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the merry adventures of robin hood(罗宾汉奇遇记)-第30章

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     I give myself to thee_。' 〃

〃Yea; truly;〃 quoth Robin Hood; when the Tanner had made an end of singing;
〃it is as I remember it; a fair ditty; and a ballad with a pleasing tune
of a song。〃

〃It hath oftentimes seemed to me;〃 said Will Scarlet;
〃that it hath a certain motive in it; e'en such as this:
That a duty which seemeth to us sometimes ugly and harsh;
when we do kiss it fairly upon the mouth; so to speak;
is no such foul thing after all。〃

〃Methinks thou art right;〃 quoth Robin; 〃and; contrariwise;
that when we kiss a pleasure that appeareth gay it turneth foul to us;
is it not so; Little John?  Truly such a thing hath brought thee
sore thumps this day。  Nay; man; never look down in the mouth。
Clear thy pipes and sing us a ditty。〃

〃Nay;〃 said Little John; 〃I have none as fair as that merry
Arthur has trolled。  They are all poor things that I know。
Moreover; my voice is not in tune today; and I would not spoil
even a tolerable song by ill singing。〃

Upon this all pressed Little John to sing; so that when
he had denied them a proper length of time; such as is
seemly in one that is asked to sing; he presently yielded。
Quoth he; ‘Well; an ye will ha' it so; I will give you what I can。
Like to fair Will; I have no title to my ditty; but thus it runs:

 〃_O Lady mine; the spring is here;
     With a hey nonny nonny;
 The sweet love season of the year;
     With a ninny ninny nonny;
          Now lad and lass
          Lie in the grass
          That groweth green
          With flowers between。
          The buck doth rest
          The leaves do start;
          The cock doth crow;
          The breeze doth blow;
          And all things laugh in_〃

〃Who may yon fellow be coming along the road?〃 said Robin;
breaking into the song。

〃I know not;〃 quoth Little John in a surly voice。  〃But this I do know;
that it is an ill thing to do to check the flow of a good song。〃

〃Nay; Little John;〃 said Robin; 〃be not vexed; I prythee;
but I have been watching him coming along; bent beneath that great
bag over his shoulder; ever since thou didst begin thy song。
Look; Little John; I pray; and see if thou knowest him。〃

Little John looked whither Robin Hood pointed。  〃Truly;〃 quoth he;
after a time; 〃I think yon fellow is a certain young miller
I have seen now and then around the edge of Sherwood;
a poor wight; methinks; to spoil a good song about。〃

〃Now thou speakest of him;〃 quoth Robin Hood; 〃methinks I myself have
seen him now and then。  Hath he not a mill over beyond Nottingham Town;
nigh to the Salisbury road?〃

〃Thou art right; that is the man;〃 said Little John。

〃A good stout fellow;〃 quoth Robin。  〃I saw him crack Ned o'
Bradford's crown about a fortnight since; and never saw I hair
lifted more neatly in all my life before。〃

By this time the young miller had come so near that they could see
him clearly。  His clothes were dusted with flour; and over his back
he carried a great sack of meal; bending so as to bring the whole weight
upon his shoulders; and across the sack was a thick quarterstaff。
His limbs were stout and strong; and he strode along the dusty
road right sturdily with the heavy sack across his shoulders。
His cheeks were ruddy as a winter hip; his hair was flaxen in color;
and on his chin was a downy growth of flaxen beard。

〃A good honest fellow;〃 quoth Robin Hood; 〃and such an one as is a
credit to English yeomanrie。  Now let us have a merry jest with him。
We will forth as though we were common thieves and pretend to rob him
of his honest gains。  Then will we take him into the forest and give
him a feast such as his stomach never held in all his life before。
We will flood his throat with good canary and send him home with crowns
in his purse for every penny he hath。  What say ye; lads?〃

〃Truly; it is a merry thought;〃 said Will Scarlet。

〃It is well planned;〃 quoth Little John; 〃but all the saints
preserve us from any more drubbings this day!  Marry; my poor
bones ache so that I〃

〃Prythee peace; Little John;〃 quoth Robin。  〃Thy foolish tongue
will get us both well laughed at yet。〃

〃My foolish tongue; forsooth;〃 growled Little John to Arthur
a Bland。  〃I would it could keep our master from getting us
into another coil this day。〃

But now the Miller; plodding along the road; had come opposite
to where the yeomen lay hidden; whereupon all four of them ran
at him and surrounded him。

〃Hold; friend!〃 cried Robin to the Miller; whereupon he turned slowly;
with the weight of the bag upon his shoulder; and looked at each in turn
all bewildered; for though a good stout man his wits did not skip
like roasting chestnuts。

〃Who bids me stay?〃 said the Miller in a voice deep and gruff;
like the growl of a great dog。

〃Marry; that do I;〃 quoth Robin; 〃and let me tell thee; friend; thou hadst
best mind my bidding。〃

〃And who art thou; good friend?〃 said the Miller; throwing the great sack
of meal from his shoulder to the ground; 〃and who are those with thee?〃

〃We be four good Christian men;〃 quoth Robin; 〃and would fain
help thee by carrying part of thy heavy load。〃

〃I give you all thanks;〃 said the Miller; 〃but my bag is none
that heavy that I cannot carry it e'en by myself。〃

〃Nay; thou dost mistake;〃 quoth Robin; 〃I meant that thou
mightest perhaps have some heavy farthings or pence about thee;
not to speak of silver and gold。  Our good Gaffer Swanthold sayeth
that gold is an overheavy burden for a two…legged ass to carry;
so we would e'en lift some of this load from thee。〃

〃Alas!〃 cried the Miller; 〃what would ye do to me?
I have not about me so much as a clipped groat。
Do me no harm; I pray you; but let me depart in peace。
Moreover; let me tell you that ye are upon Robin Hood's ground;
and should he find you seeking to rob an honest craftsman;
he will clip your ears to your heads and scourge you even
to the walls of Nottingham。

〃In truth I fear Robin Hood no more than I do myself;〃
quoth jolly Robin。  〃Thou must this day give up to me every
penny thou hast about thee。  Nay; if thou dost budge an inch
I will rattle this staff about thine ears。〃

〃Nay; smite me not!〃 cried the Miller; throwing up his elbow
as though he feared the blow。  〃Thou mayst search me if thou wilt;
but thou wilt find nothing upon me; pouch; pocket; or skin。〃

〃Is it so?〃 quoth Robin Hood; looking keenly upon him。
〃Now I believe that what thou tellest is no true tale。
If I am not much mistook thou hast somewhat in the bottom of that
fat sack of meal。  Good Arthur; empty the bag upon the ground;
I warrant thou wilt find a shilling or two in the flour。〃

〃Alas!〃 cried the Miller; falling upon his knees; 〃spoil not
all my good meal!  It can better you not; and will ruin me。
Spare it; and I will give up the money in the bag。〃

〃Ha!〃 quoth Robin; nudging Will Scarlet。  〃Is it so?
And have I found where thy money lies?  Marry; I have a wondrous
nose for the blessed image of good King Harry。  I thought
that I smelled gold and silver beneath the barley meal。
Bring it straight forth; Miller。〃

Then slowly the Miller arose to his feet; and slowly and unwillingly he untied
the mouth of
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