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the merry adventures of robin hood(罗宾汉奇遇记)-第31章

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Then slowly the Miller arose to his feet; and slowly and unwillingly he untied
the mouth of the bag; and slowly thrust his hands into the meal and began
fumbling about with his arms buried to the elbows in the barley flour。
The others gathered round him; their heads together; looking and wondering
what he would bring forth。

So they stood; all with their heads close together gazing
down into the sack。  But while he pretended to be searching
for the money; the Miller gathered two great handfuls of meal。
〃Ha;〃 quoth he; 〃here they are; the beauties。〃  Then; as the others
leaned still more forward to see what he had; he suddenly
cast the meal into their faces; filling their eyes and noses
and mouths with the flour; blinding and half choking them。
Arthur a Bland was worse off than any; for his mouth was open;
agape with wonder of what was to come; so that a great cloud
of flour flew down his throat; setting him a…coughing till
he could scarcely stand。

Then; while all four stumbled about; roaring with the smart
of the meal in their eyeballs; and while they rubbed their eyes
till the tears made great channels on their faces through the meal;
the Miller seized another handful of flour and another and another;
throwing it in their faces; so that even had they had a glimmering of
light before they were now as blind as ever a beggar in Nottinghamshire;
while their hair and beards and clothes were as white as snow。

Then catching up his great crabstaff; the Miller began
laying about him as though he were clean gone mad。
This way and that skipped the four; like peas on a drumhead;
but they could see neither to defend themselves nor to run away。
Thwack! thwack! went the Miller's cudgel across their backs;
and at every blow great white clouds of flour rose in the air
from their jackets and went drifting down the breeze。

〃Stop!〃 roared Robin at last。  〃Give over; good friend;
I am Robin Hood!〃

〃Thou liest; thou knave;〃 cried the Miller; giving him a rap on
the ribs that sent up a great cloud of flour like a puff of smoke。
〃Stout Robin never robbed an honest tradesman。  Ha! thou wouldst
have my money; wouldst thou?〃  And he gave him another blow。
〃Nay; thou art not getting thy share; thou long…legged knave。
Share and share alike。〃  And he smote Little John across
the shoulders so that he sent him skipping half across the road。
〃Nay; fear not; it is thy turn now; black beard。〃  And he gave
the Tanner a crack that made him roar for all his coughing。
〃How now; red coat; let me brush the dust from thee!〃
cried he; smiting Will Scarlet。  And so he gave them merry words
and blows until they could scarcely stand; and whenever he saw
one like to clear his eyes he threw more flour in his face。
At last Robin Hood found his horn and clapping it to his lips;
blew three loud blasts upon it。

Now it chanced that Will Stutely and a party of Robin's men were in the glade
not far from where this merry sport was going forward。  Hearing the hubbub
of voices; and blows that sounded like the noise of a flail in the barn
in wintertime; they stopped; listening and wondering what was toward。
Quoth Will Stutely; 〃Now if I mistake not there is some stout battle with
cudgels going forward not far hence。  I would fain see this pretty sight。〃
So saying; he and the whole party turned their steps whence the noise came。
When they had come near where all the tumult sounded they heard the three
blasts of Robin's bugle horn。

〃Quick!〃 cried young David of Doncaster。  〃Our master is in sore need!〃
So; without stopping a moment; they dashed forward with might and main
and burst forth from the covert into the highroad。

But what a sight was that which they saw!  The road was all white with meal;
and five men stood there also white with meal from top to toe; for much
of the barley flour had fallen back upon the Miller。

〃What is thy need; master?〃 cried Will Stutely。  〃And what doth
all this mean?〃

〃Why;〃 quoth Robin in a mighty passion; 〃yon traitor felt low
hath come as nigh slaying me as e'er a man in all the world。
Hadst thou not come quickly; good Stutely; thy master had been dead。〃

Hereupon; while he and the three others rubbed the meal from their eyes;
and Will Stutely and his men brushed their clothes clean; he told them all;
how that he had meant to pass a jest upon the Miller; which same had turned
so grievously upon them。

〃Quick; men; seize the vile Miller!〃 cried Stutely; who was nigh choking
with laughter as were the rest; whereupon several ran upon the stout fellow
and seizing him; bound his arms behind his back with bowstrings。

〃Ha!〃 cried Robin; when they brought the trembling Miller to him。
〃Thou wouldst murder me; wouldst thou?  By my faith〃
Here he stopped and stood glaring upon the; Miller grimly。
But Robin's anger could not hold; so first his eyes twinkled;
and then in spite of all he broke into a laugh。

Now when they saw their master laugh; the yeomen who stood around
could contain themselves no longer; and a mighty shout of laughter
went up from all。  Many could not stand; but rolled upon the ground
from pure merriment。

〃What is thy name; good fellow?〃 said Robin at last to the Miller;
who stood gaping and as though he were in amaze。

〃Alas; sir; I am Midge; the Miller's son;〃 said he in a frightened voice。

〃I make my vow;〃 quoth merry Robin; smiting him upon the shoulder;
〃thou art the mightiest Midge that e'er mine eyes beheld。
Now wilt thou leave thy dusty mill and come and join my band?
By my faith; thou art too stout a man to spend thy days betwixt
the hopper and the till。〃

〃Then truly; if thou dost forgive me for the blows I struck;
not knowing who thou wast; I will join with thee right merrily;〃
said the Miller。

〃Then have I gained this day;〃 quoth Robin; 〃the three stoutest yeomen
in all Nottinghamshire。  We will get us away to the greenwood tree; and there
hold a merry feast in honor of our new friends; and mayhap a cup or two
of good sack and canary may mellow the soreness of my poor joints and bones;
though I warrant it will be many a day before I am again the man I was。〃
So saying; he turned and led the way; the rest following; and so they
entered the forest once more and were lost to sight。

So that night all was ablaze with crackling fires in the woodlands;
for though Robin and those others spoken of; only excepting Midge;
the Miller's son; had many a sore bump and bruise here and there on
their bodies; they were still not so sore in the joints that they could not
enjoy a jolly feast given all in welcome to the new members of the band。
Thus with songs and jesting and laughter that echoed through the deeper
and more silent nooks of the forest; the night passed quickly along;
as such merry times are wont to do; until at last each man sought his
couch and silence fell on all things and all things seemed to sleep。

But Little John's tongue was ever one that was not easy
of guidance; so that; inch by inch; the whole story of his fight
with the Tanner and Robin's fight with Will Scarlet leaked out。
And so I have told it that you may laugh at the merry tale
along with me。

Robin Hood and Allan a Dale

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