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vailima letters-第7章

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R。 L。 S。



MY DEAR COLVIN; … I do not say my Jack is anything 

extraordinary; he is only an island horse; and the profane 

might call him a Punch; and his face is like a donkey's; and 

natives have ridden him; and he has no mouth in consequence; 

and occasionally shies。  But his merits are equally 

surprising; and I don't think I should ever have known Jack's 

merits if I had not been riding up of late on moonless 

nights。 Jack is a bit of a dandy; he loves to misbehave in a 

gallant manner; above all on Apia Street; and when I stop to 

speak to people; they say (Dr。 Stuebel the German consul said 

about three days ago); 'O what a wild horse! it cannot be 

safe to ride him。'  Such a remark is Jack's reward; and 

represents his ideal of fame。  Now when I start out of Apia 

on a dark night; you should see my changed horse; at a fast 

steady walk; with his head down; and sometimes his nose to 

the ground … when he wants to do that; he asks for his head 

with a little eloquent polite movement indescribable … he 

climbs the long ascent and threads the darkest of the wood。  

The first night I came it was starry; and it was singular to 

see the starlight drip down into the crypt of the wood; and 

shine in the open end of the road; as bright as moonlight at 

home; but the crypt itself was proof; blackness lived in it。  

The next night it was raining。  We left the lights of Apia 

and passed into limbo。  Jack finds a way for himself; but he 

does not calculate for my height above the saddle; and I am 

directed forward; all braced up for a crouch and holding my 

switch upright in front of me。  It is curiously interesting。  

In the forest; the dead wood is phosphorescent; some nights 

the whole ground is strewn with it; so that it seems like a 

grating over a pale hell; doubtless this is one of the things 

that feed the night fears of the natives; and I am free to 

confess that in a night of trackless darkness where all else 

is void; these pallid IGNES SUPPOSITI have a fantastic 

appearance; rather bogey even。  One night; when it was very 

dark; a man had put out a little lantern by the wayside to 

show the entrance to his ground。  I saw the light; as I 

thought; far ahead; and supposed it was a pedestrian coming 

to meet me; I was quite taken by surprise when it struck in 

my face and passed behind me。  Jack saw it; and he was 

appalled; do you think he thought of shying?  No; sir; not in 

the dark; in the dark Jack knows he is on duty; and he went 

past that lantern steady and swift; only; as he went; he 

groaned and shuddered。  For about 2500 of Jack's steps we 

only pass one house … that where the lantern was; and about 

1500 of these are in the darkness of the pit。  But now the 

moon is on tap again; and the roads lighted。

I have been exploring up the Vaituliga; see your map。  It 

comes down a wonderful fine glen; at least 200 feet of cliffs 

on either hand; winding like a corkscrew; great forest trees 

filling it。  At the top there ought to be a fine double fall; 

but the stream evades it by a fault and passes underground。  

Above the fall it runs (at this season) full and very gaily 

in a shallow valley; some hundred yards before the head of 

the glen。  Its course is seen full of grasses; like a flooded 

meadow; that is the sink! beyond the grave of the grasses; 

the bed lies dry。  Near this upper part there is a great show 

of ruinous pig…walls; a village must have stood near by。

To walk from our house to Wreck Hill (when the path is buried 

in fallen trees) takes one about half an hour; I think; to 

return; not more than twenty minutes; I daresay fifteen。  

Hence I should guess it was three…quarters of a mile。  I had 

meant to join on my explorations passing eastward by the 

sink; but; Lord! how it rains。


I went out this morning with a pocket compass and walked in a 

varying direction; perhaps on an average S。 by W。; 1754 

paces。  Then I struck into the bush; N。W。 by N。; hoping to 

strike the Vaituliga above the falls。  Now I have it plotted 

out I see I should have gone W。 or even W。 by S。; but it is 

not easy to guess。  For 600 weary paces I struggled through 

the bush; and then came on the stream below the gorge; where 

it was comparatively easy to get down to it。  In the place 

where I struck it; it made cascades about a little isle; and 

was running about N。E。; 20 to 30 feet wide; as deep as to my 

knee; and piercing cold。  I tried to follow it down; and keep 

the run of its direction and my paces; but when I was wading 

to the knees and the waist in mud; poison brush; and rotted 

wood; bound hand and foot in lianas; shovelled 

unceremoniously off the one shore and driven to try my luck 

upon the other … I saw I should have hard enough work to get 

my body down; if my mind rested。  It was a damnable walk; 

certainly not half a mile as the crow flies; but a real 

bucketer for hardship。  Once I had to pass the stream where 

it flowed between banks about three feet high。  To get the 

easier down; I swung myself by a wild…cocoanut … (so called; 

it bears bunches of scarlet nutlets) … which grew upon the 

brink。  As I so swung; I received a crack on the head that 

knocked me all abroad。  Impossible to guess what tree had 

taken a shy at me。  So many towered above; one over the 

other; and the missile; whatever it was; dropped in the 

stream and was gone before I had recovered my wits。  (I 

scarce know what I write; so hideous a Niagara of rain roars; 

shouts; and demonizes on the iron roof … it is pitch dark too 

… the lamp lit at 5!)  It was a blessed thing when I struck 

my own road; and I got home; neat for lunch time; one of the 

most wonderful mud statues ever witnessed。  In the afternoon 

I tried again; going up the other path by the garden; but was 

early drowned out; came home; plotted out what I had done; 

and then wrote this truck to you。

Fanny has been quite ill with ear…ache。  She won't go; hating 

the sea at this wild season; I don't like to leave her; so it 

drones on; steamer after steamer; and I guess it'll end by no 

one going at all。  She is in a dreadful misfortune at this 

hour; a case of kerosene having burst in the kitchen。  A 

little while ago it was the carpenter's horse that trod in a 

nest of fourteen eggs; and made an omelette of our hopes。  

The farmer's lot is not a happy one。  And it looks like some 

real uncompromising bad weather too。  I wish Fanny's ear were 

well。  Think of parties in Monuments! think of me in 

Skerryvore; and now of this。  It don't look like a part of 

the same universe to me。  Work is quite laid aside; I have 

worked myself right out。


Yesterday; who could write?  My wife near crazy with ear…

ache; the rain descending in white crystal rods and playing 

hell's tattoo; like a TUTTI of 
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