withal; as cosy a spot
as ever stout anchorite dwelled within。  I know the place well;
and can guide thee thither; for; though it is a goodly distance;
yet methinks a stout pair of legs could carry a man there and back
in one day。〃

〃Then give me thy hand; Allan;〃 cried Robin; 〃and let me
tell thee; I swear by the bright hair of Saint AElfrida
that this time two days hence Ellen a Dale shall be thy wife。
I will seek this same Friar of Fountain Abbey tomorrow day;
and I warrant I will get upon the soft side of him; even if I
have to drub one soft。〃

At this Will Scarlet laughed again。  〃Be not too sure of that;
good uncle;〃 quoth he; 〃nevertheless; from what I know of him;
I think this Curtal Friar will gladly join two such fair lovers;
more especially if there be good eating and drinking afoot thereafter。〃

But now one of the band came to say that the feast was spread
upon the grass; so; Robin leading the way; the others followed
to where the goodly feast was spread。  Merry was the meal。
Jest and story passed freely; and all laughed till the forest rang again。
Allan laughed with the rest; for his cheeks were flushed with the hope
that Robin Hood had given him。

At last the feast was done; and Robin Hood turned to Allan; who sat
beside him。  〃Now; Allan;〃 quoth he; 〃so much has been said of thy
singing that we would fain have a taste of thy skill ourselves。
Canst thou not give us something?〃

〃Surely;〃 answered Allan readily; for he was no third…rate
songster that must be asked again and again; but said 〃yes〃
or 〃no〃 at the first bidding; so; taking up his harp;
he ran his fingers lightly over the sweetly sounding strings;
and all was hushed about the cloth。  Then; backing his voice
with sweet music on his harp; he sang:


(Giving an account of how she was beloved by a fairy prince;
who took her to his own home。)

 〃_May Ellen sat beneath a thorn
     And in a shower around
 The blossoms fell at every breeze
     Like snow upon the ground;
 And in a lime tree near was heard
 The sweet song of a strange; wild bird。
 〃O sweet; sweet; sweet; O piercing sweet;
     O lingering sweet the strain!
 May Ellen's heart within her breast
     Stood still with blissful pain:
 And so; with listening; upturned face;
 She sat as dead in that fair place。

 〃 ‘Come down from out the blossoms; bird!
     Come down from out the tree;
 And on my heart I'll let thee lie;
     And love thee tenderly!'
 Thus cried May Ellen; soft and low;
 From where the hawthorn shed its snow。

 〃Down dropped the bird on quivering wing;
     From out the blossoming tree;
 And nestled in her snowy breast。
     ‘My love! my love!' cried she;
 Then straightway home; 'mid sun and flower;
 She bare him to her own sweet bower。

 〃The day hath passed to mellow night;
     The moon floats o'er the lea;
 And in its solemn; pallid light
     A youth stands silently:
 A youth of beauty strange and rare;
 Within May Ellen's bower there。

 〃He stood where o'er the pavement cold
     The glimmering moonbeams lay。
 May Ellen gazed with wide; scared eyes;
     Nor could she turn away;
 For; as in mystic dreams we see
 A spirit; stood he silently。

 〃All in a low and breathless voice;
     ‘Whence comest thou?' said she;
 ‘Art thou the creature of a dream;
     Or a vision that I see?'
 Then soft spake he; as night winds shiver
 Through straining reeds beside the river。

     〃 ‘I came; a bird on feathered wing;
     From distant Faeryland
 Where murmuring waters softly sing
     Upon the golden strand;
 Where sweet trees are forever green;
 And there my mother is the queen。'

 。 。 。 。 。 。 。
 〃No more May Ellen leaves her bower
     To grace the blossoms fair;
 But in the hushed and midnight hour
     They hear her talking there;
 Or; when the moon is shining wh
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