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the merry adventures of robin hood(罗宾汉奇遇记)-第33章

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so sniveling like a girl of fourteen over a dead tomtit。
Put down thy bow; man!  We mean thee no harm。〃

But Will Scarlet; seeing how the stranger; who had a young
and boyish look; was stung by the words that Stutely had spoken;
came to him and put his hand upon the youth's shoulder。
〃Nay; thou art in trouble; poor boy!〃 said he kindly。
〃Mind not what these fellows have said。  They are rough; but they
mean thee well。  Mayhap they do not understand a lad like thee。
Thou shalt come with us; and perchance we may find a certain one
that can aid thee in thy perplexities; whatsoever they may be。〃

〃Yea; truly; come along;〃 said Will Stutely gruffly。
〃I meant thee no harm; and may mean thee some good。
Take down thy singing tool from off this fair tree;
and away with us。〃

The youth did as he was bidden and; with bowed head and sorrowful step;
accompanied the others; walking beside Will Scarlet。  So they
wended their way through the forest。  The bright light faded
from the sky and a glimmering gray fell over all things。
From the deeper recesses of the forest the strange whispering
sounds of night…time came to the ear; all else was silent;
saving only for the rattling of their footsteps amid the crisp;
dry leaves of the last winter。  At last a ruddy glow shone
before them here and there through the trees; a little farther
and they came to the open glade; now bathed in the pale moonlight。
In the center of the open crackled a great fire; throwing a red
glow on all around。  At the fire were roasting juicy steaks
of venison; pheasants; capons; and fresh fish from the river。
All the air was filled with the sweet smell of good things cooking。

The little band made its way across the glade; many yeomen turning with
curious looks and gazing after them; but none speaking or questioning them。
So; with Will Scarlet upon one side and Will Stutely upon the other;
the stranger came to where Robin Hood sat on a seat of moss under
the greenwood tree; with Little John standing beside him。

〃Good even; fair friend;〃 said Robin Hood; rising as the other drew near。
〃And hast thou come to feast with me this day?〃

〃Alas!  I know not;〃 said the lad; looking around him with
dazed eyes; for he was bewildered with all that he saw。
〃Truly; I know not whether I be in a dream;〃 said he to himself
in a low voice。

〃Nay; marry;〃 quoth Robin; laughing; 〃thou art awake; as thou
wilt presently find; for a fine feast is a…cooking for thee。
Thou art our honored guest this day。〃

Still the young stranger looked about him; as though in a dream。
Presently he turned to Robin。  〃Methinks;〃 said he; 〃I know now where I
am and what hath befallen me。  Art not thou the great Robin Hood?〃

〃Thou hast hit the bull's eye;〃 quoth Robin; clapping him upon the shoulder。
〃Men hereabouts do call me by that name。  Sin' thou knowest me;
thou knowest also that he who feasteth with me must pay his reckoning。
I trust thou hast a full purse with thee; fair stranger。〃

〃Alas!〃 said the stranger; 〃I have no purse nor no money either;
saving only the half of a sixpence; the other half of which mine own
dear love doth carry in her bosom; hung about her neck by a strand
of silken thread。〃

At this speech a great shout of laughter went up from those around;
whereat the poor boy looked as he would die of shame; but Robin Hood
turned sharply to Will Stutely。  〃Why; how now;〃 quoth he;
〃is this the guest that thou hast brought us to fill our purse?
Methinks thou hast brought but a lean cock to the market。〃

〃Nay; good master;〃 answered Will Stutely; grinning; 〃he is no guest of mine;
it was Will Scarlet that brought him thither。〃

Then up spoke Will Scarlet; and told how they had found
the lad in sorrow; and how he had brought him to Robin;
thinking that he might perchance aid him in his trouble。
Then Robin Hood turned to the youth; and; placing his hand
upon the other's shoulder; held him off at arm's length;
scanning his face closely。

〃A young face;〃 quoth he in a low voice; half to himself; 〃a kind face;
a good face。  'Tis like a maiden's for purity; and; withal; the fairest
that e'er mine eyes did see; but; if I may judge fairly by thy looks;
grief cometh to young as well as to old。〃  At these words; spoken so kindly;
the poor lad's eyes brimmed up with tears。  〃Nay; nay;〃 said Robin hastily;
〃cheer up; lad; I warrant thy case is not so bad that it cannot be mended。
What may be thy name?〃

〃Allen a Dale is my name; good master。〃

〃Allen a Dale;〃 repeated Robin; musing。  〃Allen a Dale。  It doth
seem to me that the name is not altogether strange to mine ears。
Yea; surely thou art the minstrel of whom we have been hearing lately;
whose voice so charmeth all men。  Dost thou not come from the Dale
of Rotherstream; over beyond Stavely?〃

〃Yea; truly;〃 answered Allan; 〃I do come thence。〃

〃How old art thou; Allan?〃 said Robin。

〃I am but twenty years of age。〃

〃Methinks thou art overyoung to be perplexed with trouble;〃
quoth Robin kindly; then; turning to the others; he cried;
〃Come; lads; busk ye and get our feast ready; only thou;
Will Scarlet; and thou; Little John; stay here with me。〃

Then; when the others had gone; each man about his business; Robin turned
once more to the youth。  〃Now; lad;〃 said he; 〃tell us thy troubles;
and speak freely。  A flow of words doth ever ease the heart of sorrows;
it is like opening the waste weir when the mill dam is overfull。
Come; sit thou here beside me; and speak at thine ease。〃

Then straightway the youth told the three yeomen all that was in his heart;
at first in broken words and phrases; then freely and with greater
ease when he saw that all listened closely to what he said。
So he told them how he had come from York to the sweet vale of Rother;
traveling the country through as a minstrel; stopping now at castle;
now at hall; and now at farmhouse; how he had spent one sweet evening
in a certain broad; low farmhouse; where he sang before a stout
franklin and a maiden as pure and lovely as the first snowdrop
of spring; how he had played and sung to her; and how sweet Ellen o'
the Dale had listened to him and had loved him。  Then; in a low;
sweet voice; scarcely louder than a whisper; he told how he had watched
for her and met her now and then when she went abroad; but was all
too afraid in her sweet presence to speak to her; until at last;
beside the banks of Rother; he had spoken of his love; and she
had whispered that which had made his heartstrings quiver for joy。
Then they broke a sixpence between them; and vowed to be true
to one another forever。

Next he told how her father had discovered what was a…doing; and had
taken her away from him so that he never saw her again; and his heart
was sometimes like to break; how this morn; only one short month
and a half from the time that he had seen her last; he had heard
and knew it to be so; that she was to marry old Sir Stephen of Trent;
two days hence; for Ellen's father thought it would be a grand
thing to have his daughter marry so high; albeit she wished it not;
nor was it wonder that a knight should wish to marry his own sweet love;
who was the most beautiful maiden in all the
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