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the merry adventures of robin hood(罗宾汉奇遇记)-第22章

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seemed lost in amazement; and looked upon his companion with open eyes。

〃I am Little John; indeed; and I will bring to Robin Hood
this day a right stout fellow to join his merry band。
But ere we go; good friend; it seemeth to me to be a vast
pity that; as we have had so much of the Sheriff's food;
we should not also carry off some of his silver plate to Robin Hood;
as a present from his worship。〃

〃Ay; marry is it;〃 said the Cook。  And so they began hunting about;
and took as much silver as they could lay hands upon; clapping it into a bag;
and when they had filled the sack they set forth to Sherwood Forest。

Plunging into the woods; they came at last to the greenwood tree;
where they found Robin Hood and threescore of his merry men lying upon
the fresh green grass。  When Robin and his men saw who it was that came;
they leaped to their feet。  〃Now welcome!〃 cried Robin Hood。  〃Now welcome;
Little John!  For long hath it been since we have heard from thee;
though we all knew that thou hadst joined the Sheriff's service。
And how hast thou fared all these long days?〃

〃Right merrily have I lived at the Lord Sheriff's;〃 answered Little John;
〃and I have come straight thence。  See; good master!
I have brought thee his cook; and even his silver plate。〃
Thereupon he told Robin Hood and his merry men that were there;
all that had befallen him since he had left them to go to the Fair
at Nottingham Town。  Then all shouted with laughter; except Robin Hood;
but he looked grave。

〃Nay; Little John;〃 said he; 〃thou art a brave blade and a trusty fellow。
I am glad thou hast brought thyself back to us; and with such a good
companion as the Cook; whom we all welcome to Sherwood。  But I like not
so well that thou hast stolen the Sheriff's plate like some paltry thief。
The Sheriff hath been punished by us; and hath lost three hundred pounds;
even as he sought to despoil another; but he hath done nought that we
should steal his household plate from him。

Though Little John was vexed with this; he strove to pass
it off with a jest。  〃Nay; good master;〃 quoth he; 〃if thou
thinkest the Sheriff gave us not the plate; I will fetch him;
that he may tell us with his own lips he giveth it all to us。〃
So saying he leaped to his feet; and was gone before Robin
could call him back。

Little John ran for full five miles till he came to where the Sheriff
of Nottingham and a gay company were hunting near the forest。
When Little John came to the Sheriff he doffed his cap and bent his knee。
〃God save thee; good master;〃 quoth he。

〃Why; Reynold Greenleaf!〃 cried the Sheriff; 〃whence comest thou
and where hast thou been?〃

〃I have been in the forest;〃 answered Little John; speaking amazedly;
〃and there I saw a sight such as ne'er before man's eyes beheld!
Yonder I saw a young hart all in green from top to toe; and about him was a
herd of threescore deer; and they; too; were all of green from head to foot。
Yet I dared not shoot; good master; for fear lest they should slay me。〃

〃Why; how now; Reynold Greenleaf;〃 cried the Sheriff; 〃art thou dreaming
or art thou mad; that thou dost bring me such; a tale?〃

〃Nay; I am not dreaming nor am I mad;〃 said Little John;
〃and if thou wilt come with me; I will show thee this fair sight;
for I have seen it with mine own eyes。  But thou must come alone;
good master; lest the others frighten them and they get away。〃

So the party all rode forward; and Little John led them downward
into the forest。

〃Now; good master;〃 quoth he at last; 〃we are nigh where I saw this herd。〃

Then the Sheriff descended from his horse and bade them wait for him until
he should return; and Little John led him forward through a close copse until
suddenly they came to a great open glade; at the end of which Robin Hood sat
beneath the shade of the great oak tree; with his merry men all about him。
〃See; good Master Sheriff;〃 quoth Little John; 〃yonder is the hart of which I
spake to thee。〃

At this the Sheriff turned to Little John and said bitterly;
〃Long ago I thought I remembered thy face; but now I know thee。
Woe betide thee; Little John; for thou hast betrayed me this day。〃

In the meantime Robin Hood had come to them。  〃Now welcome; Master Sheriff;〃
said he。  〃Hast thou come today to take another feast with me?〃

〃Nay; Heaven forbid!〃 said the Sheriff in tones of deep earnest。
〃I care for no feast and have no hunger today。〃

〃Nevertheless;〃 quoth Robin; 〃if thou hast no hunger; maybe thou
hast thirst; and well I know thou wilt take a cup of sack with me。
But I am grieved that thou wilt not feast with me; for thou couldst
have victuals to thy liking; for there stands thy Cook。〃

Then he led the Sheriff; willy…nilly; to the seat he knew so well beneath
the greenwood tree。

〃Ho; lads!〃 cried Robin; 〃fill our good friend the Sheriff a right brimming
cup of sack and fetch it hither; for he is faint and weary。〃

Then one of the band brought the Sheriff a cup of sack; bowing low
as he handed it to him; but the Sheriff could not touch the wine;
for he saw it served in one of his own silver flagons; on one of his
own silver plates。

〃How now;〃 quoth Robin; 〃dost thou not like our new silver service?
We have gotten a bag of it this day。〃  So saying; he held up the sack
of silver that Little John and the Cook had brought with them。

Then the Sheriff's heart was bitter within him; but; not
daring to say anything; he only gazed upon the ground。
Robin looked keenly at him for a time before he spoke again。
Then said he; 〃Now; Master Sheriff; the last time thou camest to
Sherwood Forest thou didst come seeking to despoil a poor spendthrift;
and thou wert despoiled thine own self; but now thou comest seeking
to do no harm; nor do I know that thou hast despoiled any man。
I take my tithes from fat priests and lordly squires; to help
those that they despoil and to raise up those that they bow down;
but I know not that thou hast tenants of thine own whom thou
hast wronged in any way。  Therefore; take thou thine own again;
nor will I dispossess thee today of so much as one farthing。
Come with me; and I will lead thee from the forest back to thine
own party again。〃

Then; slinging the bag upon his shoulder; he turned away;
the Sheriff following him; all too perplexed in mind to speak。
So they went forward until they came to within a furlong of
the spot where the Sheriff's companions were waiting for him。
Then Robin Hood gave the sack of silver back to the Sheriff。
〃Take thou thine own again;〃 he said; 〃and hearken to me;
good Sheriff; take thou a piece of advice with it。
Try thy servants well ere thou dost engage them again so readily。〃
Then; turning; he left the other standing bewildered;
with the sack in his hands。

The company that waited for the Sheriff were all amazed to see him
come out of the forest bearing a heavy sack upon his shoulders;
but though they questioned him; he answered never a word;
acting like one who walks in a dream。  Without a word; he placed
the bag across his nag's back and then; mounting; rode away;
all following him; but all the time there was a great turmoil
of thoughts within his head; tumbling one over th
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