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vailima letters-第66章

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a free gift。  They went on to explain that it was only to be 

on my road; on the branch that joins my house with the public 


Now I was very much gratified at this compliment; although 

(to one used to natives) it seemed rather a hollow one。  It 

meant only that I should have to lay out a good deal of money 

on tools and food and to give wages under the guise of 

presents to some workmen who were most of them old and in 

ill…health。  Conceive how much I was surprised and touched 

when I heard the whole scheme explained to me。  They were to 

return to their provinces; and collect their families; some 

of the young men were to live in Apia with a boat; and ply up 

and down the coast to A'ana and A'tua (our own Tuamasaga 

being quite drained of resources) in order to supply the 

working squad with food。  Tools they did ask for; but it was 

especially mentioned that I was to make no presents。  In 

short; the whole of this little 'presentation' to me had been 

planned with a good deal more consideration than goes usually 

with a native campaign。

(I sat on the opposite side of the circle to the talking man。  

His face was quite calm and high…bred as he went through the 

usual Samoan expressions of politeness and compliment; but 

when he came on to the object of their visit; on their love 

and gratitude to Tusitala; how his name was always in their 

prayers; and his goodness to them when they had no other 

friend; was their most cherished memory; he warmed up to 

real; burning; genuine feeling。  I had never seen the Samoan 

mask of reserve laid aside before; and it touched me more 

than anything else。  A。M。)

This morning as ever was; bright and early up came the whole 

gang of them; a lot of sturdy; common…looking lads they 

seemed to be for the most part; and fell to on my new road。  

Old Poe was in the highest of good spirits; and looked better 

in health than he has done any time in two years; being 

positively rejuvenated by the success of his scheme。  He 

jested as he served out the new tools; and I am sorry to say 

damned the Government up hill and down dale; probably with a 

view to show off his position as a friend of the family 

before his work…boys。  Now; whether or not their impulse will 

last them through the road does not matter to me one hair。  

It is the fact that they have attempted it; that they have 

volunteered and are now really trying to execute a thing that 

was never before heard of in Samoa。  Think of it!  It is 

road…making … the most fruitful cause (after taxes) of all 

rebellions in Samoa; a thing to which they could not be wiled 

with money nor driven by punishment。  It does give me a sense 

of having done something in Samoa after all。

Now there's one long story for you about 'my blacks。' … Yours 





OCT。 6TH; 1894。

MY DEAR COLVIN; … We have had quite an interesting month and 

mostly in consideration of that road which I think I told you 

was about to be made。  It was made without a hitch; though I 

confess I was considerably surprised。  When they got through; 

I wrote a speech to them; sent it down to a Missionary to be 

translated; and invited the lot to a feast。  I thought a good 

deal of this feast。  The occasion was really interesting。  I 

wanted to pitch it in hot。  And I wished to have as many 

influential witnesses present as possible。  Well; as it drew 

towards the day I had nothing but refusals。  Everybody 

supposed it was to be a political occasion; that I had made a 

hive of rebels up here; and was going to push for new 


The Amanuensis has been ill; and after the above trial 

petered out。  I must return to my own; lone Waverley。  The 

captain refused; telling me why; and at last I had to beat up 

for people almost with prayers。  However; I got a good lot; 

as you will see by the accompanying newspaper report。  The 

road contained this inscription; drawn up by the chiefs 



'Considering the great love of Tusitala in his loving care of 

us in our distress in the prison; we have therefore prepared 

a splendid gift。  It shall never be muddy; it shall endure 

for ever; this road that we have dug。'  This the newspaper 

reporter could not give; not knowing any Samoan。  The same 

reason explains his references to Seumanutafa's speech; which 

was not long and WAS important; for it was a speech of 

courtesy and forgiveness to his former enemies。  It was very 

much applauded。  Secondly; it was not Poe; it was Mataafa 

(don't confuse with Mataafa) who spoke for the prisoners。  

Otherwise it is extremely correct。

I beg your pardon for so much upon my aboriginals。  Even you 

must sympathise with me in this unheard…of compliment; and my 

having been able to deliver so severe a sermon with 

acceptance。  It remains a nice point of conscience what I 

should wish done in the matter。  I think this meeting; its 

immediate results; and the terms of what I said to them; 

desirable to be known。  It will do a little justice to me; 

who have not had too much justice done me。  At the same time; 

to send this report to the papers is truly an act of self…

advertisement; and I dislike the thought。  Query; in a man 

who has been so much calumniated; is that not justifiable?  I 

do not know; be my judge。  Mankind is too complicated for me; 

even myself。  Do I wish to advertise?  I think I do; God help 

me!  I have had hard times here; as every man must have who 

mixes up with public business; and I bemoan myself; knowing 

that all I have done has been in the interest of peace and 

good government; and having once delivered my mind; I would 

like it; I think; to be made public。  But the other part of 


I know I am at a climacteric for all men who live by their 

wits; so I do not despair。  But the truth is I am pretty 

nearly useless at literature; and I will ask you to spare ST。 

IVES when it goes to you; it is a sort of COUNT ROBERT OF 

PARIS。  But I hope rather a DOMBEY AND SON; to be succeeded 


CITIES。  No toil has been spared over the ungrateful canvas; 

and it WILL NOT come together; and I must live; and my 

family。  Were it not for my health; which made it impossible; 

I could not find it in my heart to forgive myself that I did 

not stick to an honest; common…place trade when I was young; 

which might have now supported me during these ill years。  

But do not suppose me to be down in anything else; only; for 

the nonce; my skill deserts me; such as it is; or was。  It 

was a very little dose of inspiration; and a pretty little 

trick of style; long lost; improved by the most heroic 

industry。  So far; I have managed to please the journalists。  

But I am a fictitious article and have long known it。  I a
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