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concerning civil government-第24章

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authority derived at the first from their consent; upon whose

persons they impose laws; it is no better than mere tyranny。 Laws they

are not; therefore; which public approbation hath not made so。〃

Hooker; ibid。 10。

  〃Of this point; therefore; we are to note that such men naturally

have no full and perfect power to command whole politic multitudes

of men; therefore utterly without our consent we could in such sort be

at no man's commandment living。 And to be commanded; we do consent

when that society; whereof we be a part; hath at any time before

consented; without revoking the same after by the like universal


  〃Laws therefore human; of what kind soever; are available by

consent。〃 Hooker; Ibid。

  135。 Though the legislative; whether placed in one or more;

whether it be always in being or only by intervals; though it be the

supreme power in every commonwealth; yet; first; it is not; nor can

possibly be; absolutely arbitrary over the lives and fortunes of the

people。 For it being but the joint power of every member of the

society given up to that person or assembly which is legislator; it

can be no more than those persons had in a state of Nature before they

entered into society; and gave it up to the community。 For nobody

can transfer to another more power than he has in himself; and

nobody has an absolute arbitrary power over himself; or over any

other; to destroy his own life; or take away the life or property of

another。 A man; as has been proved; cannot subject himself to the

arbitrary power of another; and having; in the state of Nature; no

arbitrary power over the life; liberty; or possession of another;

but only so much as the law of Nature gave him for the preservation of

himself and the rest of mankind; this is all he doth; or can give up

to the commonwealth; and by it to the legislative power; so that the

legislative can have no more than this。 Their power in the utmost

bounds of it is limited to the public good of the society。* It is a

power that hath no other end but preservation; and therefore can never

have a right to destroy; enslave; or designedly to impoverish the

subjects; the obligations of the law of Nature cease not in society;

but only in many cases are drawn closer; and have; by human laws;

known penalties annexed to them to enforce their observation。 Thus the

law of Nature stands as an eternal rule to all men; legislators as

well as others。 The rules that they make for; other men's actions

must; as well as their own and other men's actions; be conformable

to the law of Nature… i。e。; to the will of God; of which that is a

declaration; and the fundamental law of Nature being the

preservation of mankind; no human sanction can be good or valid

against it。

  * 〃Two foundations there are which bear up public societies; the one

a natural inclination whereby all men desire sociable life and

fellowship; the other an order; expressly or secretly agreed upon;

touching the manner of their union in living together。 The latter is

that which we call the law of a commonweal; the very soul of a politic

body; the parts whereof are by law animated; held together; and set on

work in such actions as the common good requireth。 Laws politic;

ordained for external order and regimen amongst men; are never

framed as they should be; unless presuming the will of man to be

inwardly obstinate; rebellious; and averse from all obedience to the

sacred laws of his nature; in a word; unless presuming man to be in

regard of his depraved mind little better than a wild beast; they do

accordingly provide notwithstanding; so to frame his outward

actions; that they be no hindrance unto the common good; for which

societies are instituted。 Unless they do this they are not perfect。〃

Hooker; Eccl。 Pol。 i。 10。

  136。 Secondly; the legislative or supreme authority cannot assume to

itself a power to rule by extemporary arbitrary decrees; but is

bound to dispense justice and decide the rights of the subject by

promulgated standing laws;* and known authorised judges。 For the law

of Nature being unwritten; and so nowhere to be found but in the minds

of men; they who; through passion or interest; shall miscite or

misapply it; cannot so easily be convinced of their mistake where

there is no established judge; and so it serves not as it aught; to

determine the rights and fence the properties of those that live under

it; especially where every one is judge; interpreter; and

executioner of it too; and that in his own case; and he that has right

on his side; having ordinarily but his own single strength; hath not

force enough to defend himself from injuries or punish delinquents。 To

avoid these inconveniencies which disorder men's properties in the

state of Nature; men unite into societies that they may have the

united strength of the whole society to secure and defend their

properties; and may have standing rules to bound it by which every one

may know what is his。 To this end it is that men give up all their

natural power to the society they enter into; and the community put

the legislative power into such hands as they think fit; with this

trust; that they shall be governed by declared laws; or else their

peace; quiet; and property will still be at the same uncertainty as it

was in the state of Nature。

  * 〃Human laws are measures in respect of men whose actions they must

direct; howbeit such measures they are as have also their higher rules

to be measured by; which rules are two… the law of God and the law

of Nature; so that laws human must be made according to the general

laws of Nature; and without contradiction to any positive law of

Scripture; otherwise they are ill made。〃 Hooker; Eccl。 Pol。 iii。 9。

  〃To constrain men to anything inconvenient doth seem

unreasonable。〃 Ibid。 i。 10。

  137。 Absolute arbitrary power; or governing without settled standing

laws; can neither of them consist with the ends of society and

government; which men would not quit the freedom of the state of

Nature for; and tie themselves up under; were it not to preserve their

lives; liberties; and fortunes; and by stated rules of right and

property to secure their peace and quiet。 It cannot be supposed that

they should intend; had they a power so to do; to give any one or more

an absolute arbitrary power over their persons and estates; and put

a force into the magistrate's hand to execute his unlimited will

arbitrarily upon them; this were to put themselves into a worse

condition than the state of Nature; wherein they had a liberty to

defend their right against the injuries of others; and were upon equal

terms of force to maintain it; whether invaded by a single man or many

in combination。 Whereas by supposing they have given up themselves

to the absolute arbitrary power and will of a legislator; they have

disarmed themselves; and armed him to make a prey of them when he

pleases; he being in a much worse condition that is exposed to the

arbitrary power of one man who has the command of a hundred thousand

than he that is exposed to the arbitrary p
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