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the seven poor travellers-第3章

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foreigner by birth; but an Englishman in speech; who carried his

pipe in the band of his hat; and lost no time in telling me; in an

easy; simple; engaging way; that he was a watchmaker from Geneva;

and travelled all about the Continent; mostly on foot; working as a

journeyman; and seeing new countries;possibly (I thought) also

smuggling a watch or so; now and then。  Sixthly; a little widow; who

had been very pretty and was still very young; but whose beauty had

been wrecked in some great misfortune; and whose manner was

remarkably timid; scared; and solitary。  Seventhly and lastly; a

Traveller of a kind familiar to my boyhood; but now almost

obsolete;a Book…Pedler; who had a quantity of Pamphlets and

Numbers with him; and who presently boasted that he could repeat

more verses in an evening than he could sell in a twelvemonth。

All these I have mentioned in the order in which they sat at table。

I presided; and the matronly presence faced me。  We were not long in

taking our places; for the supper had arrived with me; in the

following procession:

Myself with the pitcher。

Ben with Beer。

Inattentive Boy with hot plates。  Inattentive Boy with hot plates。


Female carrying sauces to be heated on the spot。


Man with Tray on his head; containing Vegetables and Sundries。

Volunteer Hostler from Hotel; grinning;

And rendering no assistance。

As we passed along the High Street; comet…like; we left a long tail

of fragrance behind us which caused the public to stop; sniffing in

wonder。  We had previously left at the corner of the inn…yard a

wall…eyed young man connected with the Fly department; and well

accustomed to the sound of a railway whistle which Ben always

carries in his pocket; whose instructions were; so soon as he should

hear the whistle blown; to dash into the kitchen; seize the hot

plum…pudding and mince…pies; and speed with them to Watts's Charity;

where they would be received (he was further instructed) by the

sauce…female; who would be provided with brandy in a blue state of


All these arrangements were executed in the most exact and punctual

manner。  I never saw a finer turkey; finer beef; or greater

prodigality of sauce and gravy;and my Travellers did wonderful

justice to everything set before them。  It made my heart rejoice to

observe how their wind and frost hardened faces softened in the

clatter of plates and knives and forks; and mellowed in the fire and

supper heat。  While their hats and caps and wrappers; hanging up; a

few small bundles on the ground in a corner; and in another corner

three or four old walking…sticks; worn down at the end to mere

fringe; linked this smug interior with the bleak outside in a golden


When supper was done; and my brown beauty had been elevated on the

table; there was a general requisition to me to 〃take the corner;〃

which suggested to me comfortably enough how much my friends here

made of a fire;for when had I ever thought so highly of the

corner; since the days when I connected it with Jack Horner?

However; as I declined; Ben; whose touch on all convivial

instruments is perfect; drew the table apart; and instructing my

Travellers to open right and left on either side of me; and form

round the fire; closed up the centre with myself and my chair; and

preserved the order we had kept at table。  He had already; in a

tranquil manner; boxed the ears of the inattentive boys until they

had been by imperceptible degrees boxed out of the room; and he now

rapidly skirmished the sauce…female into the High Street;

disappeared; and softly closed the door。

This was the time for bringing the poker to bear on the billet of

wood。  I tapped it three times; like an enchanted talisman; and a

brilliant host of merry…makers burst out of it; and sported off by

the chimney;rushing up the middle in a fiery country dance; and

never coming down again。  Meanwhile; by their sparkling light; which

threw our lamp into the shade; I filled the glasses; and gave my

Travellers; CHRISTMAS!CHRISTMAS…EVE; my friends; when the

shepherds; who were Poor Travellers; too; in their way; heard the

Angels sing; 〃On earth; peace。  Good…will towards men!〃

I don't know who was the first among us to think that we ought to

take hands as we sat; in deference to the toast; or whether any one

of us anticipated the others; but at any rate we all did it。  We

then drank to the memory of the good Master Richard Watts。  And I

wish his Ghost may never have had worse usage under that roof than

it had from us。

It was the witching time for Story…telling。  〃Our whole life;

Travellers;〃 said I; 〃is a story more or less intelligible;

generally less; but we shall read it by a clearer light when it is

ended。  I; for one; am so divided this night between fact and

fiction; that I scarce know which is which。  Shall I beguile the

time by telling you a story as we sit here?〃

They all answered; yes。  I had little to tell them; but I was bound

by my own proposal。  Therefore; after looking for awhile at the

spiral column of smoke wreathing up from my brown beauty; through

which I could have almost sworn I saw the effigy of Master Richard

Watts less startled than usual; I fired away。


In the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety…nine; a relative

of mine came limping down; on foot; to this town of Chatham。  I call

it this town; because if anybody present knows to a nicety where

Rochester ends and Chatham begins; it is more than I do。  He was a

poor traveller; with not a farthing in his pocket。  He sat by the

fire in this very room; and he slept one night in a bed that will be

occupied tonight by some one here。

My relative came down to Chatham to enlist in a cavalry regiment; if

a cavalry regiment would have him; if not; to take King George's

shilling from any corporal or sergeant who would put a bunch of

ribbons in his hat。  His object was to get shot; but he thought he

might as well ride to death as be at the trouble of walking。

My relative's Christian name was Richard; but he was better known as

Dick。  He dropped his own surname on the road down; and took up that

of Doubledick。  He was passed as Richard Doubledick; age; twenty…

two; height; five foot ten; native place; Exmouth; which he had

never been near in his life。  There was no cavalry in Chatham when

he limped over the bridge here with half a shoe to his dusty feet;

so he enlisted into a regiment of the line; and was glad to get

drunk and forget all about it。

You are to know that this relative of mine had gone wrong; and run

wild。  His heart was in the right place; but it was sealed up。  He

had been betrothed to a good and beautiful girl; whom he had loved

better than sheor perhaps even hebelieved; but in an evil hour

he had given her cause to say to him solemnly; 〃Richard; I will

never marry another man。  I will liv
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