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the merry adventures of robin hood(罗宾汉奇遇记)-第20章

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so well in all manly sports; till there came over his heart a great
and bitter longing for them all; so that his eyes filled with tears。
Then he said aloud; 〃Here I grow fat like a stall…fed ox and all my
manliness departeth from me while I become a sluggard and dolt。
But I will arouse me and go back to mine own dear friends once more;
and never will I leave them again till life doth leave my lips。〃
So saying; he leaped from bed; for he hated his sluggishness now。

When he came downstairs he saw the Steward standing near the pantry door
a great; fat man; with a huge bundle of keys hanging to his girdle。
Then Little John said; 〃Ho; Master Steward; a hungry man am I; for nought
have I had for all this blessed morn。  Therefore; give me to eat。〃

Then the Steward looked grimly at him and rattled the keys
in his girdle; for he hated Little John because he had found
favor with the Sheriff。  〃So; Master Reynold Greenleaf;
thou art anhungered; art thou?〃 quoth he。  〃But; fair youth;
if thou livest long enough; thou wilt find that he who getteth
overmuch sleep for an idle head goeth with an empty stomach。
For what sayeth the old saw; Master Greenleaf?  Is it not ‘The
late fowl findeth but ill faring'?〃

〃Now; thou great purse of fat!〃 cried Little John; 〃I ask
thee not for fool's wisdom; but for bread and meat。
Who art thou; that thou shouldst deny me to eat?
By Saint Dunstan; thou hadst best tell me where my breakfast is;
if thou wouldst save broken bones!〃

〃Thy breakfast; Master Fireblaze; is in the pantry;〃 answered the Steward。

〃Then fetch it hither!〃 cried Little John; who waxed angry by this time。

〃Go thou and fetch it thine own self;〃 quoth the Steward。  〃Am I thy slave;
to fetch and carry for thee?〃

〃I say; go thou; bring it me!〃

〃I say; go thou; fetch it for thyself!〃

〃Ay; marry; that will I; right quickly!〃 quoth Little John in a rage。
And; so saying; he strode to the pantry and tried to open the door
but found it locked; whereat the Steward laughed and rattled his keys。
Then the wrath of Little John boiled over; and; lifting his clenched fist;
he smote the pantry door; bursting out three panels and making so large
an opening that he could easily stoop and walk through it。

When the Steward saw what was done; he waxed mad with rage;
and; as Little John stooped to look within the pantry;
he seized him from behind by the nape of the neck; pinching him
sorely and smiting him over the head with his keys till
the yeoman's ears rang again。  At this Little John turned upon
the Steward and smote him such a buffet that the fat man fell
to the floor and lay there as though he would never move again。
〃There;〃 quoth Little John; 〃think well of that stroke and never
keep a good breakfast from a hungry man again。〃

So saying; he crept into the pantry and looked about him
to see if he could find something to appease his hunger。
He saw a great venison pasty and two roasted capons; beside which
was a platter of plover's eggs; moreover; there was a flask
of sack and one of canarya sweet sight to a hungry man。
These he took down from the shelves and placed upon a sideboard;
and prepared to make himself merry。

Now the Cook; in the kitchen across the courtyard; heard the loud
talking between Little John and the Steward; and also the blow
that Little John struck the other; so he came running across
the court and up the stairway to where the Steward's pantry was;
bearing in his hands the spit with the roast still upon it。
Meanwhile the Steward had gathered his wits about him and risen
to his feet; so that when the Cook came to the Steward's pantry
he saw him glowering through the broken door at Little John;
who was making ready for a good repast; as one dog glowers
at another that has a bone。  When the Steward saw the Cook;
he came to him; and; putting one arm over his shoulder;
〃Alas; sweet friend!〃 quoth hefor the Cook was a tall;
stout man〃seest thou what that vile knave Reynold Greenleaf
hath done?  He hath broken in upon our master's goods; and hath
smitten me a buffet upon the ear; so that I thought I was dead。
Good Cook; I love thee well; and thou shalt have a good pottle
of our master's best wine every day; for thou art an old
and faithful servant。  Also; good Cook; I have ten shillings
that I mean to give as a gift to thee。  But hatest thou not
to see a vile upstart like this Reynold Greenleaf taking it
upon him so bravely?〃

〃Ay; marry; that do I;〃 quoth the Cook boldly; for he liked the Steward
because of his talk of the wine and of the ten shillings。  〃Get thee gone
straightway to thy room; and I will bring out this knave by his ears。〃
So saying; he laid aside his spit and drew the sword that hung by his side;
whereupon the Steward left as quickly as he could; for he hated the sight
of naked steel。

Then the Cook walked straightway to the broken pantry door;
through which he saw Little John tucking a napkin beneath his
chin and preparing to make himself merry。

〃Why; how now; Reynold Greenleaf?〃 said the Cook; 〃thou art no better
than a thief; I wot。  Come thou straight forth; man; or I will carve
thee as I would carve a sucking pig。〃

〃Nay; good Cook; bear thou thyself more seemingly; or else I will
come forth to thy dole。  At most times I am as a yearling lamb;
but when one cometh between me and my meat; I am a raging lion;
as it were。〃

〃Lion or no lion;〃 quoth the valorous Cook; 〃come thou straight forth;
else thou art a coward heart as well as a knavish thief。〃

〃Ha!〃 cried Little John; 〃coward's name have I never had;
so; look to thyself; good Cook; for I come forth straight;
the roaring lion I did speak of but now。〃

Then he; too; drew his sword and came out of the pantry;
then; putting themselves into position; they came slowly together;
with grim and angry looks; but suddenly Little John lowered his point。
〃Hold; good Cook!〃 said he。  〃Now; I bethink me it were ill of us
to fight with good victuals standing so nigh; and such a feast
as would befit two stout fellows such as we are。  Marry; good friend;
I think we should enjoy this fair feast ere we fight。
What sayest thou; jolly Cook?〃

At this speech the Cook looked up and down; scratching his head
in doubt; for he loved good feasting。  At last he drew a long
breath and said to Little John; 〃Well; good friend; I like thy plan
right well; so; pretty boy; say I; let us feast; with all my heart;
for one of us may sup in Paradise before nightfall。〃

So each thrust his sword back into the scabbard and entered the pantry。
Then; after they had seated themselves; Little John drew his
dagger and thrust it into the pie。  〃A hungry man must be fed;〃
quoth he; 〃so; sweet chuck; I help myself without leave。〃
But the Cook did not lag far behind; for straightway his hands
also were deeply thrust within the goodly pasty。  After this;
neither of them spoke further; but used their teeth to better purpose。
But though neither spoke; they looked at one another; each thinking
within himself that he had never seen a more lusty fellow than
the one across the board。

At last; after a long time had passed; the Cook drew
a full; deep breath; as though of much regr
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