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the merry adventures of robin hood(罗宾汉奇遇记)-第12章

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At this a great shout arose; and each man waved his bow aloft
and cried that he might be the one to go。  Then Robin Hood's heart
was proud when he looked around on his stout; brave fellows;
and he said; 〃Brave and true are ye all; my merry men; and a right
stout band of good fellows are ye; but ye cannot all go; so I
will choose one from among you; and it shall be good Will Stutely;
for he is as sly as e'er an old dog fox in Sherwood Forest。〃

Then Will Stutely leaped high aloft and laughed loudly; clapping his
hands for pure joy that he should have been chosen from among them all。
〃Now thanks; good master;〃 quoth he; 〃and if I bring not news of those
knaves to thee; call me no more thy sly Will Stutely。〃

Then he clad himself in a friar's gown; and underneath the robe he hung
a good broadsword in such a place that he could easily lay hands upon it。
Thus clad; he set forth upon his quest; until he came to the verge of
the forest; and so to the highway。  He saw two bands of the Sheriff's men;
yet he turned neither to the right nor the left; but only drew his cowl
the closer over his face; folding his hands as if in meditation。
So at last he came to the Sign of the Blue Boar。  〃For;〃 quoth he to himself;
〃our good friend Eadom will tell me all the news。〃

At the Sign of the Blue Boar he found a band of the Sheriffs
men drinking right lustily; so; without speaking to anyone;
he sat down upon a distant bench; his staff in his hand;
and his head bowed forward as though he were meditating。
Thus he sat waiting until he might see the landlord apart; and Eadom
did not know him; but thought him to be some poor tired friar;
so he let him sit without saying a word to him or molesting him;
though he liked not the cloth。  〃For;〃 said he to himself;
〃it is a hard heart that kicks the lame dog from off the sill。〃
As Stutely sat thus; there came a great house cat and rubbed
against his knee; raising his robe a palm's…breadth high。
Stutely pushed his robe quickly down again; but the constable
who commanded the Sheriffs men saw what had passed;
and saw also fair Lincoln green beneath the friar's robe。
He said nothing at the time; but communed within himself in this wise:
〃Yon is no friar of orders gray; and also; I wot; no honest yeoman
goeth about in priest's garb; nor doth a thief go so for nought。
Now I think in good sooth that is one of Robin Hood's own men。〃
So; presently; he said aloud; 〃O holy father; wilt thou not take
a good pot of March beer to slake thy thirsty soul withal?〃

But Stutely shook his head silently; for he said to himself;
〃Maybe there be those here who know my voice。〃

Then the constable said again; 〃Whither goest thou; holy friar;
upon this hot summer's day?〃

〃I go a pilgrim to Canterbury Town;〃 answered Will Stutely;
speaking gruffly; so that none might know his voice。

Then the constable said; for the third time; 〃Now tell me;
holy father; do pilgrims to Canterbury wear good Lincoln green
beneath their robes?  Ha!  By my faith; I take thee to be
some lusty thief; and perhaps one of Robin Hood's own band!
Now; by Our Lady's grace; if thou movest hand or foot;
I will run thee through the body with my sword!〃

Then he flashed forth his bright sword and leaped upon Will Stutely;
thinking he would take him unaware; but Stutely had his own sword
tightly held in his hand; beneath his robe; so he drew it forth before
the constable came upon him。  Then the stout constable struck a mighty blow;
but he struck no more in all that fight; for Stutely; parrying the blow
right deftly; smote the constable back again with all his might。
Then he would have escaped; but could not; for the other; all dizzy
with the wound and with the flowing blood; seized him by the knees with
his arms even as he reeled and fell。  Then the others rushed upon him;
and Stutely struck again at another of the Sheriff's men; but the steel
cap glanced the blow; and though the blade bit deep; it did not kill。
Meanwhile; the constable; fainting as he was; drew Stutely downward;
and the others; seeing the yeoman hampered so; rushed upon him again;
and one smote him a blow upon the crown so that the blood ran down his face
and blinded him。  Then; staggering; he fell; and all sprang upon him;
though he struggled so manfully that they could hardly hold him fast。
Then they bound him with stout hempen cords so that he could not move
either hand or foot; and thus they overcame him。

Robin Hood stood under the greenwood tree; thinking of Will Stutely
and how he might be faring; when suddenly he saw two of his stout
yeomen come running down the forest path; and betwixt them ran buxom
Maken of the Blue Boar。  Then Robin's heart fell; for he knew they
were the bearers of ill tidings。

〃Will Stutely hath been taken;〃 cried they; when they had come
to where he stood。

〃And is it thou that hast brought such doleful news?〃
said Robin to the lass。

〃Ay; marry; for I saw it all;〃 cried she; panting as the hare
pants when it has escaped the hounds; 〃and I fear he is
wounded sore; for one smote him main shrewdly i' the crown。
They have bound him and taken him to Nottingham Town; and ere I
left the Blue Boar I heard that he should be hanged tomorrow day。〃

〃He shall not be hanged tomorrow day;〃 cried Robin; 〃or; if he be;
full many a one shall gnaw the sod; and many shall have cause
to cry Alack…a…day!〃

Then he clapped his horn to his lips and blew three blasts right loudly;
and presently his good yeomen came running through the greenwood until
sevenscore bold blades were gathered around him。

〃Now hark you all!〃 cried Robin。  〃Our dear companion Will Stutely
hath been taken by that vile Sheriff's men; therefore doth it
behoove us to take bow and brand in hand to bring him off again;
for I wot that we ought to risk life and limb for him; as he hath
risked life and limb for us。  Is it not so; my merry men all?〃
Then all cried; 〃Ay!〃 with a great voice。

So the next day they all wended their way from Sherwood Forest;
but by different paths; for it behooved them to be very crafty;
so the band separated into parties of twos and threes;
which were all to meet again in a tangled dell that lay near
to Nottingham Town。  Then; when they had all gathered together
at the place of meeting; Robin spoke to them thus:

〃Now we will lie here in ambush until we can get news; for it doth behoove
us to be cunning and wary if we would bring our friend Will Stutely off
from the Sheriff's clutches。〃

So they lay hidden a long time; until the sun stood high in the sky。
The day was warm and the dusty road was bare of travelers; except an aged
palmer who walked slowly along the highroad that led close beside
the gray castle wall of Nottingham Town。  When Robin saw that no
other wayfarer was within sight; he called young David of Doncaster;
who was a shrewd man for his years; and said to him; 〃Now get thee forth;
young David; and speak to yonder palmer that walks beside the town wall;
for he hath come but now from Nottingham Town; and may tell thee news
of good Stutely; perchance。〃

So David strode forth; and when he came up to the pilgrim;
he saluted him and said; 〃Good morrow
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