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the seven poor travellers-第9章

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by which I felt surrounded。  As the whitened stems environed me; I

thought how the Founder of the time had never raised his benignant

hand; save to bless and heal; except in the case of one unconscious

tree。  By Cobham Hall; I came to the village; and the churchyard

where the dead had been quietly buried; 〃in the sure and certain

hope〃 which Christmas time inspired。  What children could I see at

play; and not be loving of; recalling who had loved them!  No garden

that I passed was out of unison with the day; for I remembered that

the tomb was in a garden; and that 〃she; supposing him to be the

gardener;〃 had said; 〃Sir; if thou have borne him hence; tell me

where thou hast laid him; and I will take him away。〃  In time; the

distant river with the ships came full in view; and with it pictures

of the poor fishermen; mending their nets; who arose and followed

him;of the teaching of the people from a ship pushed off a little

way from shore; by reason of the multitude;of a majestic figure

walking on the water; in the loneliness of night。  My very shadow on

the ground was eloquent of Christmas; for did not the people lay

their sick where the more shadows of the men who had heard and seen

him might fall as they passed along?

Thus Christmas begirt me; far and near; until I had come to

Blackheath; and had walked down the long vista of gnarled old trees

in Greenwich Park; and was being steam…rattled through the mists now

closing in once more; towards the lights of London。  Brightly they

shone; but not so brightly as my own fire; and the brighter faces

around it; when we came together to celebrate the day。  And there I

told of worthy Master Richard Watts; and of my supper with the Six

Poor Travellers who were neither Rogues nor Proctors; and from that

hour to this I have never seen one of them again。

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