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concerning civil government-第11章

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instruct him in that law he is to govern himself by; and make him know

how far he is left to the freedom of his own will。 To turn him loose

to an unrestrained liberty; before he has reason to guide him; is

not the allowing him the privilege of his nature to be free; but to

thrust him out amongst brutes; and abandon him to a state as

wretched and as much beneath that of a man as theirs。 This is that

which puts the authority into the parents' hands to govern the

minority of their children。 God hath made it their business to

employ this care on their offspring; and hath placed in them

suitable inclinations of tenderness and concern to temper this

power; to apply it as His wisdom designed it; to the children's good

as long as they should need to be under it。

  64。 But what reason can hence advance this care of the parents due

to their offspring into an absolute; arbitrary dominion of the father;

whose power reaches no farther than by such a discipline as he finds

most effectual to give such strength and health to their bodies;

such vigour and rectitude to their minds; as may best fit his children

to be most useful to themselves and others; and; if it be necessary to

his condition; to make them work when they are able for their own

subsistence; but in this power the mother; too; has her share with the


  65。 Nay; this power so little belongs to the father by any

peculiar right of Nature; but only as he is guardian of his

children; that when he quits his care of them he loses his power

over them; which goes along with their nourishment and education; to

which it is inseparably annexed; and belongs as much to the

foster…father of an exposed child as to the natural father of another。

So little power does the bare act of begetting give a man over his

issue; if all his care ends there; and this be all the title he hath

to the name and authority of a father。 And what will become of this

paternal power in that part of the world where one woman hath more

than one husband at a time? or in those parts of America where; when

the husband and wife part; which happens frequently; the children

are all left to the mother; follow her; and are wholly under her

care and provision? And if the father die whilst the children are

young; do they not naturally everywhere owe the same obedience to

their mother; during their minority; as to their father; were he

alive? And will any one say that the mother hath a legislative power

over her children that she can make standing rules which shall be of

perpetual obligation; by which they ought to regulate all the concerns

of their property; and bound their liberty all the course of their

lives; and enforce the observation of them with capital punishments?

For this is the proper power of the magistrate; of which the father

hath not so much as the shadow。 His command over his children is but

temporary; and reaches not their life or property。 It is but a help to

the weakness and imperfection of their nonage; a discipline

necessary to their education。 And though a father may dispose of his

own possessions as he pleases when his children are out of danger of

perishing for want; yet his power extends not to the lives or goods

which either their own industry; or another's bounty; has made theirs;

nor to their liberty neither when they are once arrived to the

enfranchisement of the years of discretion。 The father's empire then

ceases; and he can from thenceforward no more dispose of the liberty

of his son than that of any other man。 And it must be far from an

absolute or perpetual jurisdiction from which a man may withdraw

himself; having licence from Divine authority to 〃leave father and

mother and cleave to his wife。〃

  66。 But though there be a time when a child comes to be as free from

subjection to the will and command of his father as he himself is free

from subjection to the will of anybody else; and they are both under

no other restraint but that which is common to them both; whether it

be the law of Nature or municipal law of their country; yet this

freedom exempts not a son from that honour which he ought; by the

law of God and Nature; to pay his parents; God having made the parents

instruments in His great design of continuing the race of mankind

and the occasions of life to their children。 As He hath laid on them

an obligation to nourish; preserve; and bring up their offspring; so

He has laid on the children a perpetual obligation of honouring

their parents; which; containing in it an inward esteem and

reverence to be shown by all outward expressions; ties up the child

from anything that may ever injure or affront; disturb or endanger the

happiness or life of those from whom he received his; and engages

him in all actions of defence; relief; assistance; and comfort of

those by whose means he entered into being and has been made capable

of any enjoyments of life。 From this obligation no state; no

freedom; can absolve children。 But this is very far from giving

parents a power of command over their children; or an authority to

make laws and dispose as they please of their lives or liberties。 It

is one thing to owe honour; respect; gratitude; and assistance;

another to require an absolute obedience and submission。 The honour

due to parents a monarch on his throne owes his mother; and yet this

lessens not his authority nor subjects him to her government。

  67。 The subjection of a minor places in the father a temporary

government which terminates with the minority of the child; and the

honour due from a child places in the parents a perpetual right to

respect; reverence; support; and compliance; to more or less; as the

father's care; cost; and kindness in his education has been more or

less; and this ends not with minority; but holds in all parts and

conditions of a man's life。 The want of distinguishing these two

powers which the father hath; in the right of tuition; during

minority; and the right of honour all his life; may perhaps have

caused a great part of the mistakes about this matter。 For; to speak

properly of them; the first of these is rather the privilege of

children and duty of parents than any prerogative of paternal power。

The nourishment and education of their children is a charge so

incumbent on parents for their children's good; that nothing can

absolve them from taking care of it。 And though the power of

commanding and chastising them go along with it; yet God hath woven

into the principles of human nature such a tenderness for their

offspring; that there is little fear that parents should use their

power with too much rigour; the excess is seldom on the severe side;

the strong bias of nature drawing the other way。 And therefore God

Almighty; when He would express His gentle dealing with the

Israelites; He tells them that though He chastened them; 〃He chastened

them as a man chastens his son〃 (Deut。 8。 5)… i。e。; with tenderness

and affection; and kept them under no severer discipline than what was

absolutely best for them; and had been less kindness; to have

slackened。 This is that po
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