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concerning civil government-第1章

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                            END OF CIVIL GOVERNMENT

                                 by John Locke

                              Chapter I

                          Of Political Power

  1。 It having been shown in the foregoing discourse:*

  * An Essay Concerning Certain False Principles。

  Firstly。 That Adam had not; either by natural right of fatherhood or

by positive donation from God; any such authority over his children;

nor dominion over the world; as is pretended。

  Secondly。 That if he had; his heirs yet had no right to it。

  Thirdly。 That if his heirs had; there being no law of Nature nor

positive law of God that determines which is the right heir in all

cases that may arise; the right of succession; and consequently of

bearing rule; could not have been certainly determined。

  Fourthly。 That if even that had been determined; yet the knowledge

of which is the eldest line of Adam's posterity being so long since

utterly lost; that in the races of mankind and families of the

world; there remains not to one above another the least pretence to be

the eldest house; and to have the right of inheritance。

  All these promises having; as I think; been clearly made out; it

is impossible that the rulers now on earth should make any benefit; or

derive any the least shadow of authority from that which is held to be

the fountain of all power; 〃Adam's private dominion and paternal

jurisdiction〃; so that he that will not give just occasion to think

that all government in the world is the product only of force and

violence; and that men live together by no other rules but that of

beasts; where the strongest carries it; and so lay a foundation for

perpetual disorder and mischief; tumult; sedition; and rebellion

(things that the followers of that hypothesis so loudly cry out

against); must of necessity find out another rise of government;

another original of political power; and another way of designing

and knowing the persons that have it than what Sir Robert Filmer

hath taught us。

  2。 To this purpose; I think it may not be amiss to set down what I

take to be political power。 That the power of a magistrate over a

subject may be distinguished from that of a father over his

children; a master over his servant; a husband over his wife; and a

lord over his slave。 All which distinct powers happening sometimes

together in the same man; if he be considered under these different

relations; it may help us to distinguish these powers one from

another; and show the difference betwixt a ruler of a commonwealth;

a father of a family; and a captain of a galley。

  3。 Political power; then; I take to be a right of making laws;

with penalties of death; and consequently all less penalties for the

regulating and preserving of property; and of employing the force of

the community in the execution of such laws; and in the defence of the

commonwealth from foreign injury; and all this only for the public


                              Chapter II

                        Of the State of Nature

  4。 To understand political power aright; and derive it from its

original; we must consider what estate all men are naturally in; and

that is; a state of perfect freedom to order their actions; and

dispose of their possessions and persons as they think fit; within the

bounds of the law of Nature; without asking leave or depending upon

the will of any other man。

  A state also of equality; wherein all the power and jurisdiction

is reciprocal; no one having more than another; there being nothing

more evident than that creatures of the same species and rank;

promiscuously born to all the same advantages of Nature; and the use

of the same faculties; should also be equal one amongst another;

without subordination or subjection; unless the lord and master of

them all should; by any manifest declaration of his will; set one

above another; and confer on him; by an evident and clear appointment;

an undoubted right to dominion and sovereignty。

  5。 This equality of men by Nature; the judicious Hooker looks upon

as so evident in itself; and beyond all question; that he makes it the

foundation of that obligation to mutual love amongst men on which he

builds the duties they owe one another; and from whence he derives the

great maxims of justice and charity。 His words are:

  〃The like natural inducement hath brought men to know that it is

no less their duty to love others than themselves; for seeing those

things which are equal; must needs all have one measure; if I cannot

but wish to receive good; even as much at every man's hands; as any

man can wish unto his own soul; how should I look to have any part

of my desire herein satisfied; unless myself be careful to satisfy the

like desire; which is undoubtedly in other men weak; being of one

and the same nature: to have anything offered them repugnant to this

desire must needs; in all respects; grieve them as much as me; so that

if I do harm; I must look to suffer; there being no reason that others

should show greater measure of love to me than they have by me

showed unto them; my desire; therefore; to be loved of my equals in

Nature; as much as possible may be; imposeth upon me a natural duty of

bearing to themward fully the like affection。 From which relation of

equality between ourselves and them that are as ourselves; what

several rules and canons natural reason hath drawn for direction of

life no man is ignorant。〃 (Eccl。 Pol。 i。)*

  * Richard Hooker; The Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity。

  6。 But though this be a state of liberty; yet it is not a state of

licence; though man in that state have an uncontrollable liberty to

dispose of his person or possessions; yet he has not liberty to

destroy himself; or so much as any creature in his possession; but

where some nobler use than its bare preservation calls for it。 The

state of Nature has a law of Nature to govern it; which obliges

every one; and reason; which is that law; teaches all mankind who will

but consult it; that being all equal and independent; no one ought

to harm another in his life; health; liberty or possessions; for men

being all the workmanship of one omnipotent and infinitely wise Maker;

all the servants of one sovereign Master; sent into the world by His

order and about His business; they are His property; whose workmanship

they are made to last during His; not one another's pleasure。 And;

being furnished with like faculties; sharing all in one community of

Nature; there cannot be supposed any such subordination among us

that may authorise us to destroy one another; as if we were made for

one another's uses; as the inferior ranks of creatures are for ours。

Every one as he is bound to preserve himself; and not to quit his

station wilfully; so by the like reason; when his own preservation

comes not in competition; ought he as much as he can to pr
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