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the merry adventures of robin hood(罗宾汉奇遇记)-第15章

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and thy horse and cart。〃

〃At four marks do I value meat; cart; and mare;〃 quoth the Butcher;
〃but if I do not sell all my meat I will not have four marks in value。〃

Then Robin Hood plucked the purse from his girdle; and quoth he;
〃Here in this purse are six marks。  Now; I would fain be a butcher
for the day and sell my meat in Nottingham Town。  Wilt thou close
a bargain with me and take six marks for thine outfit?〃

〃Now may the blessings of all the saints fall on thine honest head!〃
cried the Butcher right joyfully; as he leaped down from his cart
and took the purse that Robin held out to him。

〃Nay;〃 quoth Robin; laughing loudly; 〃many do like me and wish
me well; but few call me honest。  Now get thee gone back
to thy lass; and give her a sweet kiss from me。〃  So saying;
he donned the Butcher's apron; and; climbing into the cart;
he took the reins in his hand and drove off through the forest
to Nottingham Town。

When he came to Nottingham; he entered that part of the market
where butchers stood; and took up his inn'2' in the best place

he could find。  Next; he opened his stall and spread his meat
upon the bench; then; taking his cleaver and steel and clattering
them together; he trolled aloud in merry tones:

'2' Stand for selling。

 〃Now come; ye lasses; and eke ye dames;
     And buy your meat from me;
 For three pennyworths of meat I sell
     For the charge of one penny。

 〃Lamb have I that hath fed upon nought
     But the dainty dames pied;
 And the violet sweet; and the daffodil
     That grow fair streams beside。

 〃And beef have I from the heathery words;
     And mutton from dales all green;
 And veal as white as a maiden's brow;
     With its mother's milk; I ween。

 〃Then come; ye lasses; and eke ye dames;
     Come; buy your meat from me;
 For three pennyworths of meat I sell
     For the charge of one penny。〃

Thus he sang blithely; while all who stood near listened amazedly。
Then; when he had finished; he clattered the steel and cleaver still
more loudly; shouting lustily; 〃Now; who'll buy?  Who'll buy?
Four fixed prices have I。 Three pennyworths of meat I sell to a
fat friar or priest for sixpence; for I want not their custom;
stout aldermen I charge threepence; for it doth not matter to me
whether they buy or not; to buxom dames I sell three pennyworths
of meat for one penny for I like their custom well; but to the bonny
lass that hath a liking for a good tight butcher I charge nought
but one fair kiss; for I like her custom the best of all。〃

Then all began to stare and wonder and crowd around; laughing;
for never was such selling heard of in all Nottingham Town;
but when they came to buy they found it as he had said;
for he gave goodwife or dame as much meat for one penny as they
could buy elsewhere for three; and when a widow or a poor woman
came to him; he gave her flesh for nothing; but when a merry lass
came and gave him a kiss; he charged not one penny for his meat;
and many such came to his stall; for his eyes were as blue as the skies
of June; and he laughed merrily; giving to each full measure。
Thus he sold his meat so fast that no butcher that stood near
him could sell anything。

Then they began to talk among themselves; and some said; 〃This must
be some thief who has stolen cart; horse; and meat〃; but others said;
〃Nay; when did ye ever see a thief who parted with his goods so
freely and merrily?  This must be some prodigal who hath sold his
father's land; and would fain live merrily while the money lasts。〃
And these latter being the greater number; the others came round;
one by one to their way of thinking。

Then some of the butchers came to him to make his acquaintance。
〃Come; brother;〃 quoth one who was the head of them all;
〃we be all of one trade; so wilt thou go dine with us?
For this day the Sheriff hath asked all the Butcher Guild to feast
with him at the Guild Hall。  There will be stout fare and much
to drink; and that thou likest; or I much mistake thee。〃

〃Now; beshrew his heart;〃 quoth jolly Robin; 〃that would deny a butcher。
And; moreover; I will go dine with you all; my sweet lads; and that as fast
as I can hie。〃  Whereupon; having sold all his meat; he closed his stall
and went with them to the great Guild Hall。

There the Sheriff had already come in state; and with him many butchers。
When Robin and those that were with him came in; all laughing
at some merry jest he had been telling them; those that were near
the Sheriff whispered to him; 〃Yon is a right mad blade; for he hath
sold more meat for one penny this day than we could sell for three;
and to whatsoever merry lass gave him a kiss he gave meat for nought。〃
And others said; 〃He is some prodigal that hath sold his land for silver
and gold; and meaneth to spend all right merrily。〃

Then the Sheriff called Robin to him; not knowing him in his
butcher's dress; and made him sit close to him on his right hand;
for he loved a rich young prodigalespecially when he thought that he might
lighten that prodigal's pockets into his own most worshipful purse。
So he made much of Robin; and laughed and talked with him more than
with any of the others。

At last the dinner was ready to be served and the Sheriff bade
Robin say grace; so Robin stood up and said; 〃Now Heaven bless
us all and eke good meat and good sack within this house;
and may all butchers be and remain as honest men as I am。〃

At this all laughed; the Sheriff loudest of all; for he said to himself;
〃Surely this is indeed some prodigal; and perchance I may empty his
purse of some of the money that the fool throweth about so freely。〃
Then he spake aloud to Robin; saying; 〃Thou art a jolly young blade;
and I love thee mightily〃; and he smote Robin upon the shoulder。

Then Robin laughed loudly too。  〃Yea;〃 quoth he; 〃I know thou dost
love a jolly blade; for didst thou not have jolly Robin Hood at thy
shooting match and didst thou not gladly give him a bright golden
arrow for his own?〃

At this the Sheriff looked grave and all the guild of butchers too;
so that none laughed but Robin; only some winked slyly at each other。

〃Come; fill us some sack!〃 cried Robin。  〃Let us e'er be merry
while we may; for man is but dust; and he hath but a span to live
here till the worm getteth him; as our good gossip Swanthold sayeth;
so let life be merry while it lasts; say I。 Nay; never look down i'
the mouth; Sir Sheriff。  Who knowest but that thou mayest catch
Robin Hood yet; if thou drinkest less good sack and Malmsey; and bringest
down the fat about thy paunch and the dust from out thy brain。
Be merry; man。〃

Then the Sheriff laughed again; but not as though he liked the jest;
while the butchers said; one to another; 〃Before Heaven; never have
we seen such a mad rollicking blade。  Mayhap; though; he will make
the Sheriff mad。〃

〃How now; brothers;〃 cried Robin; 〃be merry! nay; never count
over your farthings; for by this and by that I will pay
this shot myself; e'en though it cost two hundred pounds。
So let no man draw up his lip; nor thrust his forefinger into
his purse; for I swear that neither butcher nor Sheriff shall
pay one penny for this fea
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