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the proposed territory of arizona(亚桑 那的预定疆界)-第15章

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people   of   Arizona   for   protection。   If   these   considerations   fail;   then   they 

offer INTEREST; for the organization of the Territory is the guarantee of a 

supply of silver; which will create as great a revolution in the commercial 

world as has the gold of California。 Arizona will be known as the silver 

State; and the prediction of Humboldt; that the balance between gold and 

silver; destroyed by the California discoveries; would one day be restored; 

will be made good; from the resources of the Gadsden purchase。 

       TO    THE     SENATE       AND      HOUSE       OF    REPRESENTATIVES              IN 


     The undersigned; your humble petitioners; citizens of the United States; 

and residents of the Territory known as the Gadsden Purchase; respectfully 

represent:    孴 hat   since   the   annexation   of   their   Territory   to   the   United 

States;  they   have   been   totally  unprotected   from   Indian   depredations   and 

civil crimes。 

     That the protection of the Mexican Government has been with drawn; 

and that it has not been replaced by any visible protection from the United 


     That the annexation of the Purchase to New Mexico; carried with it no 

protection for life or property。 

     That   the   present   force   of   United   States   troops;   four   companies      of 

dragoons;   reduced   by   desertion   and   death   to   about   one   half;   is   entirely 

inadequate to protect us against the depredations of the Apaches。 

     That many of your petitioners have expended their time and means in 

opening and prospecting rich mines of Copper and Silver; and have been 

driven from them by the Indianslosing their all; and also many valuable 


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     That the Territory is immensely rich in minerals; especially Silver and 

Copper; and; as your petitioners most firmly believe; the development of 

these mines will make a change in the currency of the world; only equalled 

by that caused by the gold mines of California。 

     That a great part of the Territory; between the Rio Grande and Tueson; 

is   susceptible     of   cultivation     and   will   support     a   large   agricultural 


     That this portion of the Territory is in the hands of the Apaches; and 

useless; unless redeemed from their grasp and protected to the farmer。 

     That    the  highways      of  the  Territory    are  stained   with    the  blood    of 

citizens   of   the   United   States;   shed   by   Indians   and   by   public   marauders; 

who commit their crimes in open day; knowing there is no law to restrain 

and no magistrate to arrest them。 

     That this Territory; under a separate organization; would attract a large 

population and become immediately developed: and; that its isolationits 

large    Indian     populationits     proximity     to   a   semi…civilized     Mexican 

province;   and   its   peculiar   and   wonderful   resources;   demand   protection 

from     the  Government       more    emphatically      than   any   other   territory  yet 


     That   our   soil   has   been   stained   with   the   blood   of American   citizens; 

shed by Mexican hands; in an armed invasion of our Territory near Sonoita; 

and that there is no civil magistrate or officer here to even protest against 

such an outrage。 

     That throughout their whole Territory; from the Rio Grande to the Rio 

Colorado; six hundred miles; there is no Court of Record; and no redress 

except that inefficiently administered in a Justice's Court; for civil injuries 

or crimes。 

     That the population of the Territory is much greater than was that of 

Kansas      or   Nebraska     or   Washington       Territory;   at  the   time    of  their 

organization;      and    that  it  is  steadily   increasing;     and   will;  under    the 

influence   of   the   Road   and   Mail   Bills   of   the   last   Congress;   be   greatly 


     That there are no post routes or mail facilities throughout the Territory; 


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and that finally; we are cut off from all the comforts of civilizationand 

that we claim; as a right; that protection which the United States should 

everywhere   extend   to   her   humblest   citizen。   Wherefore   your   petitioners 

humbly   pray   that     the  Gadsden   Purchase       may    be  separated    from   New 

Mexico and erected into a separate Territory under the name of Arizona; 

with such boundaries as may seem proper to your honorable bodies; and 

that such other legislation may be made as shall be best calculated to place 

us on the same footing as our more fortunate brethren of Kansas; Nebraska; 

Minnesota; Oregon and Washington; that we may be enabled to build up a 

prosperous   and   thriving   State;   and   to   nourish   on   this   extreme   frontier   a 

healthy national sentiment。 And we; as in duty bound; will ever pray。 

     'Signed by more than five hundred resident voters。' 


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