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the seven poor travellers-第7章

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was alive。  He was a brave soldier。  He was honoured and beloved by

thousands of thousands; when the mother of his dear friend found me;

and showed me that in all his triumphs he had never forgotten me。

He was wounded in a great battle。  He was brought; dying; here; into

Brussels。  I came to watch and tend him; as I would have joyfully

gone; with such a purpose; to the dreariest ends of the earth。  When

he knew no one else; he knew me。  When he suffered most; he bore his

sufferings barely murmuring; content to rest his head where your

rests now。  When he lay at the point of death; he married me; that

he might call me Wife before he died。  And the name; my dear love;

that I took on that forgotten night〃

〃I know it now!〃 he sobbed。  〃The shadowy remembrance strengthens。

It is come back。  I thank Heaven that my mind is quite restored!  My

Mary; kiss me; lull this weary head to rest; or I shall die of

gratitude。  His parting words were fulfilled。  I see Home again!〃

Well!  They were happy。  It was a long recovery; but they were happy

through it all。  The snow had melted on the ground; and the birds

were singing in the leafless thickets of the early spring; when

those three were first able to ride out together; and when people

flocked about the open carriage to cheer and congratulate Captain

Richard Doubledick。

But even then it became necessary for the Captain; instead of

returning to England; to complete his recovery in the climate of

Southern France。  They found a spot upon the Rhone; within a ride of

the old town of Avignon; and within view of its broken bridge; which

was all they could desire; they lived there; together; six months;

then returned to England。  Mrs。 Taunton; growing old after three

yearsthough not so old as that her bright; dark eyes were dimmed

and remembering that her strength had been benefited by the change

resolved to go back for a year to those parts。  So she went with a

faithful servant; who had often carried her son in his arms; and she

was to be rejoined and escorted home; at the year's end; by Captain

Richard Doubledick。

She wrote regularly to her children (as she called them now); and

they to her。  She went to the neighbourhood of Aix; and there; in

their own chateau near the farmer's house she rented; she grew into

intimacy with a family belonging to that part of France。  The

intimacy began in her often meeting among the vineyards a pretty

child; a girl with a most compassionate heart; who was never tired

of listening to the solitary English lady's stories of her poor son

and the cruel wars。  The family were as gentle as the child; and at

length she came to know them so well that she accepted their

invitation to pass the last month of her residence abroad under

their roof。  All this intelligence she wrote home; piecemeal as it

came about; from time to time; and at last enclosed a polite note;

from the head of the chateau; soliciting; on the occasion of his

approaching mission to that neighbourhood; the honour of the company

of cet homme si justement celebre; Monsieur le Capitaine Richard


Captain Doubledick; now a hardy; handsome man in the full vigour of

life; broader across the chest and shoulders than he had ever been

before; dispatched a courteous reply; and followed it in person。

Travelling through all that extent of country after three years of

Peace; he blessed the better days on which the world had fallen。

The corn was golden; not drenched in unnatural red; was bound in

sheaves for food; not trodden underfoot by men in mortal fight。  The

smoke rose up from peaceful hearths; not blazing ruins。  The carts

were laden with the fair fruits of the earth; not with wounds and

death。  To him who had so often seen the terrible reverse; these

things were beautiful indeed; and they brought him in a softened

spirit to the old chateau near Aix upon a deep blue evening。

It was a large chateau of the genuine old ghostly kind; with round

towers; and extinguishers; and a high leaden roof; and more windows

than Aladdin's Palace。  The lattice blinds were all thrown open

after the heat of the day; and there were glimpses of rambling walls

and corridors within。  Then there were immense out…buildings fallen

into partial decay; masses of dark trees; terrace…gardens;

balustrades; tanks of water; too weak to play and too dirty to work;

statues; weeds; and thickets of iron railing that seemed to have

overgrown themselves like the shrubberies; and to have branched out

in all manner of wild shapes。  The entrance doors stood open; as

doors often do in that country when the heat of the day is past; and

the Captain saw no bell or knocker; and walked in。

He walked into a lofty stone hall; refreshingly cool and gloomy

after the glare of a Southern day's travel。  Extending along the

four sides of this hall was a gallery; leading to suites of rooms;

and it was lighted from the top。  Still no bell was to be seen。

〃Faith;〃 said the Captain halting; ashamed of the clanking of his

boots; 〃this is a ghostly beginning!〃

He started back; and felt his face turn white。  In the gallery;

looking down at him; stood the French officerthe officer whose

picture he had carried in his mind so long and so far。  Compared

with the original; at lastin every lineament how like it was!

He moved; and disappeared; and Captain Richard Doubledick heard his

steps coming quickly down own into the hall。  He entered through an

archway。  There was a bright; sudden look upon his face; much such a

look as it had worn in that fatal moment。

Monsieur le Capitaine Richard Doubledick?  Enchanted to receive him!

A thousand apologies!  The servants were all out in the air。  There

was a little fete among them in the garden。  In effect; it was the

fete day of my daughter; the little cherished and protected of

Madame Taunton。

He was so gracious and so frank that Monsieur le Capitaine Richard

Doubledick could not withhold his hand。  〃It is the hand of a brave

Englishman;〃 said the French officer; retaining it while he spoke。

〃I could respect a brave Englishman; even as my foe; how much more

as my friend!  I also am a soldier。〃

〃He has not remembered me; as I have remembered him; he did not take

such note of my face; that day; as I took of his;〃 thought Captain

Richard Doubledick。  〃How shall I tell him?〃

The French officer conducted his guest into a garden and presented

him to his wife; an engaging and beautiful woman; sitting with Mrs。

Taunton in a whimsical old…fashioned pavilion。  His daughter; her

fair young face beaming with joy; came running to embrace him; and

there was a boy…baby to tumble down among the orange trees on the

broad steps; in making for his father's legs。  A multitude of

children visitors were dancing to sprightly music; and all the

servants and peasants about the chateau were dancing too。  It was a

scene of innocent happiness that might have been invented for the

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