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the seven poor travellers-第2章

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to the little galleries at the back。  I found them on a tiny scale;

like the galleries in old inn…yards; and they were very clean。

While I was looking at them; the matron gave me to understand that

the prescribed number of Poor Travellers were forthcoming every

night from year's end to year's end; and that the beds were always

occupied。  My questions upon this; and her replies; brought us back

to the Board Room so essential to the dignity of 〃the gentlemen;〃

where she showed me the printed accounts of the Charity hanging up

by the window。  From them I gathered that the greater part of the

property bequeathed by the Worshipful Master Richard Watts for the

maintenance of this foundation was; at the period of his death; mere

marsh…land; but that; in course of time; it had been reclaimed and

built upon; and was very considerably increased in value。  I found;

too; that about a thirtieth part of the annual revenue was now

expended on the purposes commemorated in the inscription over the

door; the rest being handsomely laid out in Chancery; law expenses;

collectorship; receivership; poundage; and other appendages of

management; highly complimentary to the importance of the six Poor

Travellers。  In short; I made the not entirely new discovery that it

may be said of an establishment like this; in dear old England; as

of the fat oyster in the American story; that it takes a good many

men to swallow it whole。

〃And pray; ma'am;〃 said I; sensible that the blankness of my face

began to brighten as the thought occurred to me; 〃could one see

these Travellers?〃

〃Well!〃 she returned dubiously; 〃no!〃

〃Not to…night; for instance!〃 said I。

〃Well!〃 she returned more positively; 〃no。  Nobody ever asked to see

them; and nobody ever did see them。〃

As I am not easily balked in a design when I am set upon it; I urged

to the good lady that this was Christmas…eve; that Christmas comes

but once a year;which is unhappily too true; for when it begins to

stay with us the whole year round we shall make this earth a very

different place; that I was possessed by the desire to treat the

Travellers to a supper and a temperate glass of hot Wassail; that

the voice of Fame had been heard in that land; declaring my ability

to make hot Wassail; that if I were permitted to hold the feast; I

should be found conformable to reason; sobriety; and good hours; in

a word; that I could be merry and wise myself; and had been even

known at a pinch to keep others so; although I was decorated with no

badge or medal; and was not a Brother; Orator; Apostle; Saint; or

Prophet of any denomination whatever。  In the end I prevailed; to my

great joy。  It was settled that at nine o'clock that night a Turkey

and a piece of Roast Beef should smoke upon the board; and that I;

faint and unworthy minister for once of Master Richard Watts; should

preside as the Christmas…supper host of the six Poor Travellers。

I went back to my inn to give the necessary directions for the

Turkey and Roast Beef; and; during the remainder of the day; could

settle to nothing for thinking of the Poor Travellers。  When the

wind blew hard against the windows;it was a cold day; with dark

gusts of sleet alternating with periods of wild brightness; as if

the year were dying fitfully;I pictured them advancing towards

their resting…place along various cold roads; and felt delighted to

think how little they foresaw the supper that awaited them。  I

painted their portraits in my mind; and indulged in little

heightening touches。  I made them footsore; I made them weary; I

made them carry packs and bundles; I made them stop by finger…posts

and milestones; leaning on their bent sticks; and looking wistfully

at what was written there; I made them lose their way; and filled

their five wits with apprehensions of lying out all night; and being

frozen to death。  I took up my hat; and went out; climbed to the top

of the Old Castle; and looked over the windy hills that slope down

to the Medway; almost believing that I could descry some of my

Travellers in the distance。  After it fell dark; and the Cathedral

bell was heard in the invisible steeplequite a bower of frosty

rime when I had last seen itstriking five; six; seven; I became so

full of my Travellers that I could eat no dinner; and felt

constrained to watch them still in the red coals of my fire。  They

were all arrived by this time; I thought; had got their tickets; and

were gone in。There my pleasure was dashed by the reflection that

probably some Travellers had come too late and were shut out。

After the Cathedral bell had struck eight; I could smell a delicious

savour of Turkey and Roast Beef rising to the window of my adjoining

bedroom; which looked down into the inn…yard just where the lights

of the kitchen reddened a massive fragment of the Castle Wall。  It

was high time to make the Wassail now; therefore I had up the

materials (which; together with their proportions and combinations;

I must decline to impart; as the only secret of my own I was ever

known to keep); and made a glorious jorum。  Not in a bowl; for a

bowl anywhere but on a shelf is a low superstition; fraught with

cooling and slopping; but in a brown earthenware pitcher; tenderly

suffocated; when full; with a coarse cloth。  It being now upon the

stroke of nine; I set out for Watts's Charity; carrying my brown

beauty in my arms。  I would trust Ben; the waiter; with untold gold;

but there are strings in the human heart which must never be sounded

by another; and drinks that I make myself are those strings in mine。

The Travellers were all assembled; the cloth was laid; and Ben had

brought a great billet of wood; and had laid it artfully on the top

of the fire; so that a touch or two of the poker after supper should

make a roaring blaze。  Having deposited my brown beauty in a red

nook of the hearth; inside the fender; where she soon began to sing

like an ethereal cricket; diffusing at the same time odours as of

ripe vineyards; spice forests; and orange groves;I say; having

stationed my beauty in a place of security and improvement; I

introduced myself to my guests by shaking hands all round; and

giving them a hearty welcome。

I found the party to be thus composed。  Firstly; myself。  Secondly;

a very decent man indeed; with his right arm in a sling; who had a

certain clean agreeable smell of wood about him; from which I judged

him to have something to do with shipbuilding。  Thirdly; a little

sailor…boy; a mere child; with a profusion of rich dark brown hair;

and deep womanly…looking eyes。  Fourthly; a shabby…genteel personage

in a threadbare black suit; and apparently in very bad

circumstances; with a dry suspicious look; the absent buttons on his

waistcoat eked out with red tape; and a bundle of extraordinarily

tattered papers sticking out of an inner breast…pocket。  Fifthly; a

foreigner by birth; but an Englishman in speech; who carried his

pipe in the band of his 
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