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concerning civil government-第6章

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from the common。 Nor will it invalidate his right to say everybody

else has an equal title to it; and therefore he cannot appropriate; he

cannot enclose; without the consent of all his fellow…commoners; all

mankind。 God; when He gave the world in common to all mankind;

commanded man also to labour; and the penury of his condition required

it of him。 God and his reason commanded him to subdue the earth… i。e。;

improve it for the benefit of life and therein lay out something

upon it that was his own; his labour。 He that; in obedience to this

command of God; subdued; tilled; and sowed any part of it; thereby

annexed to it something that was his property; which another had no

title to; nor could without injury take from him。

  32。 Nor was this appropriation of any parcel of land; by improving

it; any prejudice to any other man; since there was still enough and

as good left; and more than the yet unprovided could use。 So that;

in effect; there was never the less left for others because of his

enclosure for himself。 For he that leaves as much as another can

make use of does as good as take nothing at all。 Nobody could think

himself injured by the drinking of another man; though he took a

good draught; who had a whole river of the same water left him to

quench his thirst。 And the case of land and water; where there is

enough of both; is perfectly the same。

  33。 God gave the world to men in common; but since He gave it them

for their benefit and the greatest conveniencies of life they were

capable to draw from it; it cannot be supposed He meant it should

always remain common and uncultivated。 He gave it to the use of the

industrious and rational (and labour was to be his title to it); not

to the fancy or covetousness of the quarrelsome and contentious。 He

that had as good left for his improvement as was already taken up

needed not complain; ought not to meddle with what was already

improved by another's labour; if he did it is plain he desired the

benefit of another's pains; which he had no right to; and not the

ground which God had given him; in common with others; to labour on;

and whereof there was as good left as that already possessed; and more

than he knew what to do with; or his industry could reach to。

  34。 It is true; in land that is common in England or any other

country; where there are plenty of people under government who have

money and commerce; no one can enclose or appropriate any part without

the consent of all his fellow…commoners; because this is left common

by compact… i。e。; by the law of the land; which is not to be violated。

And; though it be common in respect of some men; it is not so to all

mankind; but is the joint propriety of this country; or this parish。

Besides; the remainder; after such enclosure; would not be as good

to the rest of the commoners as the whole was; when they could all

make use of the whole; whereas in the beginning and first peopling

of the great common of the world it was quite otherwise。 The law man

was under was rather for appropriating。 God commanded; and his wants

forced him to labour。 That was his property; which could not be

taken from him wherever he had fixed it。 And hence subduing or

cultivating the earth and having dominion; we see; are joined

together。 The one gave title to the other。 So that God; by

commanding to subdue; gave authority so far to appropriate。 And the

condition of human life; which requires labour and materials to work

on; necessarily introduce private possessions。

  35。 The measure of property Nature well set; by the extent of

men's labour and the conveniency of life。 No man's labour could subdue

or appropriate all; nor could his enjoyment consume more than a

small part; so that it was impossible for any man; this way; to

entrench upon the right of another or acquire to himself a property to

the prejudice of his neighbour; who would still have room for as

good and as large a possession (after the other had taken out his)

as before it was appropriated。 Which measure did confine every man's

possession to a very moderate proportion; and such as he might

appropriate to himself without injury to anybody in the first ages

of the world; when men were more in danger to be lost; by wandering

from their company; in the then vast wilderness of the earth than to

be straitened for want of room to plant in。

  36。 The same measure may be allowed still; without prejudice to

anybody; full as the world seems。 For; supposing a man or family; in

the state they were at first; peopling of the world by the children of

Adam or Noah; let him plant in some inland vacant places of America。

We shall find that the possessions he could make himself; upon the

measures we have given; would not be very large; nor; even to this

day; prejudice the rest of mankind or give them reason to complain

or think themselves injured by this man's encroachment; though the

race of men have now spread themselves to all the corners of the

world; and do infinitely exceed the small number was at the beginning。

Nay; the extent of ground is of so little value without labour that

I have heard it affirmed that in Spain itself a man may be permitted

to plough; sow; and reap; without being disturbed; upon land he has no

other title to; but only his making use of it。 But; on the contrary;

the inhabitants think themselves beholden to him who; by his

industry on neglected; and consequently waste land; has increased

the stock of corn; which they wanted。 But be this as it will; which

I lay no stress on; this I dare boldly affirm; that the same rule of

propriety… viz。; that every man should have as much as he could make

use of; would hold still in the world; without straitening anybody;

since there is land enough in the world to suffice double the

inhabitants; had not the invention of money; and the tacit agreement

of men to put a value on it; introduced (by consent) larger

possessions and a right to them; which; how it has done; I shall by

and by show more at large。

  37。 This is certain; that in the beginning; before the desire of

having more than men needed had altered the intrinsic value of things;

which depends only on their usefulness to the life of man; or had

agreed that a little piece of yellow metal; which would keep without

wasting or decay; should be worth a great piece of flesh or a whole

heap of corn; though men had a right to appropriate by their labour;

each one to himself; as much of the things of Nature as he could

use; yet this could not be much; nor to the prejudice of others; where

the same plenty was still left; to those who would use the same


  Before the appropriation of land; he who gathered as much of the

wild fruit; killed; caught; or tamed as many of the beasts as he

could… he that so employed his pains about any of the spontaneous

products of Nature as any way to alter them from the state Nature

put them in; by placing any of his labour on them; did thereby acquire

a propriety in them; but if they perished in his possession without

their due use… if the fruits rotted or the veni
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